Wednesday 28 December 2022

Address Capture

International Address Validation Service

Capture the right address every time. 245+ Countries Covered.
Get Accurate Global Address Data Everytime.


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Ensuring Superior Quality Databases With Address Capture API

Optimise the user experience of your website and ensure an accurate customer address database with PostGrid’s Address Capture API.

PostGrid helps verify your domestic addresses using Australia Post’s official address database. Our Address Autocomplete API allows real-time collection and verification of postal addresses from over 245 countries. 

What Is Address Capture API?

The Address Capture API is a system that helps you correct and collect verified postal addresses. 

PostGrid accomplishes this by detecting the user’s IP location, analysing the text input, and comparing the data with AusPost’s official address database.

Our Address Capture API is different from the standard address verification tools. PostGrid verifies your addresses in real-time and demonstrates them at the capture point in your website or landing page. 

It allows your business to block inaccurate addresses from entering your address database and ensures a high-quality address database and mailing list. 

With PostGrid, you can use our dedicated Address Capture API or a more holistic approach with our Address Verification API. 

With our Address Verification API, you can access numerous capabilities, including Bulk Address Verification, Bulk Mailing, Address Autocomplete, Geocoding, and more.

However, PostGrid’s dedicated Address Capture API can enhance your website’s or mobile app’s customer experience.

By automatically filling the address data on your online forms, checkout page, Etc., our Address Autocomplete API provides more convenience.

As a result, our Address Capture API raises the quality of experience the customer has with your brand. 

It ensures database quality leading to more effective direct mail marketing campaigns, reduces cart abandonment, and raises the overall service quality of your business.

direct mail operations

PostGrid’s Address Capture API

PostGrid’s Address Capture API can help companies improve various aspects of their business. The most compelling reasons for Companies to use our API solution include the following.

Streamline Business Processes

The primary purpose of our Address Capture API is to ensure the quality of address data. A direct result of having an accurate database is that it streamlines your various business processes.

You can run more effective business and marketing strategies using reliable address data. An accurate postal address enhances the deliverability of your direct mail and other business correspondences.

Boost User Convenience 

One of the most attractive features our Address Capture API offers to your users is that it can significantly boost user convenience in filling out forms.

Suggesting deliverable addresses from a reliable address database minimises the number of keystrokes for filling out the online form.

Convenience plays a crucial role in enhancing the user experience. As a result, PostGrid’s Address Capture API helps to minimise cart abandonments and encourages conversions.

Make It Worth Your Money

Quality data often (if not always) lead to loss of money for a business. More accurate or correctly formatted addresses can help your direct mail campaigns.

Our Address Capture API eliminates this risk for your business by ensuring a quality address database. A quality database leads to a lower return mail rate and controls the wastage of resources.

Besides that, our API solution also helps you better profile your customers and prospects. It leads to more accurate targeting of your direct mail campaigns and boosts your ROI from the campaigns.

Positively Impact Customer Perception

With PostGrid’s Address Capture API, you can suggest verified addresses from Australia Post’s official address database. Automatically filling the form fields creates a positive impact on the customer.

Most people are reluctant to type in long forms manually, and the address field is typically the most extended field you can find on an online form. 

Automatically filling the address field in an online form raises user convenience. Hene, Address Capture improves the customer perception of your brand.

Enhance Your Existing Services

An accurate address is essential in maintaining regular contact with prospective and existing customers. It eliminates the risk of mishearing, misspelling, or misrecording addresses. 

The Address Capture API is also ideal for transferring address data on paper to a secure and flexible digital channel. It makes your marketing and communication efforts easier to execute.

Superior Profiling And Segmentation

One of the best ways to ensure the success of your marketing efforts is to profile your customers and segment them accordingly. Our Address Autocomplete API makes this easy for you.

PostGrid’s Address Capture and address verification API can help you gather all the information you need to profile your customers. 

You can use the data from the API to categorise your audience depending on their demographics and target them with your campaigns. Categorisation helps you to target audiences with relevant offers and products to boost engagements.

Maintain Consistency Address Database Quality

Our Address Capture API can help you maintain a consistent address database quality. A high-quality and consistent address database also leads to better services and streamlines business operations.

