Thursday 31 March 2022

PURL Landing Page in Direct Mail

How To Use PURL Direct Mail Campaigns to Boost ROI?

Are you losing clients to your competitors due to ineffective marketing? If so, we are here to help you understand its root cause and offer a viable solution.

Modern-day advertising is dependent on digital channels to a great extent. You may lock deals with your clients via email or get orders on your website. Either way, digital media plays a crucial role in your business operations.

purl landing page in direct mail

However, nearly 306.4 billion emails were sent daily in 2020. Also, the number of social media ads that people are exposed to is rising every day. Thus, digital marketing can no longer be a standalone strategy for your company.

At this point, direct mail comes in—it is attention-grabbing, eye-catching, personal, and engaging. Plus, you can integrate it with digital media using PURLs, QR codes, etc.

This blog will help you understand the PURL meaning and how to use it in your direct mail campaigns to accelerate responses.

What are PURLs?

PURL (personalised URL) is a unique web address that marketers use to target their prospects. Mostly, it has the recipient’s name in it—for example,

PURLs are an excellent alternative to sending a generic website link to your target audience. Perhaps, they get such website links via email and other channels frequently and may not take the time to open them.

Using PURL direct mail, you can help people view a web page suited to their requirements and make them feel special. Once you have a domain, you can create an infinite number of unique web pages for every prospect on your list.

Quick read: PostGrid for Customer Success Teams

direct mail operations

How Do PURLs Work With Direct Mail?

You can use a PURL everywhere, from emails and social media messages to traditional mail. It helps your recipients visit personalised landing pages where they can learn more about your products and services and complete the CTA.

In direct mail marketing campaigns, PURLs can help marketers increase engagement. Here’s how they work:

  • Firstly, you upload a list of your potential customers that you want to target under your campaign on PURL marketing software
  • Then, link it to a domain, preferably your company website
  • The software should be able to combine the first and last names of all your prospects and create personalised URLs for everyone in minutes
  • You can download the list of PURLs and print them on your direct mail items using variable data printing (VDP)

Fortunately, PostGrid helps you create PURLs along with printing and mailing items. Thus, you don’t need to look for a software program just for creating PURLs.

Why Should You Use PURL Direct Mail?

There is more than one reason for marketers to use personalised URLs as part of their campaigns. They include:

  • Tracking the recipients’ actions in real-time: PURLs let you know which of your prospects viewed your web page and completed the CTA. 
  • Increasing response rates: People tend to engage with personalised marketing items that match their requirements and preferences.
  • Measuring campaign results: Personalised URLs help you record your campaign’s accurate response ratios and engagement levels. 
  • Collecting demographic information: Using PURLs, you can collect details about your prospects’ lifestyle, shopping habits, choices, demographics, etc. For example, you can ask them to fill out a survey form. It is the best way to know your prospects better and collect primary data.
  • Reducing shopping cart abandonment rates: Companies can send a PURL direct mail item to every customer who abandoned their cart on your website. It will act as a reminder to them and push them to complete the transaction. Just personalise their cart link with their names to increase impact and drive more conversions. 

Best Practices of Using Personalised URLs in Mailing Campaigns

The following practices can help businesses implement PURL marketing successfully and their ROI considerably:

Use Short URLs

It doesn’t matter if you use personalised URLs with your recipients’ names. Remember that people are not down to typing long URLs to view your customised landing page. Hence, make the job easier for them by using short and simple URLs that take no more than a minute to type in.

Take Advantage of QR Codes

QR codes are a blessing in disguise for almost every marketer. Prospects can simply pull out their phones, scan the code, and get redirected to your landing page.

Thus, consider using QR codes with PURLs, especially for direct mail. This way, your recipients are more enticed to visit the web page and respond to your mail. 

Related: Uses of QR Codes in Direct Mail

Integrate PURL Direct Mail With Other Channels

To get optimised results, use the same PURLs on multiple channels to increase your chances of getting more responses. So, if a person misses it by email, they can get to it via direct mail and vice versa. 

Test Your PURLs and Don’t Forget to Follow Up

Testing helps you perfect your marketing strategies by telling you which of its aspects generates the most results. You can test PURL combinations, like or Also, you can test your landing page design, offers, and CTAs to see which your audience likes better.

