Thursday 27 October 2022

Australia Post Address Lookup

What Is Australia Post Address Lookup, And Why Is It Important For Your Business?

Accurate data always plays a crucial role in the success of a business organisation. Any organisation that does not ensure quality data in its operations can never truly succeed. Even figuring out whether a direct mail advertising campaign is successful or not requires accurate data. While business organisations know their way around statistical data, they are not so sure about postal address data. 

address lookup services

An Australia Post address lookup offers an easy and efficient solution to the postal address data accuracy problem. In practical use, the address lookup does much more than secure good-quality address data for your business.

Every business organisation can benefit from the AusPost address lookup, but unfortunately, not everyone realises this. This article takes a closer look at address lookup and discusses how it can help business organisations. We also list the various benefits of using an address lookup tool and how it can help businesses.

What Is Australia Post Address Lookup?

An Australia Post address lookup is the same as an address validation or verification. It ensures that an address is accurate and deliverable by checking it against the Australia Post’s official address database.

Suppose you want to clean up your business’s customer address database to streamline its operations and enhance its communication efforts. In that case, you can use an Australia Post address lookup tool like PostGrid to clean up your address database.

The system compares each address in your database with the address data on Australia Post’s address database. An advanced address lookup Australia involves checking everything from the state to the postal code to ensure address accuracy.

Business organisations have several uses for such an advanced Australia address lookup capability. It can optimise several business processes and even boost the productivity of organisations. In short, any organisation that uses its customer’s address data can benefit significantly from the address lookup.

How Can Australia Post Address Lookup Help Businesses?

The Australia Post address lookup service is ideal for optimising business operations and enhancing  communication. It helps businesses in more ways than you might think. Here are some significant ways the address lookup can help your business organisation.

Access Bulk Mail Discounts 

You may already know that Australia Post provides bulk mail discounts. You may not know that using an Australia Post address lookup can help you maximise your bulk mail discounts. If you think about it, Australia Post can benefit from your business using address lookup tools like PostGrid.

Like any other organisation, Australia Post wants to minimise friction in its operations and streamline them. When you use accurate address data on your business mailers, it becomes easier for AusPost to sort and deliver your mail. Utilising AusPost address lookup helps the delivery service and your business equally.

Accurate Address Data Capturing In Real-Time

With the help of an AusPost address lookup tool like PostGrid, you can capture accurate address data of your customers in real-time. You are probably wondering, “how can an address lookup tool do that?” 

The premise of real-time address capturing is simple. When the user enters address data into your system, the AusPost address lookup tool, such as PostGrid, suggests verified addresses. Advanced solutions like PostGrid accomplish it by analysing the user’s server location and the data entered into the system.

Maintain Contact With Customers 

The last thing you want to do is lose touch with your customers so much that they no longer recognise your brand. It is every business owner’s nightmare, and the only way to avoid this situation is to keep in touch with your customers. Fortunately, Australia address lookup can help you with this.

Accurate AusPost address lookup enables your business to keep in touch with your customers via occasional postcards and other marketing materials. For instance, you could try sending postcards on the customer’s birthday. It will help you keep in touch with your customers and create a bond by showing how you care about them.

Improve Customer Retention

Another reason to use Australia Post address lookup for your business is that it lets you improve your organisation’s customer retention rate. The premise of this advantage is the same as the one we discussed above. 

Direct mail, especially postcards, is an excellent way of forming an emotional bond with customers. Suppose you can time it right, like sending a postcard during a special occasion – like a birthday. In that case, you can significantly boost its impact on the recipients. 

The last thing you want when sending a time-sensitive mailer like a birthday letter is to delay it due to a wrong address. By ensuring the validity of the mailing address with address lookup Australia, you can ensure accurate and timely delivery of your mail.

direct mail operations

What Are The Benefits Of Australia Post Address Lookup?

Above, we discussed how Australia Post address lookup tools like PostGrid could help your business. You might think that’s all there is to it, but what if we told you there’s more? There is a lot more to address lookup than what meets the eye. 

You already know the most significant benefits of using AusPost address lookup tools like PostGrid. It helps you ensure that your marketing and communication materials, such as brochures and invoices, reach their destination. Below, we discuss the other benefits of using address verification software like PostGrid.

Improve Your ROI (Return On Investment)

Every business organisation wants to boost their ROI or Return On Investment. Most businesses base their managerial and other decisions on the ROI factor. Any organisation employing direct mail can boost their ROI using an AusPost address lookup tool like PostGrid. 

It allows you to minimise return rates and maximise the deliverability of your mail. As a result, you save money on resources and postage. More importantly, Australia Post address lookup saves you valuable time. 

Improve Productivity

Validating your address database using an Australia address lookup tool like PostGrid can also help you boost your organisation’s productivity. It ensures accurate delivery of your mailer and minimises the return rate. As a result, your staff no longer have to go through the mundane task of remailing the target audience. 

Improve Customer Relationship

As we discussed above, direct mail is a powerful tool for forming a solid bond with your customers. By using an advanced address lookup Australia Post tool like PostGrid, you can raise the quality of customer interaction. It ultimately leads to improving your customer relationships and boosting positive engagements. 

Improve Analytic Capabilities

Advanced Australia Post address lookup tools like PostGrid have some nifty analytic capabilities. You can use address lookup to gain valuable insights and analytic data to improve your direct mail operations.

