Thursday 6 October 2022

Direct Mail for Retail and eCommerce

How Does Direct Mail for E-Commerce and Retail Benefit Your Business?

Do you want a two-in-one solution to communicate with your customers and promote your business? If yes, nothing can beat direct mail for eCommerce and retail because it allows you to reach your audience personally! 

direct mail for ecommerce and retail

Let us hear it from Australia Post:

  • 81% of Australians read their mail items immediately
  • 65% of Australians read every mailpiece they get
  • 74% of Australians pay full attention to the mail they receive

Hence, it isn’t surprising why companies would use eCommerce direct mail to promote their online business! 

But is it profitable? 

Also, how to ensure that your direct mail marketing programs help you reach more people? 

This blog reveals the answer to your whys and hows with several tips and tricks you can employ! Let us get started!

Can You Use Direct Mail for E-Commerce and Retail Industries?

Some companies may believe direct mail is not the way to go because it is sluggish and expensive. Though that was true around two decades ago, we have come a long way!

Today, direct mail for eCommerce and other sectors can generate a response rate of 9% without you putting in any manual effort. Also, 33% of Australians think direct mail senders are trustworthy brands.

Another study reveals that 76% of customers rely on direct mail to make buying decisions over online marketing channels. 

Instead of sending a message to a person’s screen that they may not read, direct mail for eCommerce lets you connect with people directly. Thus, you no longer need to wait for customers to see your ad. Now, you can land straight at their homes on their coffee tables, where you can catch their eye effortlessly!

However, try employing online direct mail solutions like PostGrid to reduce the workload and get more ROI! It enhances your eCommerce direct mail campaigns and lets you reap its benefits for months. 

What Are the Primary Benefits of Using Direct Mail for E-Commerce and Retail?

Direct mail is flexible—meaning you can use it for fulfilling several objectives collectively and separately! For instance, you can promote your season sale simultaneously as you gain more visibility. Or you can dedicate your campaign to a new product launch exclusively. 

We will discuss these use cases in detail later on; let us focus on the benefits of eCommerce direct mail in this section: 

Direct Mail for E-Commerce Helps You Escape the Digital Clutter

Don’t want to be one of the hundred thousand emails and social media ads? 

No problem!

Direct mail helps you set yourself apart from the competition by sending personalised mailers to the prospect’s doorsteps. 

As more businesses focus entirely on digital marketing strategies, you can take a different route. You can establish genuine customer relationships that you may carry for several years using direct mail for retailers and eCommerce businesses! 

Build Trust and Authenticity

9.2 million Australians shopped online and spent a whopping $62.3 million in 2021! There is no doubt that the eCommerce business in Australia is thriving.

 But how do customers divide which brands are authentic?

They rely on various sources, like the internet, mouth publicity, and yes, you guessed correct—direct mail! Using eCommerce direct mail helps you establish your brand as existing beyond the abstract, digital landscape. Thus, your prospects are more likely to trust your business and give it a go. 

Also, you can include real-life examples and reviews in your direct mail for eCommerce items to build trust. Some businesses add video links to depict their work and how they impact customers’ lives. These are a few of the multiple ideas you can use to improve your eCommerce direct mail campaigns!

Direct Mail for Retailers Help You Re-Engage and Re-Target Customers

The best thing about direct mailing is it is helpful to retain existing customers. It is easier than finding new customers and gets you more business! Again, sending tailored direct mail items to your customer mailing lists allows you to re-engage them. 

For instance, imagine 40% of your customers only bought from your business once. Re-targeting them would mean reaching out to them personally and persuading them to purchase from you again! And direct mail for eCommerce helps you do just that!

Capture New Markets

You can tap into newer markets and expand your customer base using direct mail marketing for retail and eCommerce

For example, if you only target women because you own a women’s watches online brand, direct mail lets you target other genders. You can send a personalised eCommerce direct mail postcard to men prospects before Valentine’s Day, Christmas, and Women’s Day. It can encourage them to gift something to their loved ones. Isn’t that an impressive way to skyrocket sales around the holidays?

Similarly, you can penetrate new locations and demographics to expand your market and increase brand publicity.

direct mail operations

Tips to Improve Your E-Commerce Direct Mail Marketing Campaigns

There is always a simple way and a unique way to do something! Below, we have mentioned how you can create out-of-the-box mail items to wow your audience.

Use Segmented Mailing Lists

It is always an excellent idea to categorise your direct mail for eCommerce mailing lists according to several demographics. Like in our example above, targeted mailing lists help you try different things. 

Additionally, segmented lists help you offer custom solutions to your potential customers, motivating them to patronise your business. They enable you to conduct laser-focused eCommerce direct mail campaigns that appeal to your audience’s needs in detail. 