However, don’t forget to follow up with everyone who responded using your PURLs. Take care to help them move ahead of their customer journeys from that point.

Read more: Direct Mail Marketing Guide

Using PostGrid’s PURL Direct Mail to Save Costs and Increase Efficiency

PostGrid’s automated direct mail API and software can help you plan and execute top-notch mailing campaigns. You can either upload your own mailing list or let PostGrid compile a segmented list for you. Either way, PostGrid offers end-to-end print and mail automation services that allow you to conduct effective PURL direct mail campaigns. 

Our solutions are used by several companies from diverse industries, including:

We offer several helpful features to back up your PURL marketing campaigns, including address verification, Zapier integration, and real-time reporting.

Want to learn more about how PostGrid works and helps businesses use PURLs successfully in their direct mail campaigns? Request a demo now!

automate direct mail

Ready to Get Started?

Start transforming and automating your offline communications with PostGrid


The post PURL Landing Page in Direct Mail appeared first on PostGrid.


Thursday 17 March 2022

Managed Print Services: The Ultimate Guide

Managed Print Services: A Comprehensive Guide To MPS Service And Its Benefits

Are you having trouble meeting your print needs with an in-house printer?

Many businesses waste hours and hours of their valuable time personalising, printing, storing, and delivering printed materials. For example, some companies want to send invoices/payment reminders to their customers, while others want to print marketing materials.

managed print advertising services

Any company that regularly prints a considerable number of materials should optimise their printing process. But, unfortunately, you can only do so much optimisation for your in-house printing process. By the end of the day, you would still lose a considerable amount of time and money on an in-house printing process.

Managed print services Australia is the best way for a company to optimise their printing operations to save time and money. Below, we will discuss what is managed print services and how you can use them effectively for your business.

The guide provides valuable information and insights on the methodology for MPS and its benefits. It even explains the characteristics of an MPS contract.

What is Managed Print Services?

Managed Print Service or MPS are services offered by a third-party service provider for optimising or managing an organisation’s document output. The MPS provider takes care of every aspect of the printing needs of its clients. Hence, the duties of an MPS provider includes the following

  • Assessment of printing equipment
  • Replacement of hardware (selective and general)
  • Servicing of equipment or parts
  • Supplies required operating the hardware
direct mail operations

Does Your Business Need MPS or Managed Print Services?

Generally speaking, if yours is a business that often has to print or mail letters, then MPS can benefit your business. MPS can help businesses of all sizes and shapes. However, as the company’s size increases, so does the chance of wastage in printing.

That does not mean smaller companies always run an optimised business printing process. On the contrary, poor printing management and the absence of appropriate policies and procedures can badly affect even small companies. 

Following are the indications that your company needs managed print services.

  • Your staff needlessly print out emails and other information that can easily remain in the digital format
  • Your team members needlessly print reams of paper
  • The team or staff always print in colour when you only need black and white prints
  • You often see unclaimed documents lying around in the office everywhere
  • You have a supply closet filled to the brim with printing supplies like unused toner, ink cartridges, etc.
  • You have to deal with multiple suppliers, services, and software invoices
  • You frequently run out of printing supplies like toners or ink cartridges for printing

Methodology For Managed Print Services

The methodology for Managed Print Services may vary based on the unique service provider. Print management services use different approaches or methods for determining their role in a business organisation. Generally, the MPS methodology consists of a four-step process:

Step 1: Assess The Requirements

A good MPS provider’s first step is to assess the printing requirements by conducting a full audit of the business’s print infrastructure. An in-depth diagnosis or print assessment helps the MPS provider understand the existing work environment of the organisation. It includes getting a comprehensive picture of print usage and its workflow trends.

Step 2: Design A Custom Solution

The information obtained from the assessment is used to design custom solutions for your specific organisation. Creating a custom solution enables you to meet all your printing requirements with ease and minimum wastage.

Step 3: Implementation Of Changes

Once a custom printing solution is created for an organisation, it is soon implemented and managed by the MPS provider. A good Managed Print Services provider like PostGrid will be with you at every implementation stage. Print solutions like PostGrid ensure that the transition to the print solution is carried out as smoothly as possible.

