Friday 24 February 2023

Ecommerce Address Validation

Top 8 Reasons You Must Employ E-Commerce Address Validation Today

Long before the trend of online stores or eCommerce existed, people invented different ways to shop from the comfort of their houses. The most common way to invite customers to place orders remotely was through the newspaper.

Back then, even comic books had several ads on a few pages for mail orders. Everything was simple, and there was no need for eCommerce address validation solutions!

address lookup services

Regardless of how much such techniques have changed, mail-order shopping always requires an accurate mailing address. From newspapers to eCommerce platforms, it is a must for businesses to know the correct address to shop the customer orders. And the best way to accomplish this goal is using an eCommerce address validation API!

Now, it seems so obvious. Right?

Humans are bound to make mistakes. The process of placing a mail order was challenging back then. And it was the hardest when businesses opted out of manual processes to get the customer errors corrected. Nevertheless, today, companies use modern tools to validate customer addresses on eCommerce websites and ensure accuracy.

This guide will discuss everything you are looking for related to eCommerce address validation and the troubles a business can face without the right tool.

Keep reading for more!

What is Address Validation for E-Commerce?

E-commerce address validation is a process that involves checking addresses for various inaccuracies and resolving related errors. PostGrid allows you to find any inaccuracies in your existing address lists. If an incorrect address is detected, our Rest API helps you fix it in just a few clicks. You can check customer data in real-time  as it is entered into your database using real-time tools.

Our team believes that eCommerce address validation involves several steps, like cleansing, parsing, matching, and reformatting the data. This process involves cross-confirming addresses against reference postcodes in the database or searching for datasets that need to be corrected or completed.

direct mail operations

The Four Crucial Elements of Address Validation for E-Commerce

Several elements are involved in eCommerce address validation, depending on which source you use—cleansing, supplementation, validation, and standardisation.

  • Cleansing involves fixing information, such as typos in a street or city name, swapped letters, misspellings, etc. You can also refer to it as fuzzy matching, which helps businesses avoid manual errors. It allows you to use eCommerce address validation to replace delivery information having errors to verified and updated mailing lists.
  • In address supplementation, you add postcodes when it is missing from the address. The eCommerce address validation API also helps add other information, like DPV codes, internal units, geographical coordinates, etc. These details helo eCommerce companies fulfil orders speedily. They also use this data for marketing and operational purposes!
  • Standardisation helps you reformat addresses according to Australia Post’s guidelines. This process allows you to speed up deliveries via the Post Office locally and nationally. Since the postal equipment reads the delivery addresses according to the prescribed format, it is essential to follow the rules. Otherwise, the Australia Post employees separate your items and hand-sort them, wasting time and effort.
  • Effective eCommerce address validation solutions can confirm whether your addresses are valid and accurate. If not, PostGrid’s API or software can make the necessary corrections on the spot.

8 Reasons to Employ E-Commerce Address Validation Solutions

It can be daunting and time-consuming to call every customer and confirm their address, making eCommerce address validation essential.

If you are still not convinced, below are the primary reasons for using these solutions that can change your mind:

#1 It Improves Your Checkout Process

How often do we forget about our shopping carts on a website because the checkout was lengthy? We all are guilty of abandoning our carts after spending hours adding our favourite products because we think about returning later! The role of the eCommerce address validation API on your website involves assisting customers in completing their transactions and avoiding cart abandonments.

PostGrid’s eCommerce address validation solutions allow your customers to type their accurate mailing data with the least effort. They can start typing in the address field, and our API takes over and auto-fills the remaining details.

#2 Ensure Deliverability

Australia Post delivered 2.7 billion envelopes and packages across 12.6 million delivery points last year! Do you know what this means?

The Post Office has a lot of work and tries its best to deliver your items accurately. But it helps when you cross-check your addresses using PostGrid’s eCommerce address validation service. It allows the postal workers to function more smoothly and drop off your packages in the specified time.

#3 Enhance Data Quality

Your database quality decides whether your business succeeds or takes a hit! It empowers all departments across a company to bring their pre-defined strategies to life.

