Friday 6 January 2023

Cross-Sell Campaign Postcard

Top 5 Tips to Add Value to Your Cross-Selling Campaign

Acquiring new customers can cost a business five to 25 times more than retaining the existing ones, depending on their industry! It makes sense to channelise your effort toward cross-sell and upsell campaigns, allowing you to drive more revenue.

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These campaigns help a business explore more opportunities using the same customer base! The process is less expensive and more profitable than an acquisition marketing program.

But businesses must launch a personalised cross-selling campaign that matches the customers’ budgets, needs, and preferences!

This blog covers the best examples and tips to help you improve your campaigns and get the most out of them. Let us get started!

What Is an Upselling and Cross-Selling Campaign?

Many people use the terms upsell and cross-sell interchangeably. But there is a broad difference between these concepts you should know about to craft your customer retention campaign. 

The only similarity between cross-sell and upsell campaigns is that they make the customer spend more on your products or services. They also help you keep them with your brand for a long time! 

Cross-selling refers to selling customers more products than they initially added to their carts. For example, whenever you buy something on Amazon, it shows you a list of related products you might also want to purchase! 

A cross-selling campaign shows these product recommendations to people to help them accessorise their first purchase. 

However, businesses must display additional products only after understanding customers’ needs and tastes. Avoid throwing in a bunch of suggestions for the sake of it because such a thoughtless cross-selling campaign can create a negative impression.

Marketers must educate themselves about their brand’s buyer persona to launch successful cross-sell and upsell campaigns—to generate a positive ROI! An upselling campaign works differently than cross-selling because you do not ask customers to buy other items. Instead, you offer them recommendations to switch to a higher-quality product or service. 

For instance, imagine your customer wants to order a product worth $50. You can convince them to buy another item for $100 instead because it has additional features. 

It is not simple to make people spend more on the same product, so highlight the benefits and convince customers that it is the better choice!

Your cross-sell and upsell campaigns must depict that you care about your customers’ requirements. They should also demonstrate how your brand is at the forefront of offering personalised experiences to customers.

direct mail operations

What Are the Applications of an Upselling and Cross-selling Campaign?

Below, we have mentioned some applications or examples of cross-sell and upsell campaigns to help you understand where to begin:

  • Imagine your customer wants to buy tents for an upcoming trek. They have already selected the colour, type, quality, etc., and made an informed choice! It gives you an excellent opportunity to sell them more items for their trek, like sleeping bags, water bottles, trekking shoes, an electric stove, etc. This cross-selling campaign is based on the fact that your customer needs camping extras and are likely to buy these products from somewhere else. By offering these recommendations, you help them explore their options and purchase everything they need simultaneously from a single place! It helps increase customer satisfaction and allows you to drive additional sales. 
  • Another application of a cross-selling campaign is when you offer customers add-ons for the same product instead of related products. Do you remember how we order a pizza and get suggestions to add extra toppings or select a cheese burst base? These are classic examples of a cross-selling campaign that allows people to choose items to make their original purchase better!
  • An upselling program may or may not generate as much profit as a cross-selling campaign can! It only advises customers to purchase a higher-priced product, which means you can only increase your ROI by a small percentage. Yet, you can earn enough if you do it right! For example, imagine your customers want to avail of career counselling services that comprise several aptitude tests and their results. You can pitch another plan (that costs more) that also offers free 1:1 sessions with experts. 
  • A retail company can use cross-sell and upsell campaigns to help customers pick higher-priced items at their stores by showcasing them as the better option. They can instruct their staff members to discuss the benefits of the more valuable products and persuade people to purchase them instead. 

Every industry, including healthcare, insurance, eCommerce, etc., can benefit from cross-sell and upsell campaigns if they do it right! Of course, the audience and the marketing methods can differ from sector to sector—but the primary objective is to increase sales.

The best way to launch a cross-selling campaign, irrespective of the industry, is to use direct mail. You can send letters, postcards, etc., to get in touch with your audience and retain them with additional product or service suggestions. 

Using PostGrid’s direct mail API, you may draft eye-catching and appealing promotional materials that make you stand out from the crowd!

Why Use Cross-Sell Campaign Postcard for Your Campaigns?

Many businesses ask which channel they must use for their customer retention campaigns. They have many options, like email, social media, PPC, etc. But only direct mail can guarantee the desired results because it is the most effective and personal marketing platform for all companies!

