Wednesday 9 March 2022

Address Validation and Verification Service

Address Validation Service

Oftentimes, bad data causes a lot of problems like miscommunications, delays, misplaced mail items, lost mail, and more. It leads to a bad reputation and a decrease in sales. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that businesses avoid such scenarios by using an address validation API. Validating addresses and enriching data are always smart options as these steps keep your database updated at all times.

verify address validation process

Basically, address validation services compare your mailing addresses with Australia Post’s PAF (Postal Address File). If your addresses exist but are incorrect, the API can rectify them. You can either verify addresses at the point of entry or process your mailing lists for validation.

The Importance of Address Verification Services

Save Time and Resources

Save hours of your precious time spent in reshipping items to your customers. Wrong, invalid, and incomplete addresses can cost you a lot of wasted time and effort. Address validation service helps you avoid such wastages by verifying every address before mailing. You can also cancel spam orders by identifying invalid and fake addresses beforehand.

Increase Conversion Rates

Cart abandonment rates increase due to lengthy and complicated checkout processes. It makes sense to simplify these processes and help your customers complete checkouts as conveniently and speedily as possible. You can integrate an address autocomplete API into your applications, websites, or other ePOS to help customers enter their correct addresses with just a few clicks, thereby increasing conversions and reducing cart abandonment.

Save Money

Do you want to save money and at the same time provide excellent customer service? If yes, address verification might just be the solution you are looking for. Reshipping and lost mail can lead to companies spending a lot of money that could have otherwise been saved. Hence, companies can use address validation solutions like PostGrid to avoid lost mail, complete orders on time, and save money.

Improve User Experience

Customers expect a delightful shopping experience on your website. There are millions of websites today that offer top-notch user experience. So, why should your company stay behind?

Using address verification service, you can present your website as updated and advanced and lure customers into shopping with you and completing their checkouts happily. An excellent user experience also reflects the fact that your company has kept up with the latest technological advancements and market trends.

How Do Address Validation Solutions Work?

Address validation can be type-ahead or post-entry. Type-ahead address verification is all about predicting and capturing mailing addresses as they are being typed. Any company that sells anything online can benefit from it. Post-entry address validation is mostly used for batch processing so that companies can send out direct mail items to verified addresses.

There are three major steps in the process of validating addresses:

  • Standardise: It is the first step of address verification. Standardising addresses is reformatting addresses according to the Australia Post address guidelines or the destination country’s guidelines for international addresses.
  • Validate: In this step, it is checked whether the addresses are real and deliverable.
  • Verify: By verifying addresses, you can check whether there are any rectifications required. If so, the needful is done automatically.

Features of Address Validation and Verification Service Solutions

Global Coverage

PostGrid’s address validation service solutions provide global coverage, which means that you can validate international addresses easily and ship anywhere in the world. It has access to the addresses of over 240 countries and territories worldwide. You can also translate addresses into multiple languages and standardise them accordingly.


Geocoding supports shopping, geomarketing, and logistics to a great extent. PostGrid uses geolocation to capture addresses accurately through the users’ IP addresses. The coordinates are placed on the top of the users’ buildings to facilitate rooftop geocoding, which can further help companies record and store precise addresses to complete deliveries and conduct marketing campaigns.

Address Autocomplete, Parsing, and Standardising

When users start entering their addresses, the address validation tool can autocomplete the remaining parts of the addresses, break them down and autofill in the right fields (known as parsing), and standardise them correctly. An address validation service provider offers all these things along with address validation.

Fuzzy Matching

When you manually enter addresses, it is likely that they have some misspelled words, missing characters and words, wrong abbreviations, missed spaces, typos, improper casing, and switched letters. Even right addresses with such errors are marked as invalid. Fuzzy matching helps identify and correct such errors instantly.

Data Enhancement

Data entry is not only about entering the right addresses. It must include regular data updations and maintenance of data quality. Address validation solutions like PostGrid can help you verify addresses often, segment data as per various parameters, and make them ready to use at any point in time. This way, businesses can move on with their daily operations without having to worry about failed deliveries and bad data.

direct mail operations

Who Can Benefit From Address Validation Solutions?

Businesses that need to frequently ship items to their customers can benefit from address validation notably. Moreover, real-time address validation can help marketers conduct direct mail marketing campaigns in an accurate and productive way. Below are some of the industries that can make use of address validation:

  • Ecommerce
  • Real-estate
  • Hospitality
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Finance and credit
  • Healthcare
  • Print media
  • Education
  • Marketing
  • Car and other types of dealerships
  • Fitness
  • Retail

Why Choose Postgrid’s Address Validation Service Solutions?

AMAS Certified Addresses

AMAS (Address Matching Approval System) matches your data with that of the Australia Post address database. Using AMAS certified addresses would mean that companies can be assured that their mailing lists are fully checked, validated, and verified. PostGrid uses AMAS certified addresses to return only up-to-date and mailable addresses.


PostGrid’s API is scalable, so you can process millions of API calls altogether without any slowdowns or website crashes. Scalability works for both type-ahead and post-entry verifications. It doesn’t matter how many people are entering their addresses at the same time on your website. The address validation API can handle the rising demand. Similarly, you can validate bulk addresses altogether.

Simple to Set-up and Integrate

You can be up and running within just a few minutes with PostGrid. It doesn’t require you to have extensive technical knowledge for setting up and integrating the API. Simply read the API documentation and get started.

Compliance and Security

PostGrid is compliant with the Privacy Act 1988, PCI DSS Level 1, ISAE 3402, SOC 2 – IRAP (Australia), ISO 9001, and ISO 27001 certifications. Hence, companies can be relieved that they are following all the laws regarding direct mail marketing. Furthermore, PostGrid strives to keep client data safe and confidential always.

No Minimum Fees

With PostGrid, you can avail of the pay-as-you-go option. There are no hidden fees, surcharges, minimum monthly or annual fees, long-term contracts, and commitments. You can validate any number of addresses at any time with PostGrid and only pay for that.

Apart from the above features, there are other advanced features that PostGrid offers, such as:

  • Delivery Point Validation (DPV)
  • SuiteLink
  • Locatable Address Correction System (LACSLink)
  • Residential Delivery Indicator
  • Intelligent Mail Barcodes (IMBs)


Data management is the perfect metaphor for the backbone of a business. Businesses need a verified, updated, and usable data so that they are able to carry on with their operations and conduct marketing campaigns profitably. The opposite can obviously lead to losses. Hence, PostGrid offers address validation solutions to help companies get access to validated mailing lists. Its address validation and verification API can replace manual data entry with a systematic and smart way of recording and storing data.

automate direct mail

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The post Address Validation and Verification Service appeared first on PostGrid.


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