Wednesday 9 March 2022

Edtech Marketing

What Are the Top 12 EdTech Marketing Tips and Tricks to Use in 2022?

The education technology sector is growing massively over the last few years. In 2021, the global EdTech market was valued at over USD 254.8 billion last year!

edtech marketing strategies

The EdTech industry is vast and includes much more than companies selling educational materials digitally. It consists of:

  • Digital media and educational tools
  • School infrastructure
  • Learning Management Systems (LMS)
  • E-learning programs
  • Information and Communications Technology (ICT), etc.

It is hard for companies to plan and execute their EdTech marketing strategies in a competitive zone. Plus, they may face many challenges, like not being able to contact the end decision-makers directly and dealing with lengthy selling processes. 

Luckily, marketing for EdTech helps you beat your competition and overcome these difficulties. This article discusses the most effective ways to connect with your target market and drive sales. 

The Best EdTech Marketing Plans You Must Employ

Below, we have enlisted all the powerful marketing strategies that benefit EdTech startups and help them grow.

Segment Your Audience and Personalise Communications

EdTech businesses need to fine-tune their buyer personas and focus on a niche market. Without such clarity, their marketing EdTech efforts are likely to fail.

Companies must conduct thorough market research to know their potential customers closely. They should try identifying the needs of a specific audience and offering specialised solutions accordingly.

You can start by determining your customer profile- are your customers’ parents of K-12 students?

Do you sell to school administrators directly? Do your services have more than one type of customer?

It will be easier to formulate advertising plans if you can answer such questions clearly and precisely.

The next thing you need to do is personalise your correspondence with your prospects and existing customers. You cannot use the one-size-fits-all approach in the EdTech marketing industry due to the ever-changing and highly varying needs of customers and growing competition. 

Use your marketing research results to plan data-driven campaigns that target your relevant prospects and trigger responses.

Take Advantage of Content Marketing for EdTech

Content marketing is one of the best marketing strategies for the EdTech sector. As an EdTech business, you can post blogs that talk about how EdTech is transforming the face of education in the country. Make your blogs fun and interactive so that readers are motivated to engage with them. 

You can choose and work on any EdTech marketing topic you want as long as it’s relevant and can increase your website traffic.  

Consider creating a separate blog section on your website if you don’t already have one. Other crucial pages that your website should have include Frequently Answered Questions and Book a Demo. 

Plus, you may add guest posts to popular educational websites to offer value to prospective customers and showcase yourself as an industry expert. Your EdTech content marketing strategies should revolve around creating a need and then offering solutions. 

There are many more ways to level up your content marketing for EdTech games. For example, you can post whitepapers and ebooks to your website and share their links on social media. The more quality content you publish, the more are your odds of closing deals. 

Create and Market Engaging Videos

9 out of 10 people say they want to see more videos from companies. Moreover, an average person is likely to spend at least 100 minutes each day watching videos on their computers or other devices. Thus, video marketing can prove to be a highly effective aspect of your EdTech marketing strategy too.

You can add download links, quizzes, opt-in forms, and other features to your videos to get more traffic and increase conversions. 

Make sure to optimise your EdTech marketing videos for all types of devices and browsers. Also, try making short two to ten-minute videos to make them more consumable and shareable. 

Develop Creative Social Media Marketing Programs

Both video and social media marketing are major components of your EdTech digital marketing campaigns. You can create interesting social media posts to engage with your audience and generate more leads in your sales funnel. 

Social media marketing is also one of the most efficient inbound marketing forms that help you reach out to a broad audience. 

Encourage users to interact with your brand by announcing giveaways, collaborating with influencers, and keeping up with the latest EdTech market trends.

Ask your long-term clients or customers to share your posts and leave valuable feedback. This way, you can win over the trust of your prospects and increase engagement on your posts.

Make the Most of Email Marketing

Email marketing can be used as an inbound or outbound EdTech marketing tool, depending on whether you want to connect with subscribed or unsubscribed customers. Either way, you can use it as one of the most result-generating EdTech marketing campaigns.

Email campaigns are helpful across all the areas of the EdTech sector. It can help you communicate one-to-one with administrators, parents, students, school board members, coaching institutes, etc. 

However, try coming up with some effective plans to increase your emails’ open and read rates. For starters, use attention-grabbing subject lines that either consist of a question or a promising solution to one of your customers’ needs. 

Also, use segmented email lists to connect with your most relevant leads. EdTech market segmentation also helps you personalise your emails to match your prospects’ expectations better and make them feel special.

Consider Devising An Omnichannel EdTech Marketing Strategy

Omnichannel marketing plans are the best way to increase brand visibility and customer awareness for every industry. It can help you manage your marketing budget and connect with as many prospects as possible. For example, imagine your targeted audience uses social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook majorly. In that case, it makes sense to utilise them both. 

By doing so, you can create a consistent brand experience for customers and push them ahead of your marketing funnel. You can combine various offline and online marketing channels, like direct mail, email, pay per click, etc., to develop a solid strategy for omnichannel marketing in EdTech

Know how to unite offline and online marketing channels for offering an integrated customer journey!

Employ Event Marketing

Seeing the huge size of the EdTech market, companies can try hosting events like seminars and conferences. They can invite other industry players to these events and motivate customers to visit them.

You can also participate in various events as key speakers, debate participants, etc. These events are excellent EdTech marketing tactics and can give a lot of exposure to your brand. 

