Wednesday 4 August 2021

International Address Verification

What Is International Address Verification?

International address verification is the process of standardising and verifying non-Australian addresses. It is similar to local and national address verification, where addresses are checked against the Australia Post database to look out for corrections and make the addresses mailable.

International address verification

In the case of international shipping address verification, the databases of the USPS, Canada Post, La Poste, Indian Post, and several postal organisations across the globe are used. It is important for businesses that have overseas clients and customers. Having access to accurate international addresses can allow companies to print and mail anywhere in the world. An address verification API like PostGrid that validates and verifies international addresses can help you with it.

Problems Associated With International Address Verification

On getting into the details about the working of an international address verification API, you would know that it is so much more than just comparing addresses with reliable data sources and rectifying them if required.

1. Language: Though the majority of the people nationally and internationally use Latin characters for writing addresses, some people use characters from native languages. Hence, it is difficult to always translate addresses according to the destination country’s language.

2. Address Format: Every country’s postal service has different address formats and guidelines. Some address formats require two spaces between the state and postcode, whereas others have different spacing guidelines. Australia Post requires you to write your state name using abbreviations. Following such address formats and standardising addresses the right way can sometimes get tricky.

3. Delivery Point Identifier: In the case of Australia Post, Delivery Point Identifiers (DPID) are assigned to all the addresses in their database for proper address verification and smooth delivery. But, many countries do not make use of delivery point data, making it difficult to locate certain addresses.

PostGrid’s international address verification solutions can help solve these issues and return deliverable addresses efficiently. From parsing and standardising to validating addresses, PostGrid can help you have access to high-quality data.

Features of PostGrid’s International Address Verification

PostGrid’s API for address verification is secure and easy to use. Find the several features that come along with it below:


Address transliteration is important so that the respective postal organisations can complete deliveries once the mail reaches their country. PostGrid’s address verification API supports several language scripts such as Chinese (China), Kanji (Japan), Hebrew (Israel), Cyrillic (Russia), Arabic (United Arab Emirates), and so on. The API is able to translate Latin to native languages and vice versa as required, hence assuring that the returned addresses are transliterated correctly.

Updated Global Data

Want to have access to international addresses within minutes? Companies that operate an international business and need to mail to international addresses regularly absolutely need to have international address verification software. With the data of around 240 countries, PostGrid can help you check addresses for validity, deliverability, and accuracy altogether. Furthermore, these addresses are updated in real-time, which means that you never have to worry about delays, misplacements, or lost mail caused due to outdated or incorrect addresses.

Address Standardisation

As discussed above, every postal organisation follows different address formats and standardisation guidelines. Therefore, it is a must to standardise addresses correctly before verifying them. PostGrid can help you identify different address components and parse them into the respective address fields and then standardise them accordingly, which makes the verification process much easier.

Rooftop Geocoding

By using PostGrid’s address validation API, you can capture all national and international addresses at point-of-entry and prevent bad data from entering your system. It uses rooftop geocoding to capture precise and valid addresses only. Businesses can thereby complete international deliveries in a hassle-free manner.

Enriched Data

An international mailing address verification API like PostGrid can help you verify addresses in bulk. In order to return completely deliverable addresses, it can also help you in adding missing details such as apartment numbers, street names, postcodes, and more.

For targeted marketing on a global level, you can use PostGrid to segment audiences according to several demographics. Companies can use PostGrid’s print and mail solutions with free international address verification.

Other Features

  • PostGrid’s API can be integrated into your website, application, or any other software programs to start validating international addresses right from your own system.
  • It uses fuzzy matching to correct addresses with misspellings, wrong abbreviations, incorrect spacing, errors, capitalisation mistakes, and so on.
  • You can regularly update your database to delete old addresses and add new ones regularly.
direct mail operations

Benefits of PostGrid’s International Address Verification

Save Reshipping Costs

Undoubtedly, international shipping is expensive. Imagine sending mail to the other corner of the world, and the delivery fails due to a wrong address. PostGrid’s international address verification can help you validate addresses before mailing and avoid spending extra on reshipping unnecessarily.

Impress Your Customers

When you incorporate an address verification API into your website or application, it enables your customers to complete checkouts speedily. Moreover, with precise address captures, you can complete deliveries on time. These things lead to satisfied customers that are happy to shop on your website.

Maintain an Accurate Database

Using PostGrid, you can either verify addresses on-demand or in bulk. Either way, it leads the way for you to maintain a precise database with addresses that are completed, parsed, standardised, verified, and validated. Hence, it helps you in data management and data-quality maintenance.

Increase Conversion Rates

A lot of cart abandonments take place due to lengthy checkout procedures. International address verification services can help your national and international customers enter their correct addresses speedily. Companies can improve their website’s user experience and prompt customers to complete transactions, hence increasing the number of conversions.

Other Benefits

  • Easy-to-use documentation
  • Scalable API
  • Transparent pricing with no minimum fees
  • 24 x 7 technical assistance
  • Data privacy and confidentiality

PostGrid’s international address verification can help businesses serve their international clients better and expand their operations globally with confidence. You can leave behind cross-border complications and verify the addresses of any country.

Verify international addresses at any time and from anywhere and streamline data management activities.

automate direct mail

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Start transforming and automating your offline communications with PostGrid


The post International Address Verification appeared first on PostGrid.


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