Minimise Duplicate Data

Another significant benefit of using the Australia Post address lookup tool for your business is that it can help you eliminate duplicate data. It helps you streamline your direct mail communication and avoid sending the same mailer to the same address more than once.

Real-Time And Batch Address Lookups

As we discussed earlier, advanced address lookup Australia tools like PostGrid enable you to implement real-time address lookups. It is an excellent way to collect accurate data from your audience. With advanced tools like PostGrid, you can also validate addresses in bulk using a CSV file. 

You must download your customer database from your CRM and push it through an AusPost address lookup tool like PostGrid. Before you know it, you can get a fully verified, duplicate-free address database for your business.

automate direct mail

Ready to Get Started?

Start transforming and automating your offline communications with PostGrid


The post Australia Post Address Lookup appeared first on PostGrid.


Friday 21 October 2022

School Marketing Strategies

Top 8 Direct Mail Marketing Strategies for Schools- With Examples

Australia- One of the top destinations for world-class education!

The country is known for providing high-quality education, scenic views, travel destinations, and cultural diversity. From crystal-clear waters to breathtaking landscapes and well-urbanised cities, there is no better place to enjoy nature and modernity, unwind and work, or enjoy an exciting lifestyle than in Australia.

school marketing

Talking about school marketing strategies and related demographics…

College students in the country tend to cover massive demographics, with around 1,513,383 enrollees, including national and international students.

Most businesses favour online or social media advertising because of its popularity. However, students are more likely to prefer tangible marketing items- making direct mail strategies for schools or colleges more effective.

A general misconception is that conventional marketing techniques are a little expensive yet ineffective. But, it is not the case when it comes to edtech direct mail campaigns, especially when considering multi-channel marketing strategies for schools, colleges, and universities. 

Let us discuss how to create a marketing plan for a school through direct mail.

Reason To Create A Marketing Plan For Private School And Universities

Amid a long-standing pandemic, there was high growth in terms of online learning.

With the transition to digital education, students are more involved online – learning, purchasing, and interacting virtually. Thus, this generation is increasingly becoming tech-savvy and more exposed to online advertisements. 

But when it comes to conventional school marketing strategies, Millennials still rely on old-fashioned tangible items for recommendations from educational institutions to a great extent.  

Therefore, you must understand the whats and hows of creating a school marketing plan. Create direct mail items that connect to what students are looking for in a tone they will listen to and connect with by using personalised content over social media. 

Here’s how you can do that!

Make Sure Your Message Reaches your Target Audience

Social media marketing, followed by SEO and more, has its benefits but school marketing strategies come with complicated legislation. Therefore, curating content for your target audience can be difficult without considerable investment in resources, time, and finances. 

With direct mail marketing for private schools, you can expand your database and reach students based on geo-demographics. The platform PostGrid can help you build audiences to handle unaddressed mail while not requiring extensive customer information. It uses variable data, including location, income, lifestyle, behaviours, interests, etc. 

Try sending personalised direct mail to students and ensure your marketing piece lands directly in their mailboxes. Thus, you can make your message heard instead of losing it in a sea of others on digital marketing platforms.  

direct mail operations

Combine Online and Offline Words through Multi-Channel Marketing

In April 2020, only 40% of the Australian population was using Facebook, so businesses or organisations aren’t likely to find 100% of their audience on this platform. Direct mail lets you have a multi-channel approach combining online and offline marketing

Let us share an example with you…

One of our clients, a renowned edtech leader, recently contacted our sales team to automate direct mail for an education fair. PostGrid helped them launch a personalised direct mail campaign to over 50,000 students while offering a 2-for-1 meal if they attended the fair.  

Our client incorporated various digital elements as a part of their school marketing strategies to invite the recipients of the mailpiece, including pUrls for registration and QR Codes for the free drink with their mail.

The outcome? Well, the event was a blast, and our client received 10,000+ registrations and more than 5K applications only through direct mail marketing automation. 

Boost The Effectiveness of Direct Mail Marketing Based on Activities

Today, marketers have a variety of media channels to choose from when thinking about marketing plans for private schools. Therefore, creating a well-structured multi-channel campaign with platforms like PostGrid is easier than ever. Using our Print & Mail API for a multi-channel campaign can help ramp up your outcomes while boosting your ROI.  

You may schedule a TV commercial to promote your educational institution. A direct mail piece as a part of your multi-channel marketing strategies for schools can help offer program discounts if they visit your website. 

Direct mail can help you schedule your mail items in advance. It can help encourage students to watch your advertisement to unlock special offers or register for courses. Aligning a direct mailpiece alongside other multi-channel marketing activities casts a wide array across targeted customers to diversify the probable outcomes. 

Eliminating Hard Selling and Adding Personalised Content for Better Connection

Hard-selling tactics are helpful in certain situations, perhaps for an urgent recall. Still, cold selling is less likely to attract our attention these days. Our desire for understanding, help and appreciation as customers is on the rise. 

You can build customer relationships by personalising experiences. Therefore, building personalised experiences for your customers is possible with direct mail, and school marketing strategies are a must-follow. 

Adding the name of your audience on a Direct Mail piece or One-Piece Mailer would help your brand stand out from junk mail. It will also help you establish yourself as a brand that understands and appreciates its customers. 