Step 4: Manage The New Print Environment

The job of the MPS provider is not over after implementation is completed. Service providers like PostGrid offer you all the tools you need for ensuring a seamless print environment. Furthermore, the MPS provider needs to regularly analyse the print requirements to ensure it evolves with the growth of your business.

Benefits Of Managed Print Services

There are numerous benefits for business organisations that employ print management services. Following are some of the significant benefits business organisations can get from using MPS for their printing needs.

  • Control Your Budget And Save Money
  • Minimise Energy Consumption
  • Significantly higher uptimes
  • Reduce your IT burden
  • Remotely monitor and manage your print requirements
  • Scale your printing capabilities as your business grows

What Is An MPS Contract, And Why Is It Important?

An MPS contract is an agreement between you (the organisation) and the MPS provider. Make sure that you know everything stated in the contract before you sign it. The MPS contract must cover the parts and servicing of the printing devices.

Ideally, the MPS contract should include all parts, labour, and consumables, and all your devices come under an extended warranty. However, every MPS contract is not the same. For example, some contracts may only cover toners in their contract. In contrast, other agreements may include supplies like waste toner bottles, drums, etc.

Ensure that you understand which all supplies are covered under the MPS contract. It is also worth noting that most MPS contracts include a base charge for the device, billed over monthly or quarterly. Similarly, some MPS contracts do not have a minimum volume required. In other words, you only need to pay for exactly what you print.

Eligible Devices For Managed Print Services

The eligible device for Managed Print Services may vary depending on the service provider you choose. For example, it is possible that your business already has many printers in place. In that case, select an MPS provider that does not require you to replace your existing print tech.

You should ensure that the eligible devices for the MPS provider include the devices you use. Furthermore, most reliable MPS providers offer a complimentary assessment that reveals which of your devices can be put under contract and needs an upgrade.

Automated Direct Mail Solutions

It is always best to choose a service provider like PostGrid that offers complete direct mail automation when it comes to managed print solutions. Yes, it means you automate EVERYTHING! PostGrid takes care of everything from personalising your letters to printing and delivering them to your target audience.

The thing with many MPS providers is that they don’t have mailing capability. It means you have to fend for yourself regarding the logistic challenges of sending bulk mail. However, advanced tools like PostGrid offer a single stop solution for all your print and mailing needs.

You can send all sorts of mail via PostGrid’s direct mail automation tool, including invoices, patient reports, marketing postcards, and much more. In addition, PostGrid lets you set up triggered direct mail that automatically sends scheduled mail to your targets.


Managed Print Services is an excellent way for businesses to meet all their printing needs. It enables companies to bypass the lengthy and often complex bulk printing process. Companies have a wide variety of printing needs. 

Some businesses want to print their invoices, while others require postcards for direct mail campaigns. Usually, the business print requirement is in bulk. The printed material is almost always sent to their customers or clients via post.

Hence, opting for a complete direct mail solution like PostGrid can solve all your direct mail needs. PostGrid can connect with your CRM to print and deliver personalised direct mail anywhere in the world. Furthermore, PostGrid even offers an AMAS certified address verification system.

The direct mail automation with address verification ensures that all your direct mail is delivered without delay or mistake. As the entire process is automated, there is no chance for a manual error when employing a system like PostGrid. Even if you do, by some chance, run into some trouble, PostGrid’s superior customer service is always there to help you out. 

automate direct mail

Ready to Get Started?

Start transforming and automating your offline communications with PostGrid


The post Managed Print Services: The Ultimate Guide appeared first on PostGrid.


Wednesday 9 March 2022

Edtech Marketing

What Are the Top 12 EdTech Marketing Tips and Tricks to Use in 2022?

The education technology sector is growing massively over the last few years. In 2021, the global EdTech market was valued at over USD 254.8 billion last year!

edtech marketing strategies

The EdTech industry is vast and includes much more than companies selling educational materials digitally. It consists of:

  • Digital media and educational tools
  • School infrastructure
  • Learning Management Systems (LMS)
  • E-learning programs
  • Information and Communications Technology (ICT), etc.

It is hard for companies to plan and execute their EdTech marketing strategies in a competitive zone. Plus, they may face many challenges, like not being able to contact the end decision-makers directly and dealing with lengthy selling processes. 

Luckily, marketing for EdTech helps you beat your competition and overcome these difficulties. This article discusses the most effective ways to connect with your target market and drive sales. 

