Friday 6 January 2023

Cross-Sell Campaign Postcard

Top 5 Tips to Add Value to Your Cross-Selling Campaign

Acquiring new customers can cost a business five to 25 times more than retaining the existing ones, depending on their industry! It makes sense to channelise your effort toward cross-sell and upsell campaigns, allowing you to drive more revenue.

create direct mail

These campaigns help a business explore more opportunities using the same customer base! The process is less expensive and more profitable than an acquisition marketing program.

But businesses must launch a personalised cross-selling campaign that matches the customers’ budgets, needs, and preferences!

This blog covers the best examples and tips to help you improve your campaigns and get the most out of them. Let us get started!

What Is an Upselling and Cross-Selling Campaign?

Many people use the terms upsell and cross-sell interchangeably. But there is a broad difference between these concepts you should know about to craft your customer retention campaign. 

The only similarity between cross-sell and upsell campaigns is that they make the customer spend more on your products or services. They also help you keep them with your brand for a long time! 

Cross-selling refers to selling customers more products than they initially added to their carts. For example, whenever you buy something on Amazon, it shows you a list of related products you might also want to purchase! 

A cross-selling campaign shows these product recommendations to people to help them accessorise their first purchase. 

However, businesses must display additional products only after understanding customers’ needs and tastes. Avoid throwing in a bunch of suggestions for the sake of it because such a thoughtless cross-selling campaign can create a negative impression.

Marketers must educate themselves about their brand’s buyer persona to launch successful cross-sell and upsell campaigns—to generate a positive ROI! An upselling campaign works differently than cross-selling because you do not ask customers to buy other items. Instead, you offer them recommendations to switch to a higher-quality product or service. 

For instance, imagine your customer wants to order a product worth $50. You can convince them to buy another item for $100 instead because it has additional features. 

It is not simple to make people spend more on the same product, so highlight the benefits and convince customers that it is the better choice!

Your cross-sell and upsell campaigns must depict that you care about your customers’ requirements. They should also demonstrate how your brand is at the forefront of offering personalised experiences to customers.

direct mail operations

What Are the Applications of an Upselling and Cross-selling Campaign?

Below, we have mentioned some applications or examples of cross-sell and upsell campaigns to help you understand where to begin:

  • Imagine your customer wants to buy tents for an upcoming trek. They have already selected the colour, type, quality, etc., and made an informed choice! It gives you an excellent opportunity to sell them more items for their trek, like sleeping bags, water bottles, trekking shoes, an electric stove, etc. This cross-selling campaign is based on the fact that your customer needs camping extras and are likely to buy these products from somewhere else. By offering these recommendations, you help them explore their options and purchase everything they need simultaneously from a single place! It helps increase customer satisfaction and allows you to drive additional sales. 
  • Another application of a cross-selling campaign is when you offer customers add-ons for the same product instead of related products. Do you remember how we order a pizza and get suggestions to add extra toppings or select a cheese burst base? These are classic examples of a cross-selling campaign that allows people to choose items to make their original purchase better!
  • An upselling program may or may not generate as much profit as a cross-selling campaign can! It only advises customers to purchase a higher-priced product, which means you can only increase your ROI by a small percentage. Yet, you can earn enough if you do it right! For example, imagine your customers want to avail of career counselling services that comprise several aptitude tests and their results. You can pitch another plan (that costs more) that also offers free 1:1 sessions with experts. 
  • A retail company can use cross-sell and upsell campaigns to help customers pick higher-priced items at their stores by showcasing them as the better option. They can instruct their staff members to discuss the benefits of the more valuable products and persuade people to purchase them instead. 

Every industry, including healthcare, insurance, eCommerce, etc., can benefit from cross-sell and upsell campaigns if they do it right! Of course, the audience and the marketing methods can differ from sector to sector—but the primary objective is to increase sales.

The best way to launch a cross-selling campaign, irrespective of the industry, is to use direct mail. You can send letters, postcards, etc., to get in touch with your audience and retain them with additional product or service suggestions. 

Using PostGrid’s direct mail API, you may draft eye-catching and appealing promotional materials that make you stand out from the crowd!

Why Use Cross-Sell Campaign Postcard for Your Campaigns?

Many businesses ask which channel they must use for their customer retention campaigns. They have many options, like email, social media, PPC, etc. But only direct mail can guarantee the desired results because it is the most effective and personal marketing platform for all companies!

Here are the top three qualities of direct mail cross-sell and upsell campaigns to consider:

  • Action-Based: Your cross-sell and upsell campaigns must be based on your customer’s actions or buying behaviour. Understand their preferences and only offer the relevant product suggestions they can appreciate. PostGrid’s direct mail platform allows you to launch triggered campaigns according to specific events you can set in advance. They help you target the right customers at the right time to make your marketing plans successful. 
  • Memorable and appealing: Curate your cross-selling campaign in a way that can capture your audience’s attention in no time. Unlike other channels, direct mail creates nostalgia and makes people remember your brand for a long time. 
  • Result-driving: Direct mail postcards help customers get a break from the digital clutter. They can save these mailers and stick them to their refrigerators or pin them on a board. Either way, using direct mailers for your cross-sell and upsell campaigns can ensure you get the maximum responses compared to online channels. 