However, the unlimited capabilities in terms of personalisation don’t end here. You can include the below-mentioned aspects in your school marketing strategies:

  • Operational Hours and Specified Locations: With PostGrid, you can add our variable data capabilities to your marketing plan for private schools. With our Rest API, you can print the details of your targeted customers based on their closest location in Sydney or Brisbane. 
  • Your Audience’s Preferences: Collect relevant data- like recently viewed programs or something your audience is interested in, and add it to your direct mail items. Perhaps a student is looking for an online diploma program but might be interested in an executive certification course. 
  • Relevant Courses, Products, & Services: Consider personalising a Direct Mail campaign using consumer demographic and geographic data. Let us say you’re an LMS provider planning a discount where you offer LMS to businesses or students. Relevant and personalised content here will help you build a better connection with them.

Prepare to Track Your Mailers to Record Responses and Improve Upcoming Campaigns

Imagine you create a well-thought school marketing plan and send appealing direct mailers to your audience. The recipient thinks the message is relevant to them and wants to contact you. Also, they want to know more about your school, its students, events, etc. Several recipients like such are interested in your organisation and would love to send their kids to your school. 

However, you forgot to include trackable features as part of your school marketing strategies and have no way to record your audience’s feedback. How can you know which parents were interested in your school and which weren’t? 

Thus, it is your responsibility to inform your prospects about what to do next if they are interested in learning more. Guide the readers further and help them connect with your organisation—that is the only way to get responses after a campaign. You cannot expect a parent or student to go out of their way to research your school and respond. So, what is the solution to drive responses to your marketing plan for private schools and improve ROI?

The answer is not a single aspect… You have multiple options to select from for your school marketing plan, like QR codes, PURLs, dedicated phone numbers, custom email addresses, etc. Ensure that these features are unique for every campaign, so you can compare the results and see what’s lacking. 

Quick Responses codes are your best option for any school marketing plan because they take up very little space and intrigue the audience. You can print them on the outer envelope or in a small corner of your mail piece. Recipients only need to pull out their phones and scan the code to get all the information they need at their fingertips. 

However, some schools like to work with personalised URLs, unique for every recipient. In this method, the parent or student enters a link on any browser that redirects them to a custom landing page. However, remember to shorten the link before you print it to help recipients save time and motivate them to visit the page. 

Your school marketing strategies can also include dedicated phone numbers and email addresses. Hence, each time you get an email or call on these custom numbers and email IDs, you can be sure it is a campaign-generated enquiry. 

Communicate With Parents Using an Interactive Copy and Design

We cannot deny that an eye-catching design can help you push up responses to your marketing strategies for schools drastically. You must put adequate effort into your artwork and make your audience feel special. Perhaps, you can use unique layouts or include high-quality graphics. 

Some schools do a great job designing mail items while keeping the artwork minimal. Thus, try doing something that fits your message and depicts your school’s vision. Your school marketing plan can be successful only when you present your mailer as something that represents what you believe in!

Furthermore, focus on your copy, everything from the headline to the offer. You can add sentences, like:

  • Visit the link below to get a tour of our school. 
  • Scan the code to see how easy our admissions process is and how your child can thrive at our school! 

These offers spark interest among the audience, helping you make your school marketing plan a grand success. Thus, you can increase engagement and accelerate enrollments using your content. Here are some more tips to help you:

  • Engage your audience with powerful words, like ‘you,’ ‘us,’ ‘success,’ etc. 
  • Add the What’s In It For Me (WIIFM) factor to highlight your benefits. Your school marketing plan mailers must offer a solution to the recipient’s requirements instead of only promoting your organisation. 
  • Try using bullet points, tables, infographics, etc., to avoid confusion and segment the details accurately. Also, you can add statistics, like the number of new registrations last year, your ratings, etc. Give readers a solid reason to connect with you and take the conversation ahead. 
  • Discuss how you offer your students immense opportunities to improve their academic and overall performance. 
  • Add value to your school’s marketing strategies using similar headlines or taglines across all channels. Make sure that they resonate with the readers and push them to reply. 

Experiment With Different Direct Mail Formats to Find Your Best Combinations

You don’t need to stick with only one format for your school marketing plan because it’s always good to experiment. Many direct mail types can help you communicate with parents, families, and students and onboard them effectively. 

For example, our client believed that letters are the only professional-looking direct mail format. Though they used several advanced mechanisms, like QR codes and high-end graphics, they lacked diversity. 

Thus, we convinced them to give other direct mail formats a go to improve their school marketing strategies and increase visibility. They agreed to send out postcards instead of letters for the first time and got equivalent results.

Postcards create a nostalgic effect on people and bring the mailers and recipients closer. Their small and compact characteristics make postcards easier to store, making postcard mailers one of the most long-lasting direct mail items. Furthermore, they help you reach out to more people under your school marketing strategies because people share postcards with their family and friends. 

For their upcoming campaign- the institution decided to print and mail flyers for their school marketing plan to see if it worked. The size of this marketing plan for private schools is relatively larger because they want to send mail to already-enrolled and prospective families. 