An eCommerce address validation solution lets you enrich your data by adding missing details, filtering outdated information, segregating, and removing duplicates.

You can determine your achievable results better and plan according to them if you use eCommerce address validation to manage your databases.

#4 Nurture Company-Customer Relationships

Providing your customers with an impeccable shopping experience on your website allows you to improve their satisfaction levels. Most customers seek a brand having well-designed websites with excellent UX to shop regularly. And eCommerce address validation can help your company take that spot!

You can use the collected data for other reasons, like

  • To send coupons to customers
  • Plan a personalised campaign to thank them
  • Open new stores or make similar administrative decisions, etc.

#5 Save Money With Accurate Shipping

You can expect to get mail returns if your company sends packages with incorrect addresses because you do not use an eCommerce address validation API. The Post Office may hold the items for some days for the recipients to collect. But it is hard to find the intended recipients in the first place with inaccurate details. So they send the packages or envelopes back.

Using eCommerce address validation to block incorrect addresses at the source and replace them with valid information helps avoid this scenario. With PostGrid, you never have to repack a package or spend extra on postage again!

#6 Boost Internal Productivity

Your company can coordinate the internal activities and logistics using eCommerce address validation to collect customer data. It helps save your staff’s time and motivates them to focus on other areas.

This automated solution helps format the addresses correctly using the Australia Post-prescribed specifications. It allows your teams to access high-quality databases to make crucial decisions and fulfil their responsibilities.

#7 Generate More Revenue

Inducing more sales and boosting incoming cashflows are primary advantages of using an eCommerce address validation service. You can improve your website conversions by integrating our API into your web pages, increasing your revenue directly.

Businesses can reduce unnecessary expenses, avoid reshipping, and prevent lost packages—which equals more revenue!

#8 Incite Brand Credibility and Trustworthiness

You can gain your audience’s trust when you:

  • Complete orders within the specified delivery standards.
  • Become proactive about customer queries.
  • Ship packages to the correct destinations.
  • Help customers finish transactions on your website speedily.

PostGrid’s eCommerce address validation API is the all-in-one solution to help you accomplish these goals and boost credibility!

More On PostGrid’s E-Commerce Address Validation Services

Our address verification solutions consist of various state-of-the-art, high-tech features to help you improve your shipping processes. 

  • Native integration: PostGrid’s eCommerce address validation API offers effective Zapier integration to help you connect with 1600+ apps without coding. Our standalone software platform also enables you to verify addresses effortlessly in microseconds. 
  • Bulk eCommerce address validation: Our batch verification capabilities allow you to check 200k addresses in one go! You can cleanse, parse, standardise, and verify delivery addresses according to postal guidelines, improving deliverability ratios. 
  • AMAS-certified: AMAS stands for Address Matching Approval System! Australia Post uses it to rate address verification vendors according to their capability to cleanse delivery data. PostGrid is AMAS-certified, ensuring you can deliver your packages via the Post Office.
  • Geocoding: Our eCommerce address validation solutions can help you get latitudes and longitudes for any destination you want. Our reports also include the accuracy scores and how we zeroed down the geocodes. They enable you to use the data for data management, advertising, and administrative reasons. 
  • Data privacy: PostGrid complies with the Privacy Act 1988, ISAE 3402, ISO 9001, ISO 27001, PCI DSS Level 1, and SOC 2 – IRAP (Australia). You can process your mailing lists using our eCommerce address validation API without worrying about data breaches and other similar issues. 
  • RESTful API: Our RESTful API and software are in-built to process millions of API requests simultaneously. You may also test your company’s API calls painlessly with our test and live keys. 


If your business relies on shipping data to process orders, a validated eCommerce address solution can be a game changer. It allows them to access authoritative databases—a pool of the most recent customer addresses. You can benefit from this information to ship your packages to the correct recipients and maintain highly-valuable databases. 

PostGrid’s postal address verification is easy to set up and use, letting all companies employ it without disrupting their regular workflows. It adds to your business processes to cut costs and increase profits. 

Request a demo to see how our eCommerce address validation API can facilitate your shipping tasks and improve efficiency!

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The post Ecommerce Address Validation appeared first on PostGrid.


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