Top 5 Tips to Help You Improve Your Cross-Selling Campaign

Now that you know what are cross-sell and upsell campaigns, we have enlisted some tips and tricks to help you plan and execute them properly:

Experiment With Different Postcard Sizes and Layouts

You do not need to stick with the typical 4” x 6” postcards with the landscape orientation. There are plenty of postcard sizes, layouts, colours, etc., to experiment with and see what works best for you!

Your cross-sell and upsell campaigns must be unique! They should make customers feel special while letting you increase your revenue. It must be a win-win for both!

Thus, use different postcard types for every cross-selling campaign and test your results. Employ A/B testing and continue with the combinations that drive the most results. 

PostGrid’s direct mail API helps you use many sizes, backgrounds, fonts, etc., to add a special touch to every marketing program. It enables you to beat your competition and establish yourself as a creative and interactive brand. 

Use QR Codes and PURLs

Print custom QR codes and personalised URLs to redirect your customers wherever you want. You can take them to their abandoned carts and push them to complete the transaction. Or you can help them visit your products page, where they can see items related to their last purchase.

This cross-selling campaign allows customers to buy more products without taking additional effort. You already have their details—and they do not need to fill out everything again. It encourages them to add things to their cart and complete checkout quickly. 

Craft Short and Personalised Headlines

The headlines you use for your cross-sell and upsell campaigns must summarise your message. Use powerful words like ‘you,’ ‘free,’ ‘discount,’ etc., to make personal connections and ignite the reader’s interest. 

Here are some examples:

  • Are you tired of seeing expensive travel packages all over the internet? 
  • We need to discuss the 10% discount offer waiting for you!
  • Get fast shipping of __________ for your Christmas plans!

Such cross-selling campaign headlines help you remind your customers of your brand and give them a reason to buy from you again!

Add Your Contact Information

Though postcards are not spacious, remember to add your contact details. You can also print small maps that pinpoint your store’s location and guide customers on how to reach you. 

Your cross-selling campaign must also include your social media accounts, allowing you to drive online traffic and increase your followers!

Include Relevant CTAs and Offers

Add upfront CTAs and compelling offers to make customers take instant action. You may also make them time-sensitive by adding deadlines, helping you get more responses in a specified time frame!

Here are some examples for your cross-sell and upsell campaigns:

  • Visit the link below to get 20% cashback on your next purchase. 
  • Scan the QR code to return to your shopping cart and avail yourself of a 5% discount. 
  • Explore related products on the link below and get a buy one get one free offer.

How Can PostGrid’s Direct Mail Solutions Help Companies Conduct Successful Cross-Sell and Upsell Campaigns?

PostGrid’s direct mail API and automation software assist all businesses in drafting, printing and shipping their marketing items.

Our solutions help them streamline and automate their direct mailing tasks to save time, money, and effort. They can launch an effective and affordable cross-selling campaign that helps them improve customer-company relationships and expand their business. 

Here is a case study of how we helped one of our clients launch a successful cross-selling campaign to retain their customers:

The challenge: Our client wanted to target 5,000 existing customers and convince them to purchase at least one more product from their retail website. The problem was they did not have enough time to call every customer and explain the offer, nor did they want to send out emails and hope to get results. 

It was also hard to send 5,000 direct mail items for their cross-selling campaign in-house, which is why they contacted PostGrid!

The goal was to conduct a bulk mailing campaign affordably and get at least a 10% ROI!

The process: PostGrid offered the client several advanced features for their print and mail campaign, like

The client could execute the entire cross-selling campaign in less than a week and a half, from designing their mailers to distribution. 

The result: More than 1,400 people scanned the custom QR codes on the postcards that redirected them to the client’s website. Nearly 1,000 people bought something, helping the client exceed their expectations of getting a 10% ROI. 

Request a demo now to see how PostGrid can help your company launch an effective cross-selling campaign quickly and effortlessly!

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Start transforming and automating your offline communications with PostGrid


The post Cross-Sell Campaign Postcard appeared first on PostGrid.


Thursday 5 January 2023

Ways to Write a Thank You Note for Donations

How to Write "Thank You Donors" Letters For Your Audience?

In 2020, the total revenue of nonprofit organisations in Australia rose to $176 billion. Sending effective letters saying ‘thank you donors’ can help increase donations further by making people feel that their contributions make a difference!

But it is not simple to capture the donor’s emotions and pen down an engaging letter. Nonprofits must customise their messages based on personal interactions and other factors to make their donors feel special. 

This blog covers the best ways to appreciate your donors via a donation thank-you letter and celebrate their contributions. Let us dive right in!

Primary Reasons to Send a Thank-You Donation Letter

Charitable organisations have numerous reasons to send a charity thank-you message to donors, like

It Depicts You Also Care About Them

By donating to your nonprofit, donors show they support your institution. A thank-you letter is like a response to their gifts, which says you also care about them and are genuinely grateful. 

It Helps You Stay On Top of Your Donor’s Mind

Sending a ‘thank you for your donation’ letter to your donors now and then helps you remind them of your organisation. It allows you to boost brand visibility and remain on top of their minds. 

Such thank-you letters for donations create a positive impact among your audience and showcase the significance of the donor’s gifts to fulfil your mission!