Flyers are much more colourful than letters and offer a versatile appearance to your message. You can also use half-fold, gate-fold, and tri-fold flyers to add multiple layers and segment your message. The benefit of using flyers for your school marketing plan is- you can save costs on envelopes and include more content. However, don’t forget to include your contact information, logo, etc., to create branding and increase recognition rates. 

Some school marketing strategies also include mailing prospectuses and pamphlets to parents. It contains everything a person needs to know about the organisation to make an informed decision!

Ultimately, the choice is yours, but using different formats enables you to find the ideal combination that works best for your school. Also, it makes A/B direct mail testing possible to see which campaign is more profitable!

PostGrid’s direct mail API offers several customisation options to help you bring your vision to reality. You can automate your school marketing plan effectively and at all-inclusive pricing! Furthermore, PostGrid offers several API integrations, like Hubspot, Salesforce, etc. It makes the process flexible and helps you add direct mailing to your existing workflows instead of setting up everything from scratch. 

Follow Up With Your Prospects Regularly to Remind Them Of Your Organisation

You can conduct a fantastic campaign and still see your recipients lose interest after a while. The secret is to launch recurring direct mailing campaigns focusing on the same groups of people to increase impact. 

First, decide whether you want to prioritise reach or frequency for your school marketing plan, depending on your intended audience and advertising objectives. 

Focusing on reach can help your school increase brand awareness and improve your reputation. It would enable you to target as many people as possible under every campaign, assuming you have the budget and resources to pull large-volume marketing programs. 

Alternatively, you can stick to the same mailing list for a few weeks or months to garner attention from your prospects. For example, you can make newly-shifted parents the primary focus of your school marketing strategies and send them repetitive mailings. Thus, you can persuade them to contact you or meet the admissions head to discuss this further. 

Additionally, sending repetitive mail items helps you follow up with your audience. Often, people forget about your school marketing plan because they are busy, not because they aren’t interested. Reaching out to these prospects again gives them another chance to respond, improving your chances of getting more enrollments. 

However, set a specific limit to refrain from overdoing the school marketing plan and spamming your recipient’s mailboxes. It is advisable to mail a person only two to four times a month to balance your campaign and maintain your brand reputation. 

Also, respect people’s preferences and stop mailing to prospects who don’t want to receive more mailers. Check the Australia Post’s “No Junk Mail” list to avoid sending unsolicited mailers and save money. 

Use Mailers at Every Stage of the Marketing Funnel

Most institutions use direct mail marketing strategies for schools only on specific occasions or to get new enrollments. However, they can incorporate direct mailers at all marketing funnel phases. They don’t need to wait around for an event or only focus on new students; multiple direct mail campaigns help schools achieve several other objectives.

For instance, you can send your marketing postcards to every family in the neighbourhood using Australia Post Unaddressed Mail. You don’t need a mailing list or spend significant amounts on marketing materials. And yet, it can give a push to your school marketing plan and increase brand visibility at the top of the funnel. 

You can also target people who already know about your school, like those who enquired a few weeks back but didn’t take the conversation ahead. Or those parents who showed interest in your social media pages. It is known as middle-of-the-funnel marketing and allows you to get the prospect talking to you and discussing how to move forward. 

The bottom of the funnel includes converting a prospect into a customer. Educational organisations can use direct mail marketing strategies for schools to finally convince families to fill out the admissions form! You can also use these marketing tactics to retain students and build emotional relationships. 

How Does PostGrid Help Educational Organisations With Their School Marketing Plan?

PostGrid offers turnkey direct mailing solutions to schools, colleges, universities, etc., to improve student enrollment and retention rates. Integrating our API into your CRMs is simple and speedy, allowing you to prepare and ship your items in no time. 

Our direct mail API enables you to plan a school marketing plan whenever needed. Thus, you can conduct triggered, on-demand, or bulk campaigns. Here’s how it works:

  • Triggered direct mail school marketing strategies: Imagine you want to send a thank-you email to every parent who fills out an enquiry form on your website. You wish to let them know that your representative will contact them shortly and that you appreciate their interest in your school. It is when automated emails are helpful! Similarly, you can use triggered marketing mailers for your school marketing plan based on specific events. They can include parents enquiring about the admissions process, a student signing up for a new club, someone searching about your school online or visiting your website, etc. You may also send direct mailers to every newly-enrolled student as a gesture of appreciation. 
  • On-demand marketing for schools: With PostGid, you can send as less as one direct mailer whenever needed. There is zero pressure to maintain the minimum volume requirements to print and mail something. You can select any pricing plan you want and get started immediately!
  • Bulk direct mailing campaigns: You can develop flexible marketing strategies for schools using PostGrid’s automated direct mail services. Like on-demand mailing, we help you send bulk mail items with no maximum caps. Our scalable solutions allow you to process millions of API requests simultaneously without lags or other problems. 

Final Thoughts

We hope this blog helps you understand how to create a marketing plan for a school to get maximum results. Direct mail remains one of the most effective marketing tools, but you must know how to do it right. 

This guide explains different ways to use direct mail to its maximum potential and accomplish your marketing goals. These tips can help you save money, manual effort, and resources and execute successful campaigns. Also, remember that marketing automation can help you follow these techniques more efficiently and help you improve your ROI. 

If you need assistance in launching your direct mail marketing strategies for schools, PostGrid can help you from start to finish. Sign up now to know more!

automate direct mail

Ready to Get Started?

