Monday 10 April 2023

Lead Generation Process for 2023

14 Lead Generation Strategies to Increase Sales and Brand Awareness in 2023

Did you know that 42% of B2B marketers say creativity is crucial for brand building? Another 25% believe creative campaigns drive brand recall or memorability among target audiences.

So which B2B lead generation channels are the most innovative and result-bearing?

More importantly, which advertising plans can your company follow to fulfil short-term and long-term goals?

call and lead tracking

Though email, social media, PPC marketing, and other online channels are trending, they are less creative. Your customers scroll past similar ads all day—without responding to many of them!

You may try direct mail marketing as your top B2B sales lead generation plan because

  • It creates endless customisation and engagement opportunities.
  • 60% of customers prefer reading their mail messages thoroughly.
  • Direct mail is memorable, leaving a long-lasting and profitable impact.

This blog discusses using direct mail for B2B marketing lead-generation strategies! Also, we will cover how you can automate your mailing campaigns to save time and boost your ROI.

Let us begin!

What Is B2B Lead Generation?

Business-to-business lead generation involves collecting prospects’ information to target them with personalised offers. This data can include the target client’s name, phone number, email address, job title, and company name.

Most B2B lead generation strategies differ from B2C marketing because

  • Companies have around eight to ten people in the purchase decision-making process.
  • You must use highly tailored pitches because most businesses only buy from people they already know. Unlike B2C marketing, B2B clients are more adamant about changing providers.
  • B2B marketing is costlier than B2C because you may need to retarget clients multiple times using more high-quality items.

Please note that B2B lead generation is only step one of the marketing funnel. Marketers need robust advertising plans to push clients ahead of the buying journey.

Below are the top benefits of using B2B lead generation plans:

  • Stand out from the crowd: Give your audience a reason to remember your company and give you a call. 
  • Boost online and offline traffic: Get more clients to your store or website with timely and personalised offline communications.
  • Promote events: Maximise exposure by inviting prospects and clients to online events, conferences, product launches, and trade fairs. PostGrid lets you print and mail eye-catching postcards as event invites for your audience. You can also add a pURL to help recipients visit your website and RSVP. 
  • Increase sales: You can boost sales by using B2B marketing lead generation to get more qualified leads and nurture them throughout the sales funnel!

The Different B2B Lead Generation Stages

B2B marketing consists of various steps, from getting prospects to know about your brand to closing deals.

Here are the significant B2B lead generation stages:

  • Brand Introduction and Awareness

Your first objective is to introduce your business to prospects. Create awareness about the product or service you want to sell, helping people understand your purpose.

Direct mail lets you send flyers, postcards, letters, or other items to a targeted audience. You can include your website links and contact details to allow readers to research your company. It helps them learn about you and compare your business with competitors.

The B2B online lead generation program can help you during this stage. But it has limitations because it is harder to grab people’s attention online.

  • Consideration

Website visits, video views, call inquiries, and emails come under the MoFU stage. You can more targeted direct mail campaigns to push prospects to talk to you. This B2B lead generation plan lets you address a client’s needs and offer solutions.

  • Conversions

Once you generate leads using B2B lead generation strategies, the nurturing and closure stage begins. Explain to your potential clients why you are better than the other companies and use compelling offers to sell faster.

direct mail operations

14 Effective Direct Mail Strategies to Boost Your B2B Lead Generation Efforts

Direct mail’s response rate ranges from 2.9% to 5.3%! Yet many marketers believe this offline marketing channel is dead. Or they may need more ideas to use this platform profitably.

Below, we highlight 14 simple yet effective B2B direct mail plans to add value to your B2B lead generation programs.

Use Postcards to Introduce Yourself and Form Personal Connections

Postcards have all the qualities of an effective marketing tool! They are nostalgic, emotional, and creative!

You can print and mail marketing postcards in the awareness stage. Introduce yourself and your company with the necessary details. You may include a catchy headline with an offer and CTA.

Also, postcards are versatile. Businesses use it for several occasions, like new product announcements, events, holiday greetings, and more!

Please note that B2B marketing lead generation lets you communicate with businesses, not individual customers. Hence, make your postcards more data-driven, precise, and personalised!

Print Client Reviews and Real-Life Stories

One of the best ways to emotionally connect with people is to use your case studies properly. Include your client reviews and success stories in your mailers to help people trust your company!

Most B2B lead generation companies focus only on sharing testimonials online and getting prospects to read them. Why not put your message directly in the hands of your audience?

Direct mailing for B2B lead generation ensures people pay attention to what you want to say. Use this channel to share client testimonials to create a network of prospects who find your brand relatable!

Personalise Your Mailers to Grab Attention

Direct mail helps you get more attention than digital marketing.

But what can you do to ensure your message influences the reader’s decision-making in your favour?


It is one of the most successful B2B sales lead-generation tactics across all channels.

62% of customers expect personalised marketing! Personalising your direct mail means adding variable data to speak to a reader directly.

For example, you can mention the recipients’ company names with a bullet list of how your products can benefit them.

Customise your B2B lead generation strategies by adding the recipient’s name. You may also leverage their preferences, buying history, needs, and company details to send more tailored messages.

PostGrid’s direct mail API allows you to use variable data printing to send unique mail items to every person on your list. And you can do so without completing any meticulous steps or wasting time because we help you automate everything!

Target High-Value Leads With Recurring Campaigns

One of the primary aspects of B2B lead generation is retargeting and consistency. Sending similar messages to prospects a few times establishes brand recognition and motivates them to respond!

Sending your postcards or letters to a hundred or thousand prospects may enable you to create better visibility. But retargeting the same group of potential clients with tailored pitches and offers improves B2B marketing lead generation—making it the better option!