It Increases Your Chances of Retaining Donors

Communicating your appreciation messages helps you retain more donors by congratulating them on making a difference in society and rewarding their effort. 

Charitable organisations that send donation thank-you messages highlight themselves in a positive light, enabling donors to trust them and continue donating!

direct mail operations

How to Write a Thank-You Letter to a Donor?

Below are the steps and tips to help you write an effective and responsive letter for your donors:

Include Real-Life Stories to Form an Emotional Connection

Always add real-life examples of how you help uplift specific communities or people to provide value using a thank you for your contribution letter. Your donors would love to hear from the people that benefit from their donations, and it can encourage them to follow your organisation for years. 

You can also include statistics regarding your work to add credibility and be transparent. Avoid getting too much into the numbers, and try using these details to form an emotional bond with your audience.

Use Relevant Images and Custom Envelopes

Using relevant imagery to demonstrate how your services work is an excellent way to engage people. You can print them behind your donor thank-you letter or insert picture postcards separately inside your envelope. 

These images help you give donors a gist of how you help and how. You may also use custom envelopes with bright colours and teasers to entice readers and differentiate your thank-you letters for donations from other items. 

These details help grab your audience’s attention and ensure they receive your message. They might also share your donation thank-you letter with their family and friends, allowing you to increase brand awareness. 

Use a Personal Tone

Like fundraising letters, adopt a personal and warm tone for writing your thank-you messages. It helps your audience connect with your organisation better and resonate with your mission. 

Your thank-you letter for donation must not sound like another appeal. Instead, it must help you express gratitude for the gifts you have already received! 

Highlight the Impact

Be specific about the reader’s gifts in your thank-you donation letter to highlight the impact of every single donation. It depicts that their contribution influences your goals, irrespective of the amount. 

Include phrases, like

  • “Your donation helped us feed 50 children on Christmas” or 
  • “Your $100 contribution helped us achieve our mission of establishing a training centre for unemployed people.”

Send Your ‘Thank You Donors’ Letter at the Time

Nonprofits can increase their campaign responses by sending their ‘thank you for the donation’ letters on time. Try to be proactive about responding to a person’s contributions to make them feel valued and prioritised. 

Typically, charitable organisations send a donor thank-you letter within two to three business days of getting a donation. You can set up a triggered campaign via direct mail services like PostGrid to automate your campaigns and ship your letters promptly. 

There is no rule to only send a thank-you message for donation after a person contributes something via cash, kind, or another way. You can create many other opportunities to stay in constant touch with them, including

  • Send them heartfelt wishes on their special days, like birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, etc. 
  • Congratulate donors when they complete one year, two years, and so on from the first time they donated to your causes. 
  • Invite them to donors-only events and exclusive fundraisers, etc. 

Redirect Donors to Your Website Via QR Codes

Integrating your offline thank-you letters for donations with online channels can benefit your company in many ways. You may include links to your website and social media pages or add QR codes that redirect readers to custom web pages. 

QR codes help you get more engagement because they are easy to scan. Alternatively, you can use personalised URLs to link your offline and online communication channels. 

They also let you measure your campaign results, like how many people read your donation thank-you letter and completed the CTA. If you need assistance, use PostGrid’s direct mail API to ship your mail pieces and get campaign insights automatically through your dashboard!

Add a PS Line at the End

A PS line helps you 

  • Reinforce your message and thank the donors again. 
  • Discuss upcoming fundraisers. 
  • Share some additional facts about your organisation, etc. 

You can get creative with your PS statements and make your charity thank-you message more engaging!

Most people only read the first paragraph of your thank-you letter for donation and the last line, so curate these aspects carefully!

Differentiate Your Recurring Donors

Your frequent donors deserve special recognition in your ‘thank you for your donation letters. Try adding some details of their past contributions and appreciating them for supporting your organisation over several years. 

Similarly, you can segregate your audience using the relevant geo-demographics to personalise your ‘thank you donors’ messages. For example, you can send campaign-specific letters to address them personally to the people who contributed to your project for renovating a school in the locality.

First-time donors should get a separate thank-you message for donations that has a welcome note. Your goal is to convince them to stay with your organisation further and donate to your causes in several ways. 

Keep Your Donation Thank-You Letter Short

It is advisable to keep your thank-you notes short and sweet! The ideal length of such letters is one page, so refrain from adding too much information.

Ensure your donors remember the purpose of your charity thank-you message by the end, and stay focused. 

You can add inserts, like photographs, event invitations, nonprofit annual reports, newsletters, etc. But try maintaining the overall weight of your envelope according to the Australia Post’s guidelines to save on postage. 

Attach a Receipt

Though many nonprofit organisations treat thank-you letters for donations as receipts, it is better to keep them separate. 

You can give donors a receipt right after they donate, but send an appreciation note later!

For example, you can generate digital receipts for everyone who donates online and hand over slips if someone pays offline at an event or sends a cheque. But try shipping your thank you for your contribution letters after the fundraiser is over to reinstate your nonprofit’s goals and make donors feel appreciated!