Start transforming and automating your offline communications with PostGrid


The post School Marketing Strategies appeared first on PostGrid.


Thursday 6 October 2022

Direct Mail for Retail and eCommerce

How Does Direct Mail for E-Commerce and Retail Benefit Your Business?

Do you want a two-in-one solution to communicate with your customers and promote your business? If yes, nothing can beat direct mail for eCommerce and retail because it allows you to reach your audience personally! 

direct mail for ecommerce and retail

Let us hear it from Australia Post:

  • 81% of Australians read their mail items immediately
  • 65% of Australians read every mailpiece they get
  • 74% of Australians pay full attention to the mail they receive

Hence, it isn’t surprising why companies would use eCommerce direct mail to promote their online business! 

But is it profitable? 

Also, how to ensure that your direct mail marketing programs help you reach more people? 

This blog reveals the answer to your whys and hows with several tips and tricks you can employ! Let us get started!

Can You Use Direct Mail for E-Commerce and Retail Industries?

Some companies may believe direct mail is not the way to go because it is sluggish and expensive. Though that was true around two decades ago, we have come a long way!

Today, direct mail for eCommerce and other sectors can generate a response rate of 9% without you putting in any manual effort. Also, 33% of Australians think direct mail senders are trustworthy brands.

Another study reveals that 76% of customers rely on direct mail to make buying decisions over online marketing channels. 

Instead of sending a message to a person’s screen that they may not read, direct mail for eCommerce lets you connect with people directly. Thus, you no longer need to wait for customers to see your ad. Now, you can land straight at their homes on their coffee tables, where you can catch their eye effortlessly!

However, try employing online direct mail solutions like PostGrid to reduce the workload and get more ROI! It enhances your eCommerce direct mail campaigns and lets you reap its benefits for months. 

What Are the Primary Benefits of Using Direct Mail for E-Commerce and Retail?

Direct mail is flexible—meaning you can use it for fulfilling several objectives collectively and separately! For instance, you can promote your season sale simultaneously as you gain more visibility. Or you can dedicate your campaign to a new product launch exclusively. 

We will discuss these use cases in detail later on; let us focus on the benefits of eCommerce direct mail in this section: 

Direct Mail for E-Commerce Helps You Escape the Digital Clutter

Don’t want to be one of the hundred thousand emails and social media ads? 

No problem!

Direct mail helps you set yourself apart from the competition by sending personalised mailers to the prospect’s doorsteps. 

As more businesses focus entirely on digital marketing strategies, you can take a different route. You can establish genuine customer relationships that you may carry for several years using direct mail for retailers and eCommerce businesses! 

Build Trust and Authenticity

9.2 million Australians shopped online and spent a whopping $62.3 million in 2021! There is no doubt that the eCommerce business in Australia is thriving.

 But how do customers divide which brands are authentic?

They rely on various sources, like the internet, mouth publicity, and yes, you guessed correct—direct mail! Using eCommerce direct mail helps you establish your brand as existing beyond the abstract, digital landscape. Thus, your prospects are more likely to trust your business and give it a go. 

Also, you can include real-life examples and reviews in your direct mail for eCommerce items to build trust. Some businesses add video links to depict their work and how they impact customers’ lives. These are a few of the multiple ideas you can use to improve your eCommerce direct mail campaigns!

Direct Mail for Retailers Help You Re-Engage and Re-Target Customers

The best thing about direct mailing is it is helpful to retain existing customers. It is easier than finding new customers and gets you more business! Again, sending tailored direct mail items to your customer mailing lists allows you to re-engage them. 

For instance, imagine 40% of your customers only bought from your business once. Re-targeting them would mean reaching out to them personally and persuading them to purchase from you again! And direct mail for eCommerce helps you do just that!

Capture New Markets

You can tap into newer markets and expand your customer base using direct mail marketing for retail and eCommerce

For example, if you only target women because you own a women’s watches online brand, direct mail lets you target other genders. You can send a personalised eCommerce direct mail postcard to men prospects before Valentine’s Day, Christmas, and Women’s Day. It can encourage them to gift something to their loved ones. Isn’t that an impressive way to skyrocket sales around the holidays?

Similarly, you can penetrate new locations and demographics to expand your market and increase brand publicity.

direct mail operations

Tips to Improve Your E-Commerce Direct Mail Marketing Campaigns

There is always a simple way and a unique way to do something! Below, we have mentioned how you can create out-of-the-box mail items to wow your audience.

Use Segmented Mailing Lists

It is always an excellent idea to categorise your direct mail for eCommerce mailing lists according to several demographics. Like in our example above, targeted mailing lists help you try different things. 

Additionally, segmented lists help you offer custom solutions to your potential customers, motivating them to patronise your business. They enable you to conduct laser-focused eCommerce direct mail campaigns that appeal to your audience’s needs in detail. 

Personalise As Much As You Can

Direct mail gives you a fantastic opportunity to incorporate customer data into marketing. Thus, try sending data-driven eCommerce direct mail items to grab your prospect’s attention and discuss your offer. 

You can do as little as adding a person’s first name to your direct mail for eCommerce mailers to increase responses for direct mail for retailers and eCommerce businesses! Here is an example:

Consider two postcard headlines and decide which one can get more results-

#1 Dear reader, we are launching our new franchise in Sydney and would love for you to join us!