The Best EdTech Marketing Plans You Must Employ

Below, we have enlisted all the powerful marketing strategies that benefit EdTech startups and help them grow.

Segment Your Audience and Personalise Communications

EdTech businesses need to fine-tune their buyer personas and focus on a niche market. Without such clarity, their marketing EdTech efforts are likely to fail.

Companies must conduct thorough market research to know their potential customers closely. They should try identifying the needs of a specific audience and offering specialised solutions accordingly.

You can start by determining your customer profile- are your customers’ parents of K-12 students?

Do you sell to school administrators directly? Do your services have more than one type of customer?

It will be easier to formulate advertising plans if you can answer such questions clearly and precisely.

The next thing you need to do is personalise your correspondence with your prospects and existing customers. You cannot use the one-size-fits-all approach in the EdTech marketing industry due to the ever-changing and highly varying needs of customers and growing competition. 

Use your marketing research results to plan data-driven campaigns that target your relevant prospects and trigger responses.

Take Advantage of Content Marketing for EdTech

Content marketing is one of the best marketing strategies for the EdTech sector. As an EdTech business, you can post blogs that talk about how EdTech is transforming the face of education in the country. Make your blogs fun and interactive so that readers are motivated to engage with them. 

You can choose and work on any EdTech marketing topic you want as long as it’s relevant and can increase your website traffic.  

Consider creating a separate blog section on your website if you don’t already have one. Other crucial pages that your website should have include Frequently Answered Questions and Book a Demo. 

Plus, you may add guest posts to popular educational websites to offer value to prospective customers and showcase yourself as an industry expert. Your EdTech content marketing strategies should revolve around creating a need and then offering solutions. 

There are many more ways to level up your content marketing for EdTech games. For example, you can post whitepapers and ebooks to your website and share their links on social media. The more quality content you publish, the more are your odds of closing deals. 

Create and Market Engaging Videos

9 out of 10 people say they want to see more videos from companies. Moreover, an average person is likely to spend at least 100 minutes each day watching videos on their computers or other devices. Thus, video marketing can prove to be a highly effective aspect of your EdTech marketing strategy too.

You can add download links, quizzes, opt-in forms, and other features to your videos to get more traffic and increase conversions. 

Make sure to optimise your EdTech marketing videos for all types of devices and browsers. Also, try making short two to ten-minute videos to make them more consumable and shareable. 

Develop Creative Social Media Marketing Programs

Both video and social media marketing are major components of your EdTech digital marketing campaigns. You can create interesting social media posts to engage with your audience and generate more leads in your sales funnel. 

Social media marketing is also one of the most efficient inbound marketing forms that help you reach out to a broad audience. 

Encourage users to interact with your brand by announcing giveaways, collaborating with influencers, and keeping up with the latest EdTech market trends.

Ask your long-term clients or customers to share your posts and leave valuable feedback. This way, you can win over the trust of your prospects and increase engagement on your posts.

Make the Most of Email Marketing

Email marketing can be used as an inbound or outbound EdTech marketing tool, depending on whether you want to connect with subscribed or unsubscribed customers. Either way, you can use it as one of the most result-generating EdTech marketing campaigns.

Email campaigns are helpful across all the areas of the EdTech sector. It can help you communicate one-to-one with administrators, parents, students, school board members, coaching institutes, etc. 

However, try coming up with some effective plans to increase your emails’ open and read rates. For starters, use attention-grabbing subject lines that either consist of a question or a promising solution to one of your customers’ needs. 

Also, use segmented email lists to connect with your most relevant leads. EdTech market segmentation also helps you personalise your emails to match your prospects’ expectations better and make them feel special.

Consider Devising An Omnichannel EdTech Marketing Strategy

Omnichannel marketing plans are the best way to increase brand visibility and customer awareness for every industry. It can help you manage your marketing budget and connect with as many prospects as possible. For example, imagine your targeted audience uses social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook majorly. In that case, it makes sense to utilise them both. 

By doing so, you can create a consistent brand experience for customers and push them ahead of your marketing funnel. You can combine various offline and online marketing channels, like direct mail, email, pay per click, etc., to develop a solid strategy for omnichannel marketing in EdTech

Know how to unite offline and online marketing channels for offering an integrated customer journey!

