Monday 8 May 2023

Online Document Print Services

How Document Print Services Help Businesses Increase Mailing Accuracy and Cut Costs?

Did you know that 67% of companies globally believe there will be an increase in the demand for printing equipment in all sectors by 2025? But why? It is a popular myth that print is dead because digital evolution has taken over!

However, statistics suggest otherwise, and businesses continue utilising printed documents and items.

online document printing services

Most companies use document print services like PostGrid to cut manual effort and unnecessary expenses. Also, these solutions help businesses print documents of high quality, showcasing them as elegant and professional.

Ensure to select service providers that offer complete print and mail fulfilment to help you increase efficiency. Hence, you can complete all your direct mailing tasks in one go and at lower costs.

Now, you may wonder why can’t you email documents to your clients or customers? The answer is you can! But, you may still need to print documents and mail them, primarily those that need a physical signature. Also, offline mail gets more attention than email and boosts response ratios!

This article talks about online document printing that enables you to send traditional mail without draining your budget or wasting time. We will also discuss the different document types you can send using automated services like PostGrid.

Let’s begin!

What Is Document Printing and Mailing?

Printing and shipping documents is a daily chore for almost all companies. For instance, you may need to send a bill copy to a client who called the other day asking for the same. Or, you would want to send payment reminder letters to some customers who are yet to pay their dues.

Therefore, companies must draft thoughtful plans to optimise document printing and save costs. Moreover, they also need to reduce the manual effort that takes their staff hours and weeks to complete.

In short, document printing and mailing consists of:

  • Drafting and personalising documents
  • Printing them on high-quality paper stock
  • Assembling and stuffing them into envelopes
  • Affixing postage stamps and sealing envelopes
  • Printing and sticking address labels
  • Dropping them in a mailbox or taking them to the Post Office for lodging

Types of Documents You Can Send Using Document Print Services

At PostGrid, we get many enquiries, like ‘where can I print documents.’ Luckily, we provide print and mail services to help you out. But, let us discuss the different types of documents before we get into how PostGrid can transform your direct mailing needs:


This word can mean different things for various businesses. For example, banks and financial services send bank statements to their customers every month. On the contrary, other businesses send client statements reflecting their past transactions and outstanding dues.

Such document printing helps you get paid on time and keep tabs on every client’s buying history. But, it can be hectic and time-consuming to print and mail statements frequently.

Thus, you can try using a document print and delivery service to send out statements without compromising the work quality at your office.

Legal Documents

It is not hard to print documents for use within your organisation. Your staff might print out loads of papers every day for internal purposes. But, creating legal documents needs you to be careful. You cannot ship legal forms with typing errors or misspellings.

Also, you must follow several data security laws like the Privacy Act 1988. Thankfully, PostGrid’s document print services are PCI DSS Level 1, SOC 2 – IRAP (Australia), ISAE 3402, ISO 27001, and ISO 9001 certified.


Drafting invoices is also daunting because there are tons of details to personalise. For instance, every invoice has different payment terms, due dates, amounts, particulars, sales representatives, etc. Thus, you may need to hire full-time employees to complete the task if you don’t use online document printing.

It would cost you more and still not guarantee accurate results. Your employees are human and would make some manual mistakes now and then. Instead, you can send accurate invoices that don’t need a lot of revisions, not giving your customers a chance to complain.

Contract Agreements and Renewals

Sending contract agreements via mail is a norm for many companies. It helps you seal a deal and move ahead with the transaction. If you are wondering ‘where can I print documents in Australia,’ it is because you are tired of processing contract forms manually.

The same goes for renewal letters that consist of tons of details. Also, it takes forever to print documents and send them via the Post Office.


Invitation cards enable companies to invite their customers, business partners, stockholders, etc., to specific events. You may send out invitations for events your company will host like press meets or product launches. Or, you would like to invite people to your booth at a trade fair to increase foot traffic and boost visibility. Either way, you need an efficient document print and delivery service like PostGrid to get you started.

