Wednesday 15 February 2023

What is Hybrid Mail

What Is Hybrid Mail And The Top 5 Reasons For Using It For Your Business?

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “hybrid”? For most of us, the first thought circles around efficiency and low pollution. You are probably familiar with the terms automobiles and powerplants. Most people find it surprising that there is a hybrid system in mailing too. 

australia direct mail types

Unfortunately, many businesses need to learn about what is hybrid mail or why it is crucial for their business. It is an ideal approach for a business organisation to quickly and efficiently print their business correspondence and mail them.

But that’s just a short answer to the question, “what is hybrid mail?” If you want a more detailed answer to that question and truly understand how the hybrid solution is ideal for your business, you should keep reading.

What Is Hybrid Mail?

The hybrid mail process uses a combination of electronic and physical postal delivery to mail marketing or communications materials. An advanced hybrid system mailing includes several printers located at different locations.

Typically, you can transfer printable data to one of the hybrid mail service printers closest to the final delivery location. The service provider prints the digital data you provide and mails it directly to your target audience.

You can send everything from direct mail marketing materials to essential business documents using a hybrid mail solution like PostGrid. It means you can streamline your business’s marketing and communications efforts using PostGrid.

Utilising a hybrid mail service for your business can have many benefits. Some advantages of using an automated direct mail tool like PostGrid for your business include the following.

  • Minimise hardware costs
  • Minimise postage costs
  • Boost accuracy and productivity
  • Adopt a green (paperless) approach
  • Boost customer satisfaction
  • Enhance brand visibility and reach
direct mail operations

What Are The Top 5 Reasons For Using Hybrid Mail For Your Business?

There are numerous reasons a business organisation might want to use hybrid mailing for its marketing and communication needs. Some of the more compelling reasons to use a hybrid approach for your mailing needs are as follows.

#1 More Money For You

Using a hybrid mailing service for your business may be expensive, but that’s not the case. Yes, employing a hybrid tool does mean an extra expense for your business organisation. But it also means you can save funds on other aspects, such as paper, postage, and printing costs.

Besides that, you can also avoid other expenses associated with bulk mailing, such as warehousing, setting up office printers, Etc. That’s not all. With advanced hybrid mail services like PostGrid, you also get the ability to pre-sort your mail. Doing so can help you get additional discounts from postal service providers, including Australia Post.

Moreover, an automated direct mail solution like PostGrid ensures no manual error when applying the address to the mailers. You can even maximise the deliverability of your mailers by using PostGrid’s address verification tool. Using a hybrid mail service with address verification is the ultimate combination to succeed in direct mail marketing.

#2 Make A Green Impact

Another significant reason to use hybrid mail for your business marketing and communication is that it makes a greener impact. It helps you ensure an eco-friendly form of communication even though you are using printed papers. Using an advanced direct mail solution like PostGrid enables you to reduce your company’s carbon footprint.

One of the ways hybrid mail solutions like PostGrid accomplishes this is by significantly reducing transportation. We have dedicated printers all over Australia and the rest of the world. Using local printers for business mailers minimises the need for transporting your bulk mail. It reduces the overall distance of travel made for delivering the mail, minimising the level of CO2 emission. 

The automated process also reduces the number of returned mail, which means minimal wastage. Besides, direct mail automation tools like PostGrid use FSC-certified and PCW (Post Consumer Waste) paper for all your marketing and communication needs. Doing so further reduces the carbon footprint of our hybrid mail service.

#3 Make More Time For Yourself

You cannot buy time for your business, and postal mail requires a significant amount of time. Using automation and hybrid mail solutions saves time for your business organisation. Earlier, it would take hours or even days just to put all your business letters inside an envelope. Today, an advanced tool like PostGrid can personalise letters in bulk and print and mail them with lightning speed.

Since the entire hybrid mailing process is automated, there is no glitch or pauses in the middle. Tools like PostGrid ensure a streamlined process that significantly minimises the time necessary to print and mail your business letters. Moreover, accurate and standardised addressing of your business letters also speeds up their processing leading to faster deliveries. 

#4 Avoid Monotonous And Unfulfilling Jobs

An automated hybrid mail solution can help you free up your manual processes and all the monotonous tasks that come with it. You don’t need to waste your employees’ valuable time with mediocre tasks like putting the mailer inside the envelope and addressing it. An automated solution like PostGrid can easily do it without errors.

A manual and monotonous task can lead to many errors. For instance, someone might put two mailers inside a single envelope. You could send an empty envelope to one of the audience, and the mailer goes to waste. Similarly, manually addressing the mailers is also prone to error. A hybrid mail service eliminates all such problems.