In the current Covid-19 pandemic situation, you can also consider hosting webinars and inviting all your prospects as part of your EdTech marketing strategy. This way, you can boost the importance of your EdTech solutions effortlessly and show people how they can make a huge impact in the education sector. 

Print and Distribute Marketing Items

Direct mail is another solid EdTech marketing tool for EdTech businesses to use. They can reach out to highly-targeted prospects personally and win over their trust by sending direct mail items. 

Recipients can share direct mail pieces with other people, which means your message will probably reach secondary audiences too. For example, you send a marketing letter to a student talking about your e-learning classes. Your letter is likely to be also seen by the student’s parents, who can influence the decision-making process significantly. 

Such a direct marketing strategy for EdTech helps boost conversions and improve your brand reputation. If you need help conducting successful marketing for EdTech campaigns, use PostGrid’s automated direct mail services. They can help do everything from designing items to mailing them to the right people. 

Improve Your Onboarding Processes

As an EdTech company, try to channelise your effort towards customer onboarding and support. Use a more customer-friendly marketing approach to improve brand image and attract new leads. 

Customer onboarding should be one of your most crucial EdTech marketing strategies. Though it may not be great for customer acquisition, it works wonders to increase your retention levels. 

Take care that your customers feel appreciated and valued at your company. Try assigning the same member from your sales team for after-sales support to help form personal relationships and feel special. 

Quick read: PostGrid for Customer Success Teams

Leverage Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Fulfilling your CSR is not necessarily an EdTech marketing strategy but can subtly work in your favour. Several people like supporting organisations that complete their CSR duties vigilantly. 

You don’t need to do something extravagant to attract your audience’s attention and boost your marketing EdTech plans. Donating to a nonprofit, sponsoring the education of some underprivileged children, or backing up small educational institutes or groups should be enough. 

Look Into Search Engine Optimisation and Paid Search

As said earlier, the Australian EdTech market has hundreds of companies operating. Hence, it is hard to stand out from the crowd and make yourself known among customers. 

Paid search is great digital marketing for the EdTech channel that lets you advertise yourself and get higher responses. Plus, it is cost-effective as you only pay for the clicks you get on your ads and not for the number of people who see them. 

It would help if you also used SEO as a crucial aspect of your digital marketing strategy for an EdTech startup. It helps your online blog posts, videos, social media ads, etc., reach more people and attract higher engagement levels. 

Automate All Your EdTech Advertising Tasks

Marketing automation helps you in several ways, like saving time, effort, and resources. It also increases the efficiency of your marketing efforts and improves productivity.

You can automate every EdTech marketing strategy from email to direct mail advertising campaigns. PostGrid’s direct mail API can help you automate every step of your campaign, like creating items, printing them, validating address lists, tracking results, etc. 

Read more: Australia Address Format.

direct mail operations

PostGrid’s Direct Mail Automation Solutions for the EdTech Industry

As established above, there is more than one way for businesses to promote their EdTech products and services. In fact, you can also get more creative and come up with other ways to contact your prospects, like billboard advertising. 

EdTech marketing is not simple as companies face several hardships throughout the way. But, it is also not impossible to achieve positive results and expand operations. 

PostGrid’s automated postal mail API can help you improvise your EdTech marketing strategy. Here’s how:

Build Segmented Mailing Lists

We already know the significance of EdTech marketing segmentation and how it can help you land better leads. PostGrid makes your job easier and allows you to compile highly-targeted mailing lists from scratch. This way, you can narrow down your target audience and reach out to prospects who will most likely buy from you.

PostGrid also helps you standardize and verify mailing addresses to avoid lost mail and returns.

Design Eye-Catching Pieces

Making your items eye-catching and appealing is a sure way to turn some heads. With our free HTML and PDF templates, you can get creative and create result-driving mail items.

Skip the Legwork of Printing and Stuffing

Direct marketing for EdTech firms can take a lot of your time and effort. Fortunately, you can use PostGrid’s direct mail API and automate manual tasks, like printing thousands of mail pieces, stuffing them into envelopes, and labelling them.

Integrate Our API Into Your CRM

EdTech marketers can integrate our API into various software applications, like Hubspot, Salesforce, Marketo, etc. Hence, they can start printing and mailing right from their CRM. 

Want to explore more about our Zapier integration? Click here.

Our zero-code integration makes your EdTech marketing efforts simpler and faster, as you can complete the entire process without any technical expertise.

Distribute Your Marketing Materials On Time

With PostGrid, you need not wait in a long queue outside the Post Office to mail your items. You can plan your EdTech marketing strategy, integrate our API, and get started!

PostGrid handles everything from design to distribution. Also, there are no minimum volume requirements or monthly fees in the picture. 

Measure Campaign Performance

You can access your campaign reports and insights from your dashboard. All you need to do is login into your PostGrid account and navigate your customised dashboard. 

Don’t have a PostGrid account yet? Click here to make one and see our top-notch services in action.


Marketing for EdTech sounds complicated and daunting. Maybe it is the case with some EdTech firms, but you can change that with some planning. All the EdTech marketing campaign ideas mentioned in this blog can help you achieve your goals and improve your ROI.

You can use PostGrid to streamline your offline marketing activities and get the best out of your EdTech marketing campaigns. Drop us an email now or request a demo right away!

automate direct mail

Ready to Get Started?

Start transforming and automating your offline communications with PostGrid


The post Edtech Marketing appeared first on PostGrid.


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