Employ Event Marketing

Seeing the huge size of the EdTech market, companies can try hosting events like seminars and conferences. They can invite other industry players to these events and motivate customers to visit them.

You can also participate in various events as key speakers, debate participants, etc. These events are excellent EdTech marketing tactics and can give a lot of exposure to your brand. 

In the current Covid-19 pandemic situation, you can also consider hosting webinars and inviting all your prospects as part of your EdTech marketing strategy. This way, you can boost the importance of your EdTech solutions effortlessly and show people how they can make a huge impact in the education sector. 

Print and Distribute Marketing Items

Direct mail is another solid EdTech marketing tool for EdTech businesses to use. They can reach out to highly-targeted prospects personally and win over their trust by sending direct mail items. 

Recipients can share direct mail pieces with other people, which means your message will probably reach secondary audiences too. For example, you send a marketing letter to a student talking about your e-learning classes. Your letter is likely to be also seen by the student’s parents, who can influence the decision-making process significantly. 

Such a direct marketing strategy for EdTech helps boost conversions and improve your brand reputation. If you need help conducting successful marketing for EdTech campaigns, use PostGrid’s automated direct mail services. They can help do everything from designing items to mailing them to the right people. 

Improve Your Onboarding Processes

As an EdTech company, try to channelise your effort towards customer onboarding and support. Use a more customer-friendly marketing approach to improve brand image and attract new leads. 

Customer onboarding should be one of your most crucial EdTech marketing strategies. Though it may not be great for customer acquisition, it works wonders to increase your retention levels. 

Take care that your customers feel appreciated and valued at your company. Try assigning the same member from your sales team for after-sales support to help form personal relationships and feel special. 

Quick read: PostGrid for Customer Success Teams

Leverage Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Fulfilling your CSR is not necessarily an EdTech marketing strategy but can subtly work in your favour. Several people like supporting organisations that complete their CSR duties vigilantly. 

You don’t need to do something extravagant to attract your audience’s attention and boost your marketing EdTech plans. Donating to a nonprofit, sponsoring the education of some underprivileged children, or backing up small educational institutes or groups should be enough. 

Look Into Search Engine Optimisation and Paid Search

As said earlier, the Australian EdTech market has hundreds of companies operating. Hence, it is hard to stand out from the crowd and make yourself known among customers. 

Paid search is great digital marketing for the EdTech channel that lets you advertise yourself and get higher responses. Plus, it is cost-effective as you only pay for the clicks you get on your ads and not for the number of people who see them. 

It would help if you also used SEO as a crucial aspect of your digital marketing strategy for an EdTech startup. It helps your online blog posts, videos, social media ads, etc., reach more people and attract higher engagement levels. 

Automate All Your EdTech Advertising Tasks

Marketing automation helps you in several ways, like saving time, effort, and resources. It also increases the efficiency of your marketing efforts and improves productivity.

You can automate every EdTech marketing strategy from email to direct mail advertising campaigns. PostGrid’s direct mail API can help you automate every step of your campaign, like creating items, printing them, validating address lists, tracking results, etc. 

Read more: Australia Address Format.

direct mail operations

PostGrid’s Direct Mail Automation Solutions for the EdTech Industry

As established above, there is more than one way for businesses to promote their EdTech products and services. In fact, you can also get more creative and come up with other ways to contact your prospects, like billboard advertising. 

EdTech marketing is not simple as companies face several hardships throughout the way. But, it is also not impossible to achieve positive results and expand operations. 

PostGrid’s automated postal mail API can help you improvise your EdTech marketing strategy. Here’s how:

Build Segmented Mailing Lists

We already know the significance of EdTech marketing segmentation and how it can help you land better leads. PostGrid makes your job easier and allows you to compile highly-targeted mailing lists from scratch. This way, you can narrow down your target audience and reach out to prospects who will most likely buy from you.

PostGrid also helps you standardize and verify mailing addresses to avoid lost mail and returns.

Design Eye-Catching Pieces

Making your items eye-catching and appealing is a sure way to turn some heads. With our free HTML and PDF templates, you can get creative and create result-driving mail items.