Below, we have attached a thank-you donor letter template to help you draft effective messages:

[Nonprofit’s legal name]

[Mailing address]

[Contact number]

[Email address]



[Donor’s Full Name]

[Their delivery address- write the correct address to avoid getting mail returns]

[Subject line]

[Salutation- make it personalised and use the appropriate title]

[Introduction- include phrases like ‘thank you for your contribution and support’]

[Body- Elaborate on your organisation’s goals and campaigns. Give details about how you used the reader’s gifts to accomplish your objectives]

[Closing- thank your donors again and end the letter on a positive note]


[Enclosures- if you attach the receipt with the donation thank-you mailer]

‘Thank You Donors’ Letter Sample

Here is a sample to help you understand the format of the letter and its contents better:

Gracious Giving
5 Bayswater Road

Date 2 December 2022

Eliza McPhail
125 George Street

Subject: Donation Thank You

Dear Ms Eliza,
We thank you for your generous contribution of $270 at our recent fundraising dinner on 28 November 2022. Our entire team and the people we aid to acquire a home and provide their kids with good education are grateful for your support.

You have been with us for the past four years, and we cannot thank you enough for your gratitude. Gracious Giving has helped 5,000+ families and continues to do so because of kind people like you!

Please find the attached receipt, which you can use for tax purposes. We thank you for the donation again and hope to talk to you soon!

Yours faithfully,

Enclosures: 1, Receipt #985

PS Visit our website to read more about our work by scanning the QR code below.

Other Creative Ideas to Say ‘Thank You Donors’

Apart from direct mail thank-you letters for donations, you can use other methods to tell your donors how much you appreciate them. Here are some creative ideas for your reference: 

Send Handwritten Postcards

Postcards are appealing and attention-grabbing. Writing a thoughtful charity thank-you message with a relevant image on a postcard can help you establish personal bonds with the recipients. These items create a nostalgic feeling that connects people, increasing your chances of getting a response or retaining donors. 

Keep your donor thank-you letter headlines short and add a CTA that helps you strengthen your relationships with them. For example, you can invite donors to visit your office for a tour or encourage them to share their contribution stories on social media!

Use PostGrid’s automated direct mail solutions to print and ship your personalised postcards with handwritten fonts. You can integrate our API into your CRMs to fetch the details and send well-thought donation thank-you notes according to the donor’s giving history!

Express Gratitude on Your Website

Your nonprofit’s website is the centre of all fundraising activities and donor communications. Use this platform to say ‘thank you donors’ and appreciate them publicly. 

You may create a page to highlight corporate donors or event sponsors. Also, try sharing stories about individuals who contributed to your organisation on specific occasions. Saying ‘thank you for the donation’ is not enough—make them feel you value their effort and support and are willing to share the details with everyone. 

Use Social Media to Expand Your Outreach 

With millions of people active on social media platforms, it is an excellent idea to celebrate your donors on Instagram, Facebook, etc. It enables you to generate online traffic to your accounts and get more donors to connect with you. 

Sharing relatable stories and donation thank-you notes via online channels helps increase your followers and form a vast network of donors. 

Craft Custom Emails

Email marketing is another creative idea to contact your donors and share a donation thank-you message. It is one of the quickest and most convenient ways to thank your audience and motivate them to continue supporting you. 

But many recipients ignore the emails or move them to the spam folder without reading them. Hence, use this channel in collaboration with sending offline ‘thank you donors’ letters to ensure everyone gets your message. 

Remember to personalise your emails and add relevant links to increase open rates and drive more engagement!

Take Advantage of the Power of Videos

Creating videos for your target audience can help you reach them personally and communicate your institution’s causes. Capture random videos of your staff saying ‘thank you for your contribution’ and send them to your donors. Or share clips of you organising fundraisers to give them a peek into your daily work. 

You can share your videos via many channels, including social media, email, and direct mail. If you send an offline donation thank-you letter, add QR codes that can take donors directly to your YouTube or Instagram pages, where they can view the clips. 

Invite Donors for a Field Trip

You can always invite your potential and existing donors to join you while you work on a campaign. It is best to demonstrate your nonprofit services to your audience—by letting them witness everything live. 

Use your thank-you letter for donation to provide the details of the trip. Add your contact details, allowing them to reach you if they have any queries. 

How Does PostGrid Help Nonprofit Organisations Send Thank-You Letters for Donations?

Our direct mail API allows charitable institutions to send thank-you letters in any volume whenever needed. They can set their campaigns in advance to time their messages accurately or automate an on-demand mailing program to send ‘thank you donors’ messages. 

Here is what one of our clients in the nonprofit sector shared about their experience with PostGrid:

“PostGrid allowed us to get in touch with our old donors and re-engage them again. Also, it helped us become more prompt in thanking our donors after they contributed, increasing retention. Its API integrations made our direct mailing processes simple and quick and saved us a lot of money.”