#2 Hey Sara, we are launching our new franchise in Sydney and would love it if you could join us!

The second direct mail for eCommerce headline speaks volumes because you enter the prospect’s zone and invite them one-to-one. In contrast, the first one clears that you do not even know who you want to address! 

Adding Compelling Offers and CTAs

Always add value to your direct mail marketing for retail efforts. You can do so by including exciting offers for your prospects. It gives them a solid reason to at least try your products once—giving you the leverage to build from this point!

You can add the offer to your eCommerce direct mail headline or in the CTA. For example:

  1. Hi John, how would you like to get $50 worth of redeemable points on your next purchase? 
  2. Scan the QR code below to get a flat 5% discount on your first order!

Printing a QR code or personalised URL on your mailers also helps you track responses. They let you measure campaign results and create accurate reports—helpful to analyse your expenses and revenue. 

Automate Your Direct Mail for E-Commerce Campaigns

As discussed earlier, automating your eCommerce direct mail activities offers numerous advantages, like saving time and effort. However, it also helps you:

  • Cut unnecessary expenses and improve ROI. 
  • Avoid buying perishables, like printing paper, ink cartridges, labels, envelopes, etc. 
  • Improve overall efficiency and reduce turnaround times. 
  • Reach more prospects through a single campaign. 
  • Record response levels and analyse the conversion patterns. 
  • Work alongside your favourite CRMs like Hubspot and Salesforce to send direct mail for eCommerce items transparently and systematically!

PostGrid’s direct mail services help you avail of all these benefits and excel in your direct mail tasks! They assist you from start to finish of your campaign and let you mail items at all-inclusive rates.

Types of Direct Mail for E-Commerce Campaigns You Can Conduct

You do not need an occasion to launch a direct mailing program for your business to get more sales. Here are some ideas for you:

Reducing Cart Abandonment Campaigns

Ecommerce businesses face several situations when customers do not complete their transactions after adding things to their cart. Using direct mail for eCommerce, these brands can re-engage these customers and get them to complete the checkout process. Adding a small incentive can help get more engagement and speed up conversions. 

Sending Seasonal Discount Offers

You cannot expect your customers to always know about your season sales offers. Thus, promote them using direct mail marketing for retail and eCommerce brands! It allows more people to look into your products and buy them. 

You may attach perforated coupons with your mailers or send coupon postcards. They look impressive, and many people save them for future purchases. 

Upsell Products

If you want customers to try other products from your store, eCommerce direct mail can help you upsell and cross-sell. Most customers are unaware of what more items you offer, so help them know about your product range in depth. You can send a mini catalogue or include a link to your product’s page on your marketing letter or postcard. 

Increase Brand Awareness

Conducting direct mail for eCommerce campaigns helps you spread brand awareness and improve your brand reputation. Thus, if you don’t have any other reason to launch a campaign, this use case can help you in the long run. 

Also, you can add intriguing offers and increase sales using a brand promotion campaign. Thus, it is always a win-win! 

How PostGrid Helps eCommerce and Retail Businesses Get to the Top?

Our direct mail for eCommerce API and dashboard help companies automate mailing campaigns in minutes. Once you create a PostGrid account, you can select what you want to send and where, and voila!

We have helped several clients launch successful eCommerce direct mail campaigns with impeccable results. Here is what one of our clients had to say about PostGrid’s direct mail API:

My team and I only wanted an online solution to distribute our marketing items monthly. But PostGrid API integrations proved far more helpful and profitable than we thought! It lets us integrate into your Hubspot account within minutes. And create print, and ship mailers simultaneously. Now, we have zero effort on our hands but still enjoy five times more revenue.”

PostGrid is your one-stop solution to plan and execute an eCommerce direct mail campaign from scratch. Don’t have a mailing list? We can help you compile a custom list on the spot! Don’t know how to presort items and get postal discounts? We have got you covered!


Online marketing is part and parcel of eCommerce businesses. But, incorporating direct mail for retailers and eCommerce sectors helps them create more valuable customer relations by forming emotional bonds. 

PostGrid allows these businesses to take the first step and send responsive direct mailers. Click here to learn more about PostGrid’s direct mail for eCommerce solutions—affordable, fast, and effective!

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Wednesday 5 October 2022

Flyer Sizes and Dimensions

How to Select the Right Marketing Flyer Size to Drive More Engagement?

Flyers are one of the most effective, result-driving, and affordable direct mail items for business promotions! But, did you ever wonder what the secret behind their success is? Perhaps, it is the combination of the right flyer size, artwork, and copy. But we are sure there is more to it! 

marketing flyers

We see flyers everywhere—some stuck on the payphones, some outside a movie theatre, some distributed on the street! However, not all get adequate attention and can help you convert a customer. 

Focusing on your flyer sizes and design keeps people from not crushing your flyers and tossing them in the bin!

Today, we will discuss several flyer dimensions to help you make an informed decision—to push prospects ahead of the marketing funnel! Also, we have shared some tips to enable you to design appealing and eye-catching flyers that can improve your ROI.

Why Does Your Business Need Flyer Marketing?