Even missing a single character in the postal code affects its deliverability. With hybrid mail solutions like PostGrid, you can ensure that the data printed on your business mailers are free from manual error. You can connect PostGrid’s direct mail API to your CRM solution and print the customer information directly. 

#5 Deliver Your Message The Way You Intend It

Another compelling reason for using a hybrid mail service for your business is its ability to convey your message accurately. Mailing your business letters using a hybrid-type system gives you much more control over your branding and messaging option. Advanced automated direct mail systems like PostGrid enable you to use standard templates and personalise them.

More importantly, tools like PostGrid enable you to manage everything centrally. It includes everything from your letter templates to your past mailings. Different hybrid mailing solutions may handle your printing and mailing operations differently. For instance, PostGrid uses a simple and easy-to-use dashboard from where you can control all aspects of your business mailing operations.

You can even track your business mailers using hybrid mailing solutions and keep a check on them every step of the way. As a result, businesses can maintain an accurate database and eliminate inaccurate data. Minimising the number of undeliverable mailers also saves you valuable time and resources. Besides, it ensures the timely and appropriate delivery of your business message. 

How Does Hybrid Mail Work?

The hybrid mailing solutions typically work the same way in most cases. Sometimes, you may come across tools that operate differently from others. The interactive design may change drastically with the means you use. But the process behind the curtains remains the same for all hybrid solutions for mailing.

Prepare A Template

The first thing you need to do before using a hybrid mail tool for your business communication is to prepare a template. Several advanced solutions like PostGrid give you access to a free template gallery and editor. You can quickly create a template and send your business mailers in such cases. Doing so can save you valuable time and resources.

But you can still create a template for your business letter even if your hybrid mail solution doesn’t offer a template gallery. You can use any of your favourite programs, including Microsoft Word, to design templates and convert them into PDF format. An even better idea is to use a designer to create a template that stays true to your brand logo and colours.

Upload The Template/Document

Now that you have the template for your business letter, all you need to do is to upload it. Typically there are two ways you can upload your document/template to your hybrid mail tool. One is through a web interface, and the other is through an app or API solution. Advanced hybrid tools for mailing, including PostGrid, offer a web interface and an API solution for sending your mail.

Using its web interface, you can quickly sign up for PostGrid’s automated direct mail solution. The advantage of using the web interface is that there is virtually no lengthy or complex process for setting up the system. You can immediately start sending your business mailers using the web interface. If you want to access hybrid mail solutions via the API, you may need some initial setup.

Although the initial setup is time-consuming, the hybrid mail API setup can benefit your business immensely in the long run. For instance, you can seamlessly manage your mailing operations from the backend. It gives you greater flexibility. You can even connect the tool to your CRM solution for quick and accurate personalisation of your business mailers.

Choose The Recipient Address And The Mailing Service

Once you upload or choose the ideal template for your business correspondence, you can select the recipients for them. In most cases, business correspondence involves sending bulk mail. Before choosing a hybrid mail tool for your business, ensure it supports bulk mailing capability. Without a bulk mail capability, you would have to send your letters individually, which is highly time-consuming.

Sending bulk mail for your business is significantly easy using hybrid mail solutions like PostGrid. You can put customer data to a CSV file from your CRM solution and use it for sending your business mailers. PostGrid’s direct mail solution lets you upload a CSV file and bulk mail your business letters with the click of a button.

Besides that, you must also choose a mailing service for your mailer. You can use a standard mailing service for your marketing mailers. But, consider using Registered Post for sending your crucial or time-sensitive business documents. With hybrid mailing tools like PostGrid, you can choose the appropriate mailing service for your business letters from the dashboard.

Printing And Mailing

Once you finalise the design for the letter and choose the relevant recipients, you can make the necessary payment. After completing the price for the hybrid mail tool, start to print your business letters, pre-sort them, and mail them via a postal service provider.

PostGrid uses high-quality printers and FSC-certified papers for printing your business mailers. More importantly, it lets your business access special discounts for bulk mailing by pre-sorting your letters. There is no scope for manual errors or high return rates. The entire mailing process is a hybrid mailing, thanks to automation.

#5 Tracking

Suppose you choose a trackable mailing service for sending your business correspondence by the mailer. In that case, you can quickly track it via your hybrid mail tool. For instance, the tracking option is fast accessible from the dashboard in advanced solutions like PostGrid. You can find a similar capability in most hybrid solutions, but the interface or how you access the feature can change.

Need help understanding what is hybrid mail and how you can implement it for your business using PostGrid? Schedule a free demo to see our advanced solution in action!

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The post What is Hybrid Mail appeared first on PostGrid.


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