Personalise As Much As You Can

Direct mail gives you a fantastic opportunity to incorporate customer data into marketing. Thus, try sending data-driven eCommerce direct mail items to grab your prospect’s attention and discuss your offer. 

You can do as little as adding a person’s first name to your direct mail for eCommerce mailers to increase responses for direct mail for retailers and eCommerce businesses! Here is an example:

Consider two postcard headlines and decide which one can get more results-

#1 Dear reader, we are launching our new franchise in Sydney and would love for you to join us!

#2 Hey Sara, we are launching our new franchise in Sydney and would love it if you could join us!

The second direct mail for eCommerce headline speaks volumes because you enter the prospect’s zone and invite them one-to-one. In contrast, the first one clears that you do not even know who you want to address! 

Adding Compelling Offers and CTAs

Always add value to your direct mail marketing for retail efforts. You can do so by including exciting offers for your prospects. It gives them a solid reason to at least try your products once—giving you the leverage to build from this point!

You can add the offer to your eCommerce direct mail headline or in the CTA. For example:

  1. Hi John, how would you like to get $50 worth of redeemable points on your next purchase? 
  2. Scan the QR code below to get a flat 5% discount on your first order!

Printing a QR code or personalised URL on your mailers also helps you track responses. They let you measure campaign results and create accurate reports—helpful to analyse your expenses and revenue. 

Automate Your Direct Mail for E-Commerce Campaigns

As discussed earlier, automating your eCommerce direct mail activities offers numerous advantages, like saving time and effort. However, it also helps you:

  • Cut unnecessary expenses and improve ROI. 
  • Avoid buying perishables, like printing paper, ink cartridges, labels, envelopes, etc. 
  • Improve overall efficiency and reduce turnaround times. 
  • Reach more prospects through a single campaign. 
  • Record response levels and analyse the conversion patterns. 
  • Work alongside your favourite CRMs like Hubspot and Salesforce to send direct mail for eCommerce items transparently and systematically!

PostGrid’s direct mail services help you avail of all these benefits and excel in your direct mail tasks! They assist you from start to finish of your campaign and let you mail items at all-inclusive rates.

Types of Direct Mail for E-Commerce Campaigns You Can Conduct

You do not need an occasion to launch a direct mailing program for your business to get more sales. Here are some ideas for you:

Reducing Cart Abandonment Campaigns

Ecommerce businesses face several situations when customers do not complete their transactions after adding things to their cart. Using direct mail for eCommerce, these brands can re-engage these customers and get them to complete the checkout process. Adding a small incentive can help get more engagement and speed up conversions. 

Sending Seasonal Discount Offers

You cannot expect your customers to always know about your season sales offers. Thus, promote them using direct mail marketing for retail and eCommerce brands! It allows more people to look into your products and buy them. 

You may attach perforated coupons with your mailers or send coupon postcards. They look impressive, and many people save them for future purchases. 

Upsell Products

If you want customers to try other products from your store, eCommerce direct mail can help you upsell and cross-sell. Most customers are unaware of what more items you offer, so help them know about your product range in depth. You can send a mini catalogue or include a link to your product’s page on your marketing letter or postcard. 

Increase Brand Awareness

Conducting direct mail for eCommerce campaigns helps you spread brand awareness and improve your brand reputation. Thus, if you don’t have any other reason to launch a campaign, this use case can help you in the long run. 

Also, you can add intriguing offers and increase sales using a brand promotion campaign. Thus, it is always a win-win! 

How PostGrid Helps eCommerce and Retail Businesses Get to the Top?

Our direct mail for eCommerce API and dashboard help companies automate mailing campaigns in minutes. Once you create a PostGrid account, you can select what you want to send and where, and voila!

We have helped several clients launch successful eCommerce direct mail campaigns with impeccable results. Here is what one of our clients had to say about PostGrid’s direct mail API:

My team and I only wanted an online solution to distribute our marketing items monthly. But PostGrid API integrations proved far more helpful and profitable than we thought! It lets us integrate into your Hubspot account within minutes. And create print, and ship mailers simultaneously. Now, we have zero effort on our hands but still enjoy five times more revenue.”

PostGrid is your one-stop solution to plan and execute an eCommerce direct mail campaign from scratch. Don’t have a mailing list? We can help you compile a custom list on the spot! Don’t know how to presort items and get postal discounts? We have got you covered!


Online marketing is part and parcel of eCommerce businesses. But, incorporating direct mail for retailers and eCommerce sectors helps them create more valuable customer relations by forming emotional bonds. 

PostGrid allows these businesses to take the first step and send responsive direct mailers. Click here to learn more about PostGrid’s direct mail for eCommerce solutions—affordable, fast, and effective!

automate direct mail

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The post Direct Mail for Retail and eCommerce appeared first on PostGrid.


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