Skip the Legwork of Printing and Stuffing

Direct marketing for EdTech firms can take a lot of your time and effort. Fortunately, you can use PostGrid’s direct mail API and automate manual tasks, like printing thousands of mail pieces, stuffing them into envelopes, and labelling them.

Integrate Our API Into Your CRM

EdTech marketers can integrate our API into various software applications, like Hubspot, Salesforce, Marketo, etc. Hence, they can start printing and mailing right from their CRM. 

Want to explore more about our Zapier integration? Click here.

Our zero-code integration makes your EdTech marketing efforts simpler and faster, as you can complete the entire process without any technical expertise.

Distribute Your Marketing Materials On Time

With PostGrid, you need not wait in a long queue outside the Post Office to mail your items. You can plan your EdTech marketing strategy, integrate our API, and get started!

PostGrid handles everything from design to distribution. Also, there are no minimum volume requirements or monthly fees in the picture. 

Measure Campaign Performance

You can access your campaign reports and insights from your dashboard. All you need to do is login into your PostGrid account and navigate your customised dashboard. 

Don’t have a PostGrid account yet? Click here to make one and see our top-notch services in action.


Marketing for EdTech sounds complicated and daunting. Maybe it is the case with some EdTech firms, but you can change that with some planning. All the EdTech marketing campaign ideas mentioned in this blog can help you achieve your goals and improve your ROI.

You can use PostGrid to streamline your offline marketing activities and get the best out of your EdTech marketing campaigns. Drop us an email now or request a demo right away!

automate direct mail

Ready to Get Started?

Start transforming and automating your offline communications with PostGrid


The post Edtech Marketing appeared first on PostGrid.


Address Validation and Verification Service

Address Validation Service

Oftentimes, bad data causes a lot of problems like miscommunications, delays, misplaced mail items, lost mail, and more. It leads to a bad reputation and a decrease in sales. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that businesses avoid such scenarios by using an address validation API. Validating addresses and enriching data are always smart options as these steps keep your database updated at all times.

verify address validation process

Basically, address validation services compare your mailing addresses with Australia Post’s PAF (Postal Address File). If your addresses exist but are incorrect, the API can rectify them. You can either verify addresses at the point of entry or process your mailing lists for validation.

The Importance of Address Verification Services

Save Time and Resources

Save hours of your precious time spent in reshipping items to your customers. Wrong, invalid, and incomplete addresses can cost you a lot of wasted time and effort. Address validation service helps you avoid such wastages by verifying every address before mailing. You can also cancel spam orders by identifying invalid and fake addresses beforehand.

Increase Conversion Rates

Cart abandonment rates increase due to lengthy and complicated checkout processes. It makes sense to simplify these processes and help your customers complete checkouts as conveniently and speedily as possible. You can integrate an address autocomplete API into your applications, websites, or other ePOS to help customers enter their correct addresses with just a few clicks, thereby increasing conversions and reducing cart abandonment.

Save Money

Do you want to save money and at the same time provide excellent customer service? If yes, address verification might just be the solution you are looking for. Reshipping and lost mail can lead to companies spending a lot of money that could have otherwise been saved. Hence, companies can use address validation solutions like PostGrid to avoid lost mail, complete orders on time, and save money.

Improve User Experience

Customers expect a delightful shopping experience on your website. There are millions of websites today that offer top-notch user experience. So, why should your company stay behind?

Using address verification service, you can present your website as updated and advanced and lure customers into shopping with you and completing their checkouts happily. An excellent user experience also reflects the fact that your company has kept up with the latest technological advancements and market trends.

How Do Address Validation Solutions Work?

Address validation can be type-ahead or post-entry. Type-ahead address verification is all about predicting and capturing mailing addresses as they are being typed. Any company that sells anything online can benefit from it. Post-entry address validation is mostly used for batch processing so that companies can send out direct mail items to verified addresses.

There are three major steps in the process of validating addresses:

  • Standardise: It is the first step of address verification. Standardising addresses is reformatting addresses according to the Australia Post address guidelines or the destination country’s guidelines for international addresses.
  • Validate: In this step, it is checked whether the addresses are real and deliverable.
  • Verify: By verifying addresses, you can check whether there are any rectifications required. If so, the needful is done automatically.