Below are some helpful features that allow PostGrid to add value to your print and mail campaigns to ship donation thank-you notes to donors effectively:

  • Address standardisation and verification: Verify your donors’ mailing addresses in advance to help Australia Post deliver your letters to the correct recipients. PostGrid does automatic address validation before mailing. 
  • Reduced manual effort and clerical overheads: Our direct mail solutions allow nonprofits to save money by not hiring additional clerical staff to perform manual tasks. PostGrid helps them automate all activities to send effective thank-you letters for donations, from printing messages and stuffing envelopes to affixing stamps. 
  • Per-piece tracking: Track every thank-you letter for donation that you send via your dashboard. Our easy-to-use platform allows mailers to stay updated and access their campaign insights whenever required. 
  • Data privacy: PostGrid complies with the Privacy Act 1988, ISO 9001, ISO 27001, PCI DSS Level 1, SOC-2 – IRAP (Australia), and ISAE 3402. Thus, you do not have to worry about data confidentiality while sending ‘thank you donors’ letters to your audience. 


Writing a personal and engaging donation thank-you letter is an art. It allows nonprofit organisations to convert one-time donors into frequent contributors and people who support you for several years. 

Using the tips and methods in this blog, you may pen down an effective letter and send it to your donors! PostGrid’s direct mail API further assists you in planning and conducting a successful campaign without draining your budget. 

Request a demo to see how PostGrid helps nonprofit institutions send letters saying ‘thank you donors’ in an automated manner!

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Ready to Get Started?

Start transforming and automating your offline communications with PostGrid


The post Ways to Write a Thank You Note for Donations appeared first on PostGrid.


Wednesday 4 January 2023

Sample Appeal Letters for Medical Claim Denials

How To Create An Effective Appeal Letter Template For Medical Necessity?

Healthcare organisations like hospitals and clinics already have their hands full with numerous internal operations. The last thing a healthcare organisation wants is to spend hours or weeks sending appeal letters to their patient’s insurers. 

hospital claims communication management

But the truth is that there is no avoiding it. The best way around this problem is with an appeal letter template for medical necessity and automation. Here, we discuss how you can create an effective template for your medical appeal letters and send them efficiently using automation.

What Is A Medical/Insurance Appeal Letter?

A medical or insurance appeal letter is an appeal letter to a healthcare insurance provider to review its medical claim denial to a patient. Healthcare organisations like hospitals can send the appeal letter on behalf of their patients.

Although patients can send the medical appeal letter by themselves, it is often more practical for the hospitals to send it. Sending the appeal letter on behalf of their patients enables the hospitals to save significant time and speed up their medical payments.

There are several reasons why an insurer may deny the medical claim of a patient. Your healthcare organisation can only help with some claim denials. But in many cases, the hospitals can quickly get approval for the claim by sending an insurance appeal letter and supporting documents.

direct mail operations

What Are The Common Reasons For Medical Claim Denial?

The first step in creating an appeal letter template for medical necessity is to find the reason for denying the claim. According to the General Insurance Code of Practice, the healthcare insurer must provide a legitimate reason for denying a claim.

Usually, the insurer sends a letter to the policyholder detailing their decision to deny a claim. Closely examine this letter and verify the details before sending the medical appeal letter to insurers.

Some common reasons for health insurance claim denial for your patients can include the following.

#1 Treatment Not Covered Under Insurance

Insurance companies can often deny your patient’s medical claims if the treatment is not covered under their insurance plan. There are several types of healthcare policy packages, and not all of them offer the same benefits. You must read the terms and conditions before sending the medical appeal letter to ensure that the patient’s claim is eligible.

It is best not to assume that a medical insurance policy will automatically cover any medical treatment. Ideally, you must discuss this with your patients at an early stage to avoid having to send an insurance appeal letter. For instance, most insurance providers do not cover cosmetic procedures under their policy. In such cases, the patient can not make a medical claim, and sending an appeal letter won’t help them.

Most healthcare policies have some form of exclusions, exceptions, or restrictions to the services and benefits they provide. You must have a general idea of these policy exclusions to send an insurance appeal letter for your patients.

#2 Treatments From Non-Participating Hospitals 

The health insurance company may deny a claim if your hospital doesn’t have an agreement with it. Ideally, you must check if the patient’s healthcare provider collaborates with your hospital long before sending the medical appeal letter.

However, there may be some misunderstanding, and yours is a participating hospital. In that case, you can send an insurance appeal letter to the insurer clarifying the same. As the party that collaborates with the insurer, it’s easier for you to sort out such misunderstandings by sending the letter on your patient’s behalf.

#3 Benefit Cap 

As you know, some healthcare policies may have a benefit for specific insurance services. It means the patient or their healthcare policy has a limit on the benefit amount they can obtain from the insurer each year. Usually, the insurer highlights the benefit cap in their policy terms. Check if a benefit cap exists for the patient’s policy and verify it before sending the medical appeal letter to the insurer.

One thing you must note about the benefit cap is that it can be different from one policy provider to another. Sometimes, the annual limit or benefit cap is applicable per calendar year, and sometimes it can be the financial year. Some insurers calculate a yearly limit of 12 months from taking the policy. It is best to check the benefit cap before sending an insurance appeal letter.

#4 Waiting Period 

In most medical claims, the patient can only access the full benefits of their policy after a specific time of taking it. Generally, there is a waiting period before the patient can reap the full benefit of their healthcare policy. Check the Date your patients took the healthcare policy before sending the medical appeal letter to insurers.

The following table shows the general waiting period for healthcare policies for different health conditions of the patient.