There are numerous reasons to use flyers as part of your marketing strategies, like:

  • Informing prospects about your business: The first step is always to inform your audience about your products and services. Using the ideal flyer size dimensions with tidbits about your brand can help you achieve this objective!
  • Send coupons to customers: You can send coupons in several formats, like postcards, leaflets, flyers, etc. Some businesses use the standard flyer size and send it as a coupon- while others attach a perforated coupon for customers to tear off. Either way, it is an excellent way to motivate your audience to buy from you. 
  • Announce upcoming events: Flyers help you get the word about events, like trade fairs, press meets, product launches, seminars, etc. You can print the event date, time, and venue on an average flyer size and send it to a targeted mailing list
  • Increase brand visibility: As said earlier, flyers are everywhere—but so are the businesses they promote! You can increase your brand visibility by distributing flyers at several places to attract your audience. And incorporating the right size of flyers could be your first step! 
  • Promote new product ranges: If you want to promote a new range of products and services or cross-sell more items, flyers are one of the best ways to do so! You only need to pick a flyer’s size and decide whom you want to target. Automated print and mail solutions like PostGrid can help you design your artwork, produce your items, and ship them—reducing your workload significantly!

What is the Best Size for a Flyer?

The typical flyer size is nearly like a printing paper- 8.3” x 11.7” or the A4 size. However, there are many bigger and smaller sizes available for multiple purposes. You must choose the appropriate size according to your needs and budget. 

Here, we have enlisted your most popular options:

The A4 Flyer Size

A4 flyers measure 8.3” x 11.7” or 210 mm x 297 mm. Some may use the 8.5” x 11” letter size. But, there isn’t a massive difference, so you can pick whichever flyer dimension is more conveniently available around you! 

A4 flyers are ideal when you need ample space to print images and leave some white space. Thus, you can get creative and include imagery as part of your artwork while not making your flyers look messy. 

You can use the A4 size of a flyer to promote your brand, explain a product’s benefits, or discuss an event! They are neither too small nor big, offering businesses a safe choice for their advertising campaigns. 

There is no hard and fast rule to hand-out A4 flyer sizes outside your store or on a random busy street nearby. You can give them to attendees at your booth at a trade fair or print and mail flyers to a segmented mailing list. 

A5 Flyers

The A5 flyers sizes are half of the A4 size. So, you get two A5 sheets when you fold an A4 size paper or card. Businesses use A5 flyers when the A4 size looks too big for their promotional message. 

Yet, A5 flyer sizes offer adequate space for you to tell your brand story to customers. You may include small-sized images or illustrations to make your message pop. These promotional materials serve multiple purposes, like sending Unaddressed Mail or using them as hand-outs.  

A5 flyers measure 210 mm x 148 mm, and their flyer size in pixels is 2480 x 1748 px. This size is ideal for making your items look impressive and catching your prospects’ attention. 

A6 Flyer Sizes

A6 is not among the standard flyer sizes- but is commonly used by companies from different sectors, like healthcare, financial services, retail and eCommerce, etc. They are half the size of A5 flyers and very lightweight. 

If you want to compare flyers with postcard sizes, the A6 flyer size is the same as a postcard. Thus, you may print your artwork on these flyers in landscape format instead of portrait. Or you can stick to the regular orientation, depending on your layout and copy. 

There is vast scope to experiment with A6 flyers because they are versatile. You can enclose these flyers into envelopes and send them as direct mail items. Otherwise, you have several options, like sending A6 flyer dimensions as self-mailers or distributing them in a targeted neighbourhood. 

A6 flyer sizes are 5.8” x 4.1” or 148 mm x 105 mm. However, their size in pixels is 2528 x 1795 px. Ensure your printing vendor maintains the bleed area of 151mm x 108 mm, so your entire artwork can fit inside your flyer.  

DL (Dimension Lengthwise) Flyers

They measure 210 mm x 99 mm or 8.3” x 3.9”. They are one-third of the A4 flyer dimension with a pixel size of 1169 x 2480 px. You usually find DL sizes in business stationery items, like envelopes, notepads, compliments slips, NCR pads, etc. But, they are also ideal for promotional materials, like leaflets, brochures, and flyers. 

This handy DL flyer size helps you give customers quick details about your brand more effectively. The smaller size helps readers grasp the content more quickly—increasing brand recall rates. 

DL flyers are suitable for letterbox drops and direct mail marketing campaigns. You may also use them as inserts with transactional mail. For instance, you can insert a DL flyer size into your invoice envelope before sending it to a customer. It helps you save on postage and communicate your marketing message more effectively. Also, it is one of the strategies to get repeat business from existing customers!

A7 Flyers

A7 flyers size is half of the A6 size. They offer limited space for your message, so use them when you do not have much to say! These flyers are apt when you want a cost-efficient option to advertise your business. 

A7 flyers measure 105 mm x 74 mm or 2.9” x 4.1”. They are small enough to fit in your hand, making them look unique and appealing. You cannot print much on these flyer dimensions, but readers adore such small sizes. 

Also, sending smaller flyer sizes allow your prospects to save these items by sticking them to their refrigerators or pinning them on the boards. If you include an offer with a deadline, they might keep your flyers and use the coupon immediately. 

However, try keeping your copy short and uncomplicated for your readers to understand your message. You can send them as marketing mail or hand them out to people on street corners. A7 flyer sizes are small enough to fit in a pocket or wallet, convincing your prospects to carry them along.  