Features of Address Validation and Verification Service Solutions

Global Coverage

PostGrid’s address validation service solutions provide global coverage, which means that you can validate international addresses easily and ship anywhere in the world. It has access to the addresses of over 240 countries and territories worldwide. You can also translate addresses into multiple languages and standardise them accordingly.


Geocoding supports shopping, geomarketing, and logistics to a great extent. PostGrid uses geolocation to capture addresses accurately through the users’ IP addresses. The coordinates are placed on the top of the users’ buildings to facilitate rooftop geocoding, which can further help companies record and store precise addresses to complete deliveries and conduct marketing campaigns.

Address Autocomplete, Parsing, and Standardising

When users start entering their addresses, the address validation tool can autocomplete the remaining parts of the addresses, break them down and autofill in the right fields (known as parsing), and standardise them correctly. An address validation service provider offers all these things along with address validation.

Fuzzy Matching

When you manually enter addresses, it is likely that they have some misspelled words, missing characters and words, wrong abbreviations, missed spaces, typos, improper casing, and switched letters. Even right addresses with such errors are marked as invalid. Fuzzy matching helps identify and correct such errors instantly.

Data Enhancement

Data entry is not only about entering the right addresses. It must include regular data updations and maintenance of data quality. Address validation solutions like PostGrid can help you verify addresses often, segment data as per various parameters, and make them ready to use at any point in time. This way, businesses can move on with their daily operations without having to worry about failed deliveries and bad data.

direct mail operations

Who Can Benefit From Address Validation Solutions?

Businesses that need to frequently ship items to their customers can benefit from address validation notably. Moreover, real-time address validation can help marketers conduct direct mail marketing campaigns in an accurate and productive way. Below are some of the industries that can make use of address validation:

  • Ecommerce
  • Real-estate
  • Hospitality
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Finance and credit
  • Healthcare
  • Print media
  • Education
  • Marketing
  • Car and other types of dealerships
  • Fitness
  • Retail

Why Choose Postgrid’s Address Validation Service Solutions?

AMAS Certified Addresses

AMAS (Address Matching Approval System) matches your data with that of the Australia Post address database. Using AMAS certified addresses would mean that companies can be assured that their mailing lists are fully checked, validated, and verified. PostGrid uses AMAS certified addresses to return only up-to-date and mailable addresses.


PostGrid’s API is scalable, so you can process millions of API calls altogether without any slowdowns or website crashes. Scalability works for both type-ahead and post-entry verifications. It doesn’t matter how many people are entering their addresses at the same time on your website. The address validation API can handle the rising demand. Similarly, you can validate bulk addresses altogether.

Simple to Set-up and Integrate

You can be up and running within just a few minutes with PostGrid. It doesn’t require you to have extensive technical knowledge for setting up and integrating the API. Simply read the API documentation and get started.

Compliance and Security

PostGrid is compliant with the Privacy Act 1988, PCI DSS Level 1, ISAE 3402, SOC 2 – IRAP (Australia), ISO 9001, and ISO 27001 certifications. Hence, companies can be relieved that they are following all the laws regarding direct mail marketing. Furthermore, PostGrid strives to keep client data safe and confidential always.

No Minimum Fees

With PostGrid, you can avail of the pay-as-you-go option. There are no hidden fees, surcharges, minimum monthly or annual fees, long-term contracts, and commitments. You can validate any number of addresses at any time with PostGrid and only pay for that.

Apart from the above features, there are other advanced features that PostGrid offers, such as:

  • Delivery Point Validation (DPV)
  • SuiteLink
  • Locatable Address Correction System (LACSLink)
  • Residential Delivery Indicator
  • Intelligent Mail Barcodes (IMBs)


Data management is the perfect metaphor for the backbone of a business. Businesses need a verified, updated, and usable data so that they are able to carry on with their operations and conduct marketing campaigns profitably. The opposite can obviously lead to losses. Hence, PostGrid offers address validation solutions to help companies get access to validated mailing lists. Its address validation and verification API can replace manual data entry with a systematic and smart way of recording and storing data.

automate direct mail

Ready to Get Started?

Start transforming and automating your offline communications with PostGrid


The post Address Validation and Verification Service appeared first on PostGrid.


Mailing House

TABLE OF CONTENTS REQUEST A DEMO All About Mailing House: Why Do You Need One? If yours is a ...