Waiting Period In Months Type Of Healthcare Insurance
12  Pre-existing disease/health condition
12  Pregnancy 
Psychiatric treatments
Rehabilitation treatments
Generic healthcare

 As you can see, some of these waiting periods are extensively long. It is worth noting the insurance waiting period to avoid payment delays over a technicality. But, it is also worth noting that insurers may waive the waiting periods. An ideal medical claim letter may help with it, especially when a hospital sends it on behalf of the patient.

Note: The patient only has to repeat their waiting period when switching their policy if upgrading to a higher-level policy.

#5 Benefit Limitation Period

Some medical treatments or procedures, such as joint replacements, may have an additional waiting period. The extra waiting period for such medical treatments is a benefit limitation. It is a concept you should familiarise yourself with to send an insurance appeal letter to insurers effectively. 

The challenges posed by the benefit limitation period are the same as the regular waiting period for policies. In most cases sending a medical appeal letter can not help in approving the patient’s claim. Hence, you must keep an eye open for such treatments and their medical claims. Ideally, you must check the insurance situation early to avoid any unnecessary haggling.

#6 Expiry Date

One reason that the insurer may show for denying a policy claim is the policy’s expiration date. The insurance provider may refuse a claim if you or the patient are too late to file a claim. Most insurance providers do not accept claims if they are more than two years old. Healthcare payments at hospitals are almost always on time. In this case, the patient will likely send the medical appeal letter to the insurer.

#7 Paperwork Error

Insurance paperwork can be a nightmare for patients. There is a good chance that patients accidentally miss a crucial paper for the policy claim. It is also possible that the doctor accidentally submitted the wrong documents. You can ensure that the same mistake only happens once by sending the insurance appeal letter on the patient’s behalf.

Paperwork errors are one of the most common reasons for healthcare claim denials. Even minor mistakes could lead to claim denial. For example, the insurer may deny the claim because you or the patient sent the wrong receipt. Even incorrectly filling out a form could lead to claim denial. The good news is that you can quickly send the medical appeal letter using automation.

What Are The Things To Include In Your Medical Appeal Letter?

To create an effective medical appeal letter for your business, you must first understand the details you should include. The trick is to create a concise template for different situations you may need to send an appeal letter. 

Once you create the template, printing or writing an appeal letter to insurers becomes significantly easier. Conceiving an appeal letter template for medical necessity can help you even if you are still using a manual process. Moreover, it can automate the mailing process much more efficiently and faster.

The Major elements or pieces of information you must include in the insurance appeal letter are as follows. 

Patient Details

The medical appeal letter you sent to the insurer is not for your healthcare organisation. You are sending it on behalf of your patient. Technically the claim issue is between the patient and their insurer. The healthcare organisation is only the middleman in the interaction.

Ensure to include all the patient details necessary for the insurance provider to identify the patient and their policy. It means including patient information in the insurance appeal letter, such as the following.

  • Patient name.
  • Policyholder name.
  • Policy number. 

Contact Information

The medical appeal letter you send to insurance providers must also contain the necessary contact information. Suppose the patient is sending the appeal letter themselves. In that case, they must only include the contact details of the patient and the policyholder. 

But suppose you are sending the medical appeal letter on the patient’s behalf. In that case, you must include the relevant contact information of your healthcare organisation. Double-check the contact details before you send the letter, as any mistake could delay the payment processing for your hospital.

Details Of The Denial Letter

Make sure to include the details of the denial letter in the insurance appeal letter you send to the insurer. Try to include all essential information about the denial letter, such as the Date of the claim denial letter and the reason cited for the claim denial. It would be best to mention other specifics of the claim denial, such as the medical procedure for which the insurer denied the claim.

Details Of The Medical Service Provider

The medical appeal letter should also include the details of the patient’s attending physician or medical service provider. It should be relatively easy to provide these details in the appeal letter when you send it on behalf of the patient. 

The process becomes even simpler by using a direct mail automation solution like PostGrid. With a tool like PostGrid, you can use an appeal letter template for medical necessity to efficiently send the letters. PostGrid’s tool enables you to send bulk mail as long as you have the appropriate templates.

Reasons For Approving The Claim

The goal of sending an insurance appeal letter on behalf of your patients is to approve their claims and speed up your payment. Therefore, you must include the necessary details explaining why the policy should cover a claim. It is a crucial aspect of the letter, and you must also attach any supporting documents as proof with the letter.

Appeal Letter Template For Medical Necessity

Above, we discussed when your healthcare organisation must a medical appeal letter and the details to include in the letter. However, you may still have questions about writing an appeal letter from scratch.

Here is an appeal letter template for the medical necessity that you can use as a reference for creating an appeal letter for your hospital.



[Insurance Company Name]


[City, State, and ZIP Code]

Re: [patient’s Name]

       [Insurance Coverage Type]

       [Group/Policy Number]

Dear [Appeal analyst’s Name]

I am writing to request a reconsideration of the claim denial from [healthcare plan and policy number] prescribed to [patient’s Name] for [Name of healthcare procedure/treatment/service]. 

Our understanding is that [Name of insurer] is denying the medical claim to our patient because of “[reason cited in the claim denial letter].” It is medically necessary for [patient’s Name] to receive [Name of healthcare procedure/treatment/service] for their present health condition. 