Postal addresses are susceptible to change because people can often move to a new address, or the postal code itself can change. Our solution ensures that these changes don’t affect your business. 

PostGrid also allows you to personalise your marketing and communication materials quickly. Moreover, the Address Capture API applies to businesses regardless of their size.

How Does PostGrid’s Address Capture API Work?

The work behind PostGrid’s Address Capture API is relatively easy to understand. It starts when your customer or user starts typing their address into a field in your website, mobile app, or landing page.

Our API detects their IP location and text input when the customer enters their address. The API then compares the two data against AusPost’s official address database. 

Australia Post manages one of the most extensive address databases in the country and regularly updates the same. Our Address Capture API uses the same database to secure accurate addresses.

PostGrid successfully suggests the most relevant addresses to your customers as they fill in an online form. The customer can check the indicated address and click on their address when they find it.

Upon clicking on the relevant address, our Address Capture API automatically fills in the appropriate address fields. And just like that, you can enter accurate and error-free customer addresses into your database.

Step-By-Step Process Behind PostGrid’s Address Capture API:

  • Integrate our Address Capture API to your website, mobile app, and other relevant systems to implement the Address Autocomplete feature for your business.
  • After successful integration, the API can start working and automatically fill website or form fields depending on the input data.
  • The Address Capture API uses the user’s IP location and text input to suggest verified addresses to the user.
  • Our advanced API solution detects the user’s IP location and the text input in the fields to narrow down on relent postal addresses.
  • The list of AusPost-verified addresses pops up in a suggestion box, and the customer can select their address from these suggestions by clicking on the address.
  • Upon the user clicking on their address from the suggestions, the Address Capture API fills in the relevant address fields.
  • The user can enter any other information necessary and process to submit their data to your business.
  • You can now access the information collected using the Address Capture API directly from your database.
  • Use the address data for your marketing and communication efforts and maintain consistent contact with your customers.

What Are The Benefits Of Using PostGrid’s Address Capture API?

There are numerous benefits of using PostGrid’s Address Capture API for your business, including the following.

Real-Time Address Verification

PostGrid immediately starts suggesting addresses to users as they start typing their addresses into your website, app, or landing page. 

International Addresses

Our advanced Address Capture API can work for international addresses across 240+ countries and suggest reliable postal addresses for your global audiences.

Boost Conversions

By making form filling easier, our API solution effectively encourages the user to complete the desired action and boost conversions. It results in better usability of the website and superior user convenience.

Seamless Integration 

PostGrid’s Address Capture API uses a flexible REST API that can work seamlessly with all modern websites and applications. It even offers specialised integrations for Zapier, QuickBooks, and more.

Enhanced Data Quality

Our Address Autocomplete API ensures only accurate address data ester your address database. The enhanced data quality leads to better quality services and communication with your customers.

Which Business Organizations Can Use PostGrid’s Address Capture API?

Any business organisation that uses the postal address data of its customers can use the Address Capture API from PostGrid. Here are some business organisations that can significantly benefit by adding an Address Autocomplete capability to their organisation.

eCommerce Brands

Retail and eCommerce brands with a significant online presence can use PostGrid’s API to minimise cart abandonment rates and encourage customer engagement.

Healthcare Organisations

With PostGrid’s Address Capture API, healthcare organisations can ensure that they have accurate patient address data. Using automated solutions, you can also use PostGrid’s HIPAA-certified platform to send sensitive healthcare documents.

Real Estate Companies

Companies in the real estate industry can use PostGrid’s Address Capture API to collect address details from prospective buyers and sellers. You can incorporate a direct mail campaign and lead customers to a contact form equipped with an Address Autocomplete feature to collect their address data.

Insurance And Finance

Companies in the insurance and financial sectors often use direct mail marketing campaigns and send important documents via mail. With an Address Capture API, these companies can access verified address data and use it for finance or insurance marketing strategies.

Arrange a meeting with our experts to discuss how your company can use PostGrid’s Address Capture API to optimise your business operations!

automate direct mail

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The post Address Capture appeared first on PostGrid.


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