A3 Flyers

The A3 flyers are broader than the standard flyer dimensions, but they can impact your audience considerably. If you mail these flyers, they stand out from the other items your audience receives. 

Imagine going through almost ten bills and letters from the mailbox and finding your large-sized flyer—it can make your recipients stop and read your message. 

A3 flyers measure 420 mm x 297 mm or 11.7” x 16.5”. It is double an A4 size flyer, which makes it perfect for printing menus and invitation cards. You can use them for your restaurant marketing programs! Other sectors can also incorporate these flyers to explain their product details, add some tables and illustrations, or get more attention. 

The A3 flyer size in pixels is 3508 x 4961 px at 300 DPI and 842 x 1191 px at 72 DPI. You can print bold headlines, images, and multiple-layered graphics on A3 flyers without creating a mess—and drive responses quickly!

direct mail operations

How to Select the Right Flyer Size for Your Business?

The size that best suits your business needs depends on several factors, including:

  • Your message: Your content largely dictates your flyer dimensions. You cannot print a one-line heading on an A3 flyer and expect it to look good. Similarly, you cannot fill the entire A7 size with words and not leave any white space! Either way, there is either something missing or too much to grasp. So, choose a flyer size according to your artwork. 
  • Budget: Not surprisingly, larger flyer sizes cost more than the smaller ones. The differences in the rates can compel you to change your preference sometimes. However, PostGrid’s print and mail API can help you print and ship flyers of any size at low, discounted prices! 
  • Distribution method: How and where you want to distribute your flyers can affect the flyer size dimensions adequately. For instance, if you need to mail your flyers, pick sizes that fit in an envelope, like DL or A6. Alternatively, A3 or A4 sizes are ideal if you plan on taping your flyers to walls. 
  • Campaign purpose: Now that you know what size is a flyer, you must determine your campaign goals. If you only want to spread brand awareness, you can use smaller sizes like A5 or A6. However, you can switch to A3 flyers if you need to conduct a multi-channel marketing campaign and create a lot of buzz for your new store downtown.

Best Flyer Design Tips You Can Use

Once you learn what size should a flyer be, you should also consider other elements. One of these elements is design—which should complement the size and make your message more visible!

Here are some design tips to help you create a catchy flyer:

  • Organise your data: Too much information in a small flyer size may confuse and overwhelm readers. Thus, organise your data and identify the primary points you want to communicate to your target audience. You can use bullet points or blocks to divide your content and make the artwork look neater!
  • Brand your flyers: Your marketing flyer dimensions and design must represent your brand and its goals. Thus, do not forget to add your logo and a tagline (if you have one). Also, include your contact details, such as your phone number, mailing address, website link, and email address. 
  • Use different fonts and colours: Do not limit yourself when it comes to flyer sizes and artwork. You can use different colours and font types to give your flyers an out-of-the-box look. Some businesses stick with their brand colours to improve brand recognition. But you can choose any palette that best suits your messaging!
  • Test, test, and test: Before launching a bulk mailing campaign, send out a few samples and record the responses. Test your flyer dimensions, artwork, CTA, etc., and see if they constitute the correct combination. If not, you can make the necessary changes to ensure your campaign’s success. 
  • Add a relevant CTA and offer: Always add an upfront CTA to your flyers with an exciting offer, irrespective of which flyer size you select. It guides your readers on what to do next and improves your chances of converting more prospects!

How Can PostGrid’s Print and Mail Solutions Help You Work With the Right Flyer Size?

Our online direct mail services allow companies to print and ship flyers to their audience’s doorsteps. Thus, they can guarantee that their prospects see and read their mailers! Also, PostGrid enables businesses to choose any flyer dimension they want—and still get guaranteed results!

Here are some of PostGrid’s most helpful features you must know:

  • Service level guarantees: We offer dedicated SLAs for our clients, meaning you can launch a campaign any day. For instance, imagine you want your different flyer sizes to arrive at their destinations one day before your store launch. PostGrid lets you send triggered mail items effortlessly to meet your on-demand needs.
  • HTML templates: PostGrid enables you to select your preferred flyer size and design template. We have numerous PDF and HTML templates to help you design your items and make any number of changes—without paying extra to hire a designer.
  • Address validation: Our solutions automatically verify all your mailing addresses! It means you do not need to worry if your list has outdated or incorrect information leading to mail returns. PostGrid offers 99.99% deliverability rates, guaranteeing your items reach their correct destinations.
  • Standard mail tracking: You can create different flyer sizes and track your mailers from the beginning using PostGrid. Thus, you can stay informed regarding when your flyers reach the recipients so you can conduct the following steps accordingly!


Flyers are an impressive way to talk to existing and potential customers. And you get to select from tons of flyer dimensions and designs. But launching a campaign in-house can be daunting and expensive, which is where PostGrid comes in!

Our print and mail API allows you to skip the complicated parts of executing a campaign and enjoy the benefits of marketing automation. Talk to our sales team now to learn more about flyer sizes and how we help you conduct flyer marketing affordably!

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The post Flyer Sizes and Dimensions appeared first on PostGrid.


Mailing House

TABLE OF CONTENTS REQUEST A DEMO All About Mailing House: Why Do You Need One? If yours is a ...