Monday 23 August 2021

Postal Address Verification

Postal Address Verification

Companies need to send out mail to their customers, clients, suppliers, and others at some point. For that, they require updated and precise addresses that assure guaranteed delivery.

postal address verification

Spelling mistakes, incomplete addresses, wrong spacing, missing postcodes, incorrect formatting, and other such errors can be costly for your company. Returned and lost mail both lead to wastage. Sometimes, your mail is delivered to the wrong addresses. Such failed deliveries and unnecessary delays can hamper your brand image. This is why postal address verification is crucial. You need to verify every address in your mailing list beforehand.

Postal address verification is the process of:

  • Accessing Australia Post’s postal data to get updated and correct addresses.
  • Adding in the missing details to make the addresses deliverable.
  • Standardizing addresses as per the format prescribed by Australia Post or other postal organisations, in case of international addresses.
  • Verifying addresses at rooftop level for better deliverability.

Raw and Postcode Data

You can access Australia Post’s address file in the raw format for conducting saturated neighbourhood marketing and even for other purposes. This file can be manipulated or integrated into your CRM. Basically, it is a list of all Australia Post recognised addresses and allows you to conduct non-personalised marketing campaigns.

There are about 13 million records in this database ready for you to use.

Australia Post address check allows you to target all residential and commercial addresses in certain areas. PostGrid can help companies identify “customer-rich” locations to conduct such location-based marketing campaigns.

There is another file developed and maintained by Australia Post known as the postcode address file. It is a list of all postcodes in Australia and is considered the most accurate and updated postcode database in the country. You can also access the states, territories, and localities associated with postcodes. So, you can instantly find out which postcode belongs to which suburb. It makes it easier to reach the destination.

Oftentimes, people ask “what is my correct postal address?” You can now access these files and find out. However, if you are using the postcode data for commercial purposes, you would need to get a license for the same from Australia Post. Using PostGrid’s address validation API, you need not worry about any licenses and/or certifications as all the data is readily available for you at all times.

Movers Statistics Data

People move all the time. The reason could be changing lifestyle, children, job, or anything else. However, changed addresses can be a great deal of information for companies to process. You might not know if someone changed their address unless you get in touch with them or mail to their address. In addition, you might find it difficult to get your hands on someone’s new address.

With hundreds and thousands of addresses in your database, it is understandable that you cannot identify and record all address changes manually. This is why it is important to access movers’ statistics and related data beforehand. Australia Post provides such data dating back to five years ago. You can check how many of your customers and prospects have moved in the last 5 years and also find out their new addresses.

In case you are looking for someone to answer- What is my correct postal address?, you might find that someone at your nearest post office. So, make an enquiry and get your new address registered. Australia Post maintains the National Change of Address data file to record every address change. Again, PostGrid considers this database while validating your mailing addresses.

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International Coverage and Language Translations

Companies dealing with international clients need to verify international addresses frequently. Hence, PostGrid offers international address verification for 240+ countries and territories around the world.

International shipping is quite expensive than national shipping. Therefore, it is necessary that you verify all international addresses before shipping to them. PostGrid’s address validation API is capable of transliterating addresses into different scripts according to the destination country. It can also standardise addresses as per that country’s address format. So, you can be relieved that your international letters and parcels are securely and accurately delivered.

PostGrid’s address verification solutions support several language scripts including Kanji (Japan), Hellenic (Greece), Hangul (South Korea), Arabic (United Arab Emirates), and Cyrillic (Russia) among others.

It combines data from Australia Post and other major postal organisations across the globe to verify all your mailing lists, whether local, national, or international. It makes sure that your mailing capabilities are infinite and you are not restricted by borders.

Address Matching Approval System (AMAS)

AMAS is Australia Post’s certification program that measures the accuracy of all address verification software. PostGrid’s address verification API is also AMAS certified and uses data from Australia Post’s Postal Address File (PAF). It allows you to verify your mailing lists by accessing the most up-to-date and precise database in all of Australia.

The AMAS also does the job of adding unique Delivery Point Identifiers (DPID) to addresses. It helps you to generate barcodes for your mail packages. These identifiers make it simple for companies to track sent mail.

How Does Postal Address Verification Work?

There are four broad steps in postal address verification. All these steps are carried out simultaneously. In fact, PostGrid’s address verification solutions can help you validate thousands of addresses altogether.

  • Address Autocomplete: It makes sure you enter complete addresses. Basically, this step adds in the missing details and gets addresses filled in within a few keystrokes.
  • Parsing: All mailing addresses are broken down into separate address components for better understanding.
  • Standardising: In order for Australia Post to deliver to the right addresses, all addresses must be standardised. Use the prescribed address format and follow all the guidelines.
  • Validating: Finally, addresses are cross-checked against an authoritative database to find out whether they are real, valid, and deliverable. If not, the necessary changes are made.

Benefits of Using Australia Post’s Postal Address File for Verification

  • Avoiding scenarios of lost mail, failed deliveries, and returned mail to prevent wastages.
  • Capturing precise addresses in online forms.
  • Saving a lot of time, effort, and money spent in reshipping mail items.
  • Saving a lot of time, effort, and money spent in reshipping mail items.
  • Improving customer satisfaction by getting deliveries completed on time.
  • Being able to verify addresses in bulk to conduct large-scale direct mail marketing campaigns—attracting huge postal discounts.
  • Increasing productivity by not burdening employees with manual address verification tasks.
  • Eliminating duplicates and maintaining an updated and cleansed database
  • Improving database analytics.
  • Increasing ROI by more number of successful deliveries and decreased misspending.
  • Reducing cart abandonment rates.
  • Reducing call times.

Australia Post address check allows companies to have a solid data management system, mail speedily, and improve brand reputation. PostGrid’s address verification API can help you access their database and integrate it into your system, so that you can start mailing right from your CRM.

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The post Postal Address Verification appeared first on PostGrid.


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