Tuesday 9 May 2023

PURL Landing Page in Direct Mail

How To Use PURL Direct Mail Campaigns to Boost ROI?

Are you losing clients to your competitors due to ineffective marketing? If so, we are here to help you understand its root cause and offer a viable solution.

Modern-day advertising is dependent on digital channels to a great extent. You may lock deals with your clients via email or get orders on your website. Either way, digital media plays a crucial role in your business operations.

purl landing page in direct mail

However, nearly 306.4 billion emails were sent daily in 2020. Also, the number of social media ads that people are exposed to is rising every day. Thus, digital marketing can no longer be a standalone strategy for your company.

At this point, direct mail comes in—it is attention-grabbing, eye-catching, personal, and engaging. Plus, you can integrate it with digital media using PURLs, QR codes, etc.

This blog will help you understand the PURL meaning and how to use it in your direct mail campaigns to accelerate responses.

What are PURLs?

PURL (personalised URL) is a unique web address that marketers use to target their prospects. Mostly, it has the recipient’s name in it—for example, www.postgrid.com.au/emily-hammer/.

PURLs are an excellent alternative to sending a generic website link to your target audience. Perhaps, they get such website links via email and other channels frequently and may not take the time to open them.

Using PURL direct mail, you can help people view a web page suited to their requirements and make them feel special. Once you have a domain, you can create an infinite number of unique web pages for every prospect on your list.

Quick read: PostGrid for Customer Success Teams

direct mail operations

How Do PURLs Work With Direct Mail?

You can use a PURL everywhere, from emails and social media messages to traditional mail. It helps your recipients visit personalised landing pages where they can learn more about your products and services and complete the CTA.

In direct mail marketing campaigns, PURLs can help marketers increase engagement. Here’s how they work:

  • Firstly, you upload a list of your potential customers that you want to target under your campaign on PURL marketing software
  • Then, link it to a domain, preferably your company website
  • The software should be able to combine the first and last names of all your prospects and create personalised URLs for everyone in minutes
  • You can download the list of PURLs and print them on your direct mail items using variable data printing (VDP)

Fortunately, PostGrid helps you create PURLs along with printing and mailing items. Thus, you don’t need to look for a software program just for creating PURLs.

Why Should You Use PURL Direct Mail?

There is more than one reason for marketers to use personalised URLs as part of their campaigns. They include:

  • Tracking the recipients’ actions in real-time: PURLs let you know which of your prospects viewed your web page and completed the CTA. 
  • Increasing response rates: People tend to engage with personalised marketing items that match their requirements and preferences.
  • Measuring campaign results: Personalised URLs help you record your campaign’s accurate response ratios and engagement levels. 
  • Collecting demographic information: Using PURLs, you can collect details about your prospects’ lifestyle, shopping habits, choices, demographics, etc. For example, you can ask them to fill out a survey form. It is the best way to know your prospects better and collect primary data.
  • Reducing shopping cart abandonment rates: Companies can send a PURL direct mail item to every customer who abandoned their cart on your website. It will act as a reminder to them and push them to complete the transaction. Just personalise their cart link with their names to increase impact and drive more conversions. 

Best Practices of Using Personalised URLs in Mailing Campaigns

The following practices can help businesses implement PURL marketing successfully and their ROI considerably:

Use Short URLs

It doesn’t matter if you use personalised URLs with your recipients’ names. Remember that people are not down to typing long URLs to view your customised landing page. Hence, make the job easier for them by using short and simple URLs that take no more than a minute to type in.

Take Advantage of QR Codes

QR codes are a blessing in disguise for almost every marketer. Prospects can simply pull out their phones, scan the code, and get redirected to your landing page.

Thus, consider using QR codes with PURLs, especially for direct mail. This way, your recipients are more enticed to visit the web page and respond to your mail.

Related: Uses of QR Codes in Direct Mail

Integrate PURL Direct Mail With Other Channels

To get optimised results, use the same PURLs on multiple channels to increase your chances of getting more responses. So, if a person misses it by email, they can get to it via direct mail and vice versa.

Test Your PURLs and Don’t Forget to Follow Up

Testing helps you perfect your marketing strategies by telling you which of its aspects generates the most results. You can test PURL combinations, like www.postgrid.com.au/armie or www.armie-postgrid.com.au. Also, you can test your landing page design, offers, and CTAs to see which your audience likes better.

However, don’t forget to follow up with everyone who responded using your PURLs. Take care to help them move ahead of their customer journeys from that point.

Read more: Direct Mail Marketing Guide

Using PostGrid’s PURL Direct Mail to Save Costs and Increase Efficiency

PostGrid’s automated direct mail API and software can help you plan and execute top-notch mailing campaigns. You can either upload your own mailing list or let PostGrid compile a segmented list for you. Either way, PostGrid offers end-to-end print and mail automation services that allow you to conduct effective PURL direct mail campaigns. 

Our solutions are used by several companies from diverse industries, including:

We offer several helpful features to back up your PURL marketing campaigns, including address verification, Zapier integration, and real-time reporting.

Want to learn more about how PostGrid works and helps businesses use PURLs successfully in their direct mail campaigns? Request a demo now!

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The post PURL Landing Page in Direct Mail appeared first on PostGrid.

source https://www.postgrid.com.au/purl-landing-page-direct-mail-marketing/

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