Here are the top three qualities of direct mail cross-sell and upsell campaigns to consider:

  • Action-Based: Your cross-sell and upsell campaigns must be based on your customer’s actions or buying behaviour. Understand their preferences and only offer the relevant product suggestions they can appreciate. PostGrid’s direct mail platform allows you to launch triggered campaigns according to specific events you can set in advance. They help you target the right customers at the right time to make your marketing plans successful. 
  • Memorable and appealing: Curate your cross-selling campaign in a way that can capture your audience’s attention in no time. Unlike other channels, direct mail creates nostalgia and makes people remember your brand for a long time. 
  • Result-driving: Direct mail postcards help customers get a break from the digital clutter. They can save these mailers and stick them to their refrigerators or pin them on a board. Either way, using direct mailers for your cross-sell and upsell campaigns can ensure you get the maximum responses compared to online channels. 

Top 5 Tips to Help You Improve Your Cross-Selling Campaign

Now that you know what are cross-sell and upsell campaigns, we have enlisted some tips and tricks to help you plan and execute them properly:

Experiment With Different Postcard Sizes and Layouts

You do not need to stick with the typical 4” x 6” postcards with the landscape orientation. There are plenty of postcard sizes, layouts, colours, etc., to experiment with and see what works best for you!

Your cross-sell and upsell campaigns must be unique! They should make customers feel special while letting you increase your revenue. It must be a win-win for both!

Thus, use different postcard types for every cross-selling campaign and test your results. Employ A/B testing and continue with the combinations that drive the most results. 

PostGrid’s direct mail API helps you use many sizes, backgrounds, fonts, etc., to add a special touch to every marketing program. It enables you to beat your competition and establish yourself as a creative and interactive brand. 

Use QR Codes and PURLs

Print custom QR codes and personalised URLs to redirect your customers wherever you want. You can take them to their abandoned carts and push them to complete the transaction. Or you can help them visit your products page, where they can see items related to their last purchase.

This cross-selling campaign allows customers to buy more products without taking additional effort. You already have their details—and they do not need to fill out everything again. It encourages them to add things to their cart and complete checkout quickly. 

Craft Short and Personalised Headlines

The headlines you use for your cross-sell and upsell campaigns must summarise your message. Use powerful words like ‘you,’ ‘free,’ ‘discount,’ etc., to make personal connections and ignite the reader’s interest. 

Here are some examples:

  • Are you tired of seeing expensive travel packages all over the internet? 
  • We need to discuss the 10% discount offer waiting for you!
  • Get fast shipping of __________ for your Christmas plans!

Such cross-selling campaign headlines help you remind your customers of your brand and give them a reason to buy from you again!

Add Your Contact Information

Though postcards are not spacious, remember to add your contact details. You can also print small maps that pinpoint your store’s location and guide customers on how to reach you. 

Your cross-selling campaign must also include your social media accounts, allowing you to drive online traffic and increase your followers!

Include Relevant CTAs and Offers

Add upfront CTAs and compelling offers to make customers take instant action. You may also make them time-sensitive by adding deadlines, helping you get more responses in a specified time frame!

Here are some examples for your cross-sell and upsell campaigns:

  • Visit the link below to get 20% cashback on your next purchase. 
  • Scan the QR code to return to your shopping cart and avail yourself of a 5% discount. 
  • Explore related products on the link below and get a buy one get one free offer.

How Can PostGrid’s Direct Mail Solutions Help Companies Conduct Successful Cross-Sell and Upsell Campaigns?

PostGrid’s direct mail API and automation software assist all businesses in drafting, printing and shipping their marketing items.

Our solutions help them streamline and automate their direct mailing tasks to save time, money, and effort. They can launch an effective and affordable cross-selling campaign that helps them improve customer-company relationships and expand their business. 

Here is a case study of how we helped one of our clients launch a successful cross-selling campaign to retain their customers:

The challenge: Our client wanted to target 5,000 existing customers and convince them to purchase at least one more product from their retail website. The problem was they did not have enough time to call every customer and explain the offer, nor did they want to send out emails and hope to get results. 

It was also hard to send 5,000 direct mail items for their cross-selling campaign in-house, which is why they contacted PostGrid!

The goal was to conduct a bulk mailing campaign affordably and get at least a 10% ROI!

The process: PostGrid offered the client several advanced features for their print and mail campaign, like

The client could execute the entire cross-selling campaign in less than a week and a half, from designing their mailers to distribution. 

The result: More than 1,400 people scanned the custom QR codes on the postcards that redirected them to the client’s website. Nearly 1,000 people bought something, helping the client exceed their expectations of getting a 10% ROI. 

Request a demo now to see how PostGrid can help your company launch an effective cross-selling campaign quickly and effortlessly!

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The post Cross-Sell Campaign Postcard appeared first on PostGrid.


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