The [Name of healthcare procedure/treatment/service] is covered under the patient’s health plan benefit. According to the Evidence of Coverage, [healthcare plan and policy number] covers all necessary healthcare services unless explicitly excluded. 

I want to reiterate that [patient’s Name] ‘s healthcare team unanimously agrees that the [Name of healthcare procedure/treatment/service] is medically necessary. And in contrary to your denial letter, [Name of healthcare procedure/treatment/service] is a covered medical service as it is not expressly excluded in the coverage agreement. [attach the necessary sections of the coverage clause]

[Describe the patient’s medical condition and explain how the medical procedure/treatment/service can benefit them. You can mention what would happen if the patient does not receive the medical procedure/treatment/service.]

[Establish there is no appropriate healthcare service within the network if the medical treatment is out-of-network.]

[If you think a precedent could disqualify the patient from accessing plan benefits, request to provide them as extra-contractual benefits. Request for payment for the medical service/procedure/treatment out of the catastrophic payment pool of the health plan]

[Attach all necessary documents, including a letter from the attending physician of the patient]

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


[Your Name]


How To Send A Medical Appeal Letter On Behalf Of Your Patients?

At this point, you know how to write an effective medical appeal letter. Now, let’s discuss the best way to send it. The thing about healthcare organisations like hospitals sending the appeal letter on behalf of their patients is its quantity.

Healthcare organisations may have to send many letters as they deal with numerous patients and their medical claims. It means bulk mailing the insurance appeal letter to different insurance providers. Here is how you can effectively send your letter for appealing medical claims.

Utilise An Appeal Letter Template For Medical Necessity

One of the most efficient ways to send medical claim appeal letters for your patients is to use an appeal letter template for medical necessity. The template can make the process significantly easier for a manual or automated process. 

However, even with an appeal letter template for medical necessity, it can still be challenging to prepare and send the letter in large numbers. It is always best to utilise automation to send your healthcare letters, as it can save you much time.

Use PostGrid’s Direct Mail Automation Tool

The best and most efficient way to send you a medical claim letter is with the help of tools like PostGrid. Advanced direct mail automation software like PostGrid can quickly generate personalised healthcare letters for your medical organisation. It can use the appeal letter template for medical necessity to print your appeal letters.

PostGrid offers a platform and a dedicated direct mail API to bulk mail healthcare letters. Using the web interface for bulk mailing is significantly more convenient than you think. You can sign up on PostGrid’s website and use its intuitive dashboard for sending bulk mail, including medical appeal letters and other healthcare documents.

PostGrid offers a free template gallery and editor to create medical letters or postcards for your organisation. Moreover, you can use PostGrid’s system to send all healthcare letters, including an insurance appeal letter or execute direct mail marketing campaigns. The tools also offer better tracking capability to manage your marketing and communication efforts.

Do you want to learn how to use an appeal letter template for medical necessity to send an appeal letter quickly? Talk to our experts to set up a free demo from PostGrid.

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The post Sample Appeal Letters for Medical Claim Denials appeared first on PostGrid.


Tuesday 3 January 2023

Customer Data Verification

Customer Data Validation: What Is It And How Can It Help To Grow Your Business?

Customer data is one of the things that can have a significant impact on all your business operations. It means accurate customer data can lead to successful business operations. But on the flip side, it also means that inaccurate customer data can harm your business operations. The best way to avoid this is by employing customer data validation for your business.

Address standardization and validation

Here, we will provide you with a quick guide to customer data validation and explain why it is crucial in ensuring effective business operations.

What Is Customer Data Validation?

Business organisations must validate the information provided by their customers to validate their identity. The process of validating customer data is called customer data validation or customer verification.

Organisations may have different names for the data validation process, such as customer data verification, customer validation, Etc. However, the underlying process remains the same despite having several names.

Companies can use customer data validation to minimise the risks in their internal operations. The risks associated with inaccurate customer data include fraud and identity theft.

Moreover, having accurate information about the customer lets organisations comply with government rules and regulations. Additionally, customer data verification allows your organisation to comply with the regulatory guidelines of governmental/non-governmental bodies and streamline your communications.

direct mail operations

Why Is Customer Data Validation Crucial For Your Business?

An accurate customer database is essential for the success of your business organisation. With customer data verification, you can enhance the overall customer experience and the quality of service of your organisation.

Inaccurate or incorrect customer data can significantly impact customer relationships and critical business operations, including order fulfilment. Imagine an eCommerce company consistently delivering their orders to the wrong addresses because they have a poor or no customer data validation process.

No consumer would want to buy from an eCommerce company that can not accurately deliver their orders. An eCommerce company must ensure their customers’ address data validity using an address verification software like PostGrid. Every business organisation must use the appropriate customer data verification tools to validate the essential customer data.

Here are three compelling reasons to use customer data validation for your business organisation.

#1 Boost Your Marketing Results 

One of the most compelling reasons to employ customer data verification for your business is to streamline and boost your marketing results. Take direct mail, for example. You can only send direct mail marketing material to your customers with accurate address data. 

Organisations like yours can easily overcome this issue using an address verification tool like PostGrid. By doing so, you can ensure that your direct mail marketing material accurately reaches your customers. As a result, customer data validation minimises return mail rate and maximises deliverability. 