Credit Reminders

You will always have a list of unpaid dues and debtors. These could be clients that might have forgotten to pay their bills and need a little push from your side. Hence, you can print documents like payment notices or credit reminders to remind them. It allows you to reduce outstanding payments and regulate your incoming cash flow.


Biweekly or monthly newsletters help you keep in touch with your past and prospective customers. They comprise information about your new products and services, the latest industry news, upcoming events, etc. Hence, consider using document print services to send newsletters, increasing brand awareness and bridging communication gaps between you and your prospects.

Advertising Letters

A well-curated and creative marketing letter can bring in more business than you think. Direct mail statistics show that people like getting mail, and its response rates range up to 9%.

You can use PostGrid’s document print services to send:

  • Customer onboarding letters
  • Thank-you letters to loyal customers
  • Advertising letters with sales discounts and other offers
  • Holiday greeting letters, etc.

Companies acquire and retain more customers when they print documents like these as an integral part of their marketing strategies.

direct mail operations

Features You Should Look For In a Document Print and Delivery Service

Try looking for helpful factors while selecting document print services for everyday operations. They should offer features that help you function more efficiently and speedily and include:

Customisation Options

Customising before you print documents is a prime characteristic that all vendors should provide. They should offer ample options for you to select from according to your requirements, like:

  • Paper stock: There are several paper weights available for different documents. Also, you would need size options suitable to print your entire content on paper. PostGrid’s document print services have several sizes and weight choices to help you make your documents look as needed.
  • Binding and coating: Sometimes, you may need to print documents that require binding though most of them only have two to three pages. Along with binding, you should also get coating and finishing options from your document print and delivery service provider.
  • Templates: Not all providers offer ready-to-use templates for free to help you save on design costs, but PostGrid does. You can download any template in PDF or HTML format and use it as you like.
  • Branding: Another crucial feature is branding, wherein you can add your company logo and contact information before you print documents. Also, such customisations include inserting images and changing fonts to help you speed up your document creation process. PostGrid’s direct mail API and the dashboard has several such choices, enabling you to draft your own documents. See the image below:


We make trans promotional mail a breeze for businesses. Using our document print services, you can brand your transactional documents and use them for dual purposes.

Often, people preserve transactional mail like invoices and receipts for a long time. Hence, you can increase brand visibility by adding promotional messages to your documents.

API Integration

If you want to save time on filling every detail in your documents, look for a direct mail API like PostGrid that integrates into your system. Using our document print services, you can fetch the required data within seconds and autofill all the fields automatically.

You can integrate PostGrid into your CRM, human resource management, billing software, etc. Some of our popular integrations include:

Also, the entire process does not take more than a few minutes. Our zero-code and native integrations help you use online document printing without technical expertise.

Bulk Mailing

Bulk mail needs you to obtain a permit and complete the necessary documentation. Hence, you should choose a document print and delivery service that accommodates your ever-growing needs. It should help you create and ship any number of documents you need.

PostGrid’s direct mail services do all the paperwork on your behalf and let you print documents in bulk. Our API is scalable and can work with huge volumes of requests simultaneously.


Real-time tracking lets you stay informed on the status of your sent mail. It helps you print documents that are trackable up to the delivery point. Therefore, you can follow up with your recipients on time and increase the efficiency of your mailings.

PostGrid allows you to track items the minute you place an order. Thus, you can see the progress live and coordinate your other activities accordingly.

Ideal Australia Post Services to Help You Mail Documents Efficiently

Australia Post offers several mailing options to send different types of mail items. Below, we will discuss some of your primary choices that aid your online document printing and mailing:

Domestic Letter With Tracking Imprint

It is one of the most affordable choices for sending and tracking your documents. Using this service for document printing, you can get features like:

  • SMS and email notifications
  • $100 compensation cover
  • Online tracking or extraction of delivery status files for bulk items

However, please note that you should mail at least 10,000 items annually to use this service.

PreSort Letters

This Australia Post service helps you send fully addressed mail, making it ideal for online document printing and mailing. You can avail of discounted rates if you send 300+ barcoded and presorted documents.