Create and ship appealing mailers to your target prospects with PostGrid to guarantee results.

Our automated direct mail services make direct mailing affordable and effective. B2B businesses can automate the entire process to ensure efficiency—without wasting internal resources.

Promote Your Referral Program With Well-Curated Letters

Request clients to refer you to others with a well-written letter. Make it professional yet friendly to make readers take action.

You can enhance your B2B lead generation efforts by adding the link to register for your referral program. Readers can save your letter as a reminder to visit your site and join your network.

Referred clients are more likely to convert than other leads. Hence, ensure your mail highlights how your company can add value to their business. Also, boost your B2B marketing lead generation plans more with CTAs, like

  • Let us meet to discuss your needs further.
  • Give me a call.
  • Drop us an email to take this discussion ahead.
  • Fill out the contact form to download your free e-book.

Please remember to give a small discount to clients on every referral under your B2B lead to let them know that you value them.

PostGrid’s professionally-built templates allow you to print and mail compelling postcards or letters. You may customise them according to your needs and process them for printing once the artwork is ready.

Re-Engage Old Clients With Effective Direct Mail Offers 

You can reopen closed and lost opportunities with your B2B sales lead generation plans. PostGrid lets you cleanse and verify your mailing lists to re-engage past clients and increase revenue.

Many B2B lead generation services enable you to email your entire client base. Their goal is to stay on top of the minds of old and current customers. But most people move your company’s emails to spam or trash.

Hence, you can rely on direct mail instead to do the job and win back old clients.

PostGrid’s direct mail services let you conduct successful campaigns with 99.99% deliverability. Our high-tech features make this traditional channel modern and result-driving for B2B lead generation programs.

Stick to a Single CTA

Adding many CTAs to your direct mail items can confuse your audience. They may need clarification about which CTA to use.

Use a single CTA for every B2B lead generation campaign to get higher responses and track results better.

PostGrid lets you add custom contact numbers or links to help you track your campaign’s results. You can log into your dashboard after every mailing program to view the insights and analytics.

Send Triggered Direct Mail to the Website Visitors

Enhance your B2B lead generation strategies with triggered mailing campaigns.

How do direct mail triggers work?

Imagine a potential client filling out the contact form on your website. You would want to get back to them instantly when your company is fresh on their mind. But your day-to-day schedule restricts you from acting so fast.

Using triggered mail for B2B lead generation lets you be proactive. But it would help if you automated your campaigns to get this feature.

Luckily, PostGrid’s direct mail solutions allow you to set action-based triggers to launch mailing programs.

You can integrate our API into your Hubspot, Zapier, or other accounts. It boosts B2B sales lead generation because you can combine your CRM features with direct mailing to get the best results.

PostGrid can send your items to website visitors or people who enquire about your products on call. You can set these actions based on how you get the most enquiries.

This practice lets you bag more clients because people appreciate quick responses!

Track Campaign Results and Use the Analytics to Improve

Custom discount codes, QR codes, and pURLs are excellent trackable features. They let you personalise your mailers and track results, making them a must-add element.

Track your B2B lead generation campaigns to compare the results with your goals.

For instance, imagine your goal was to get at least 50 conversions.

PostGrid lets you track every respondent, helping you check whether your company closed the deal. Thus, you can conclude whether your B2B marketing lead generation campaign was successful and received a positive ROI!

You may use the analytics to see what works for your company! They allow you to plan your upcoming campaigns better and get better results.

Discuss Your Company’s Achievements With Newsletters

Though e-newsletters are trendy, sending offline newsletters is also an excellent B2B lead generation method.

You may add details about your products and services or share some tips. Also, you can include your latest achievements or recognitions to establish credibility.

Newsletters help increase your B2B marketing lead generation results because they are educational and engaging. Become a reliable information source with intriguing industry news to showcase your expertise and convert more leads.

Drive Online Traffic With Mail

Integrating PostGrid’s print and mail API into your system lets you conduct multi-channel B2B lead generation campaigns.

You can reinstate your message and improve brand awareness by combining offline and online efforts. For example, include your website’s link in your postcard to get more traffic. Or email your prospects asking them to sign up on your site to get a sample via mail.

Combining your B2B marketing lead generation campaigns can expand your reach. It makes better use of your investment, guaranteeing a positive ROI.

Keep In Touch With Clients

With increasing competition, B2B companies must constantly work to retain clients. They can keep in touch with past and current customers by sending them tailored mail to maintain relationships.

One of the primary B2B sales lead generation techniques to stay in touch is to send thank-you letters. They show how much you care for your clients and value their business. Add some memorable details to your mail to make people relate to your message. It is the best way not to lose clients to competitors.

Another B2B lead generation method is sending new clients onboarding letters. It allows you to create a long-lasting first impression, improving retention rates.

Segment Your Audience

PostGrid helps you compile targeted mailing lists for B2B lead generation campaigns. You can personalise your messages based on the recipient’s age, gender, location, and choices to improve program performance.

We also enable you to verify your existing address lists to put your old database to good use!

Test Your Direct Mail Formats and Sizes

Our direct mail solutions let you place orders for several marketing items. You can select the mail type that best suits your B2B lead generation goals.

Also, our affordable pricing plans make sending on-demand and bulk mailers a breeze. They help you be flexible with your B2B marketing lead generation programs to control costs and other elements.

PostGrid is a turnkey direct mail service provider, allowing B2B companies to grow and succeed. They can integrate our API or use the dashboard to get started in minutes.

Sign up to learn more about how PostGrid lets you launch successful mailing campaigns to boost your B2B lead generation plans!

automate direct mail

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Start transforming and automating your offline communications with PostGrid


The post Lead Generation Process for 2023 appeared first on PostGrid.


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