Minimal loss and maximum productivity inevitably lead to a higher ROI for your marketing efforts. The same case applies to your other marketing channels and digital marketing efforts. You can use similar tools like PostGrid to streamline your other marketing efforts. By doing so, you can ensure customer data verification for your online and offline marketing campaigns.

#2 Optimise Customer Experience 

With the help of customer data validation, you can always place the customer at the centre of all your business operations. You can only hope to provide an enjoyable customer experience if you have up-to-date customer data.

Employing customer data verification lets you ensure better communication with your customers. That’s not all. An accurate customer database also enables you to establish reliable data management for your organisation.

Additionally, customer data validation is critical in establishing a good reputation for your business. You can better personalise your marketing and communication efforts with verified customer information. As a result, it helps you form better customer relationships and cultivate more loyal customers for your business.

#3 Make Faster And Smarter Data-Backed Decisions

One thing every successful business organisation has in common is that they all use data-backed decisions. With customer data verification, your business can make better, faster, and more intelligent decisions using reliable data. Gut instincts can only get you so far, and they are highly dependable in complex business decisions.

A survey conducted by PwC on 1000 senior executives found that organisations that highly depend on data are three times more likely to improve their decision-making. Data-backed decisions also help you determine the best course of action for your business without scrutinising the decision for long. As a result, customer data validation also speeds up your business processes.

It means you must consider customer data verification and previous data before modifying or developing your marketing campaigns. Accurate data lets you formulate more effective marketing campaigns that resonate with your target audience. You can even personalise mass marketing efforts such as bulk mailing with correct customer data.

#4 Enhance Your Business Communication

Effective communication is critical in establishing long-term relationships with your customers. Combining customer data validation and automation is the best way to ensure accurate and effective communication. 

Businesses can ensure accurate and convenient customer communication by combining customer data verification and automation capabilities. For example, you can validate your customers’ email addresses and use an automated email solution to send them vital emails.

Similarly, you can also streamline your offline communication with the help of tools like PostGrid. Using a  customer data validation tool like PostGird enables you to validate your customer’s address data. That’s not all. You can use PostGrid’s automated print and mail solution to send communication materials to the customer.

We are not talking about sending the standard direct mail marketing mailers. With the help of customer data verification capability and automation, you can send all forms of communication to your customers. It can include everything from invoices to time-sensitive legal documents to customers.

Tips To Find A Reliable Customer Data Validation Solution For Your Business

Finding a dependable customer data validation solution for your business can take time and effort. You must understand that the essential operation in data validation is the same everywhere. The system takes the customer data you give them and compares it against a reliable or verified database to ensure data validity. 

Here are some quick tips to ensure you use the right customer data verification solution for your business.

  • Ensure the solution uses a reliable and authoritative source for verification.
  • It must enhance your in-brand experience.
  • The tool should make minimal changes to your existing UX.
  • It should encourage mobile-first responsive design.
  • It must have advanced security features to avoid data leaks and fraudulent activities.
  • The tool should support built-in re-engagement capabilities.

Types Of Customer Data Verification Solutions To Use In Your Business

There are different types of customer data verification solutions you can use for your business. The number of data verification solutions can vary for your organisation depending on the number of communication channels you use. 

Using a combination of online and offline communication channels for your business communication is ideal. Doing so can ensure that the customer gets all notifications from your company. Therefore, it is vital to know the essential customer data validation solutions to employ for your business.

Customer Data Validation For Email Address

Email is a critical touchpoint in customer communication and marketing. It is unavoidable in customer services, digital engagement strategies, and more. Ensuring customer data validation of customer email addresses is a must for business organisations.

Several tools allow you to check the validity of email addresses. Ensure to use a customer data validation solution for emails that verify the addresses in real-time. Ideally, the tool or solution you choose should also support bulk email cleaning for efficient business operation.

Customer Data Validation For Mobile Number

The mobile number of customers is another crucial contact information for a business organisation. It is also worth noting that access to accurate mobile numbers means access to high SMS open rates. With customer data validation, you can ensure that you have an active number to connect with the customer.

The customer data verification process for phone numbers and email addresses is similar. Businesses often use both channels for their marketing and communication efforts. Hence, it is essential to use a real-time verification tool that validates the customer’s phone number.

Customer Data Validation For Mailing Address

Postal mail may not be a popular choice of communication channel for regular communication. However, it is an ideal marketing channel that offers an incredible 90% open rate. Businesses often use traditional mail for sending critical or legal documents to their customers. You can optimise your marketing and communication efforts with advanced customer data validation solutions.

Advanced customer data verification solutions for mailing addresses, such as PostGrid, offer several nifty features. PostGrid validates your customers’ mailing addresses by checking the address data against Australia Post’s official address database. The tool even standardises the addresses it verifies and ensures faster processing and delivery of your mailers.

Address Autocomplete is one of the best features you can implement on your website and landing pages using PostGrid’s customer data validation tool. The feature suggests relevant and verified addresses to the user as they fill out online forms. PostGrid accomplishes this by detecting the server locations and the data user enters and comparing it against the AusPost address database.

Schedule a demo to find out how PostGrid’s address verification tool can streamline your business’s customer data validation process!

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The post Customer Data Verification appeared first on PostGrid.


Mailing House

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