Plus, you get further discounts on selecting Regular delivery for documents that aren’t time-critical. It is also easy to pay for PreSort Letters because there are several options available, like:

  • Postage meter
  • Australia Post business credit account
  • Cash
  • Debit or credit card

Hence, it is a flexible option for document printing and shipping.

Print Post

If you print documents like magazines, newsletters, catalogues, and newspapers, Print Post can help you ship them accurately. It allows you to send personalised messages with your publications and save money by presorting the items.

Other features include a free return of undelivered mail and secure deliveries.

Please note that these options are for bulk mailing documents, and you may need to sign a pre-approved contract with Australia Post. You can opt for services like Priority Mail and Registered Mail, but they are expensive. Hence, use PostGrid’s document print services to send mail in any volumes and prevent signing long-term agreements as such.

More About PostGrid’s Document Print Services

PostGrid offers many more features that assist you in every step of your online document printing process. We have discussed some of them below to help you understand better:

Address Verification

There is nothing more annoying than shipping a crucial document to a client via express postal service and getting it returned. Often, the reason is an incorrect and invalid mailing address. We are sure you are too busy to check the accuracy of every delivery address before you print documents and mail them.

Hence, PostGrid offers automatic address verification for your mailing lists before mailing. You can upload your contacts as usual, and our solutions let you know whether they are correct.

Our document print services also standardise your addresses, helping Australia Post complete deliveries more quickly and efficiently.

Furthermore, PostGrid is AMAS-certified and offers a 99.99% deliverability guarantee. Thus, you can print and mail documents without worrying about mail returns and lost items.

International Mailing

If you operate overseas and need to mail documents to different countries, PostGrid has got you covered. PostGrid’s document print services allow you to send mail to more than 245 countries with the same efficiency. Moreover, we work to help you get the most affordable rates for international mailing.

Our solutions also enable you to reformat addresses according to the destination country’s postal guidelines and transliterate them. Hence, you can print documents and send them anywhere without thinking twice.

Adding Inserts

Your business can save tons on postage by adding marketing inserts with your documents. For instance, our document print and delivery service can help you send coupons, flyers, postcards, etc., in the same envelopes as your invoices. They can help you promote your offerings to existing customers and attract repeat orders.

PostGrid’s document print services also offer variable data printing to help you personalise your marketing inserts. Imagine a customer getting an eye-catching flyer carrying their name with their monthly statement. It makes them feel special and gets them excited about your brand.

Data Privacy and Security

Our solutions are compliant with all data protection and security requirements in Australia. PostGrid strives to offer you a safe and confidential platform for online document printing.

Flexible Pricing Plans

You can choose any membership plan based on your monthly and yearly mailing needs. They offer different prices to help you start mailing documents affordably and flexibly.

Thus, you no longer need to search ‘where to print documents near me’ because PostGrid provides everything you need under one roof.

Campaign Insights and Analytics

Naturally, you would like to know your campaign performance and reports. For example, suppose you add pURLs and QR codes in your documents to help customers scan and pay. In this case, your campaign analytics tell you the exact number of responses.

Therefore, PostGrid’s document print services allow you to access the campaign insights via your dashboard. They help you prepare well for your upcoming campaigns and double the engagement levels.

24 x 7 Customer Support

Our customer onboarding and technical support teams are always available to help you. Hence, you can integrate our direct mail API into your CRM and print documents effortlessly.

To Summarise

It is high time to organise your document printing activities and cut unnecessary expenses. The entire process includes numerous tasks that lower your staff’s productivity and affect your daily operations.

Using PostGrid’s document printing and delivery service, you can automate everything and focus on other business areas. It allows you to print and mail documents 50% faster and 5x more efficiently.

You can integrate our API or use our direct mail automation software according to your needs. Sign up here to see how PostGrid’s document print services can help you send different mail items effectively!

automate direct mail

Ready to Get Started?

Start transforming and automating your offline communications with PostGrid


The post Online Document Print Services appeared first on PostGrid.


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