Thursday 7 July 2022

With Compliment Slips: Nurture Customer Relationships

How To Improve Customer Relationships For Your Business Using With Compliments Slip?

Nurturing customer relationships are complex, and establishing a long-term relationship with the customer is even more complicated. But what if we told you that we know the perfect ice breaker you need to develop a long-lasting relationship with your customers? We are not implying that there is a magic solution that can suddenly help you build a relationship with your customers. But With Compliments Slips, you can start your relationship with the customer on the right foot.

with compliments slips

Nurturing a long-term relationship with your customers is a tough road. Hence, you must take the right step in the right direction to reach your ultimate goal. Here we explain the details of employing compliments slips in your business communication.

We explain why developing a personal relationship with your customers is crucial. Furthermore, you will learn how to write a With Compliments Slip for your business and create one in the most effective way possible.

What is a With Compliments Slip?

The complements or With Compliments Slip is a printed thank you note resembling letterhead. The design of a compliments slip should include your company’s brand theme like a letterhead. In addition to that, you will find all the details printed on a compliments slip. These are the same details that you can find on business cards and letterheads, including

  • Company logo
  • Contact details

A “With Compliments Slip” is called by that name because its message is usually preceded by “with compliments.” Also, the note inside a compliments slip is usually handwritten, making it a personal statement for the recipient.

How Do Compliment Slips Help You Nurture Customer Relationships?

As you know, compliments slips are an excellent way for businesses to deliver a highly personalised message to their customers. Their highly personal nature makes them ideal for creating a lasting impression.

But did you know that you could do much more using compliment slips for your business organisation? Below are some significant ways it can help nurture customer relationships for your business organisation.

Your Customers Feel Valued

It should come as no surprise that the handwritten card emotionally appeals to the recipient. Business communications need to be professional, but that does not mean your interaction must be cold.

The effort you put into writing a card never goes unnoticed. And, oh yes, let’s not forget that most companies now use digital media for communication. A regular text message feels nowhere near as personal as receiving a handwritten slip.

In other words, sending compliment slips lets you genuinely connect with your customers. As a result, it makes your customers feel valued and appreciated, laying the foundation for long-term customer relationships.

You Reinforce Your Brand

Using compliments slips for your business lets you reinforce your brand in the customer’s mind. We mentioned how it is very similar to letterhead. The compliments slip has the same brand theme as the letterhead and even includes your company logo.

Furthermore, it also contains your company’s contact details so the customer can get in touch with you. The letterhead-like design of the complimentary list reinforces your brand logo and brand colours inside the customer’s mind.

Hence, compliment slips make your brand easier to identify and help you nurture better customer relationships.

Helps Your Break The Ice With Customers

Every new marketing strategy repeatedly says you should create a personal bond with the customer. However, it is not so easy to put those words into action. Sending printed materials like catalogues, invoices, etc., to your customers does not do anything to nurture customer relationships.

But, when you add a personalised With Compliments Slip into the mix, everything changes. The change we are talking about here is not very dramatic, and perhaps it is not very noticeable either.

However, compliments slips are the perfect ice breaker you need to add a personal layer to your relationship with the customer.

Offers Superior Personalisation

Personalisation is one of the reasons why a Compliments Card is so effective in appealing to the customers. And by personalisation, we don’t mean the usual use of the customer’s first name on the slip.

Providing exclusive discounts or offers in the compliments slips can have a noticeable impact on the customer. Besides cultivating a long-term relationship with the customer, it allows you to interact with the customer within a short time.

Of course, using a handwritten slip is ideal for making the customer feel valued and unique. The more personalised your compliments slip, the better are its chances of nurturing good customer relationships.

direct mail operations

What To Write On A Compliments Slip?

If you are ever feeling confused about what to write on a Compliments Slip, take a quick look at your company’s letterhead. You can even refer to your business card, for that matter, because that is all the details necessary.

Even the design should ideally resemble your letterhead or business card. You are free to try out new and funky designs for the slips, but it may compromise your branding.

Also, technically the thank you slips are still professional communication. Hence, you can’t go wild with the compliments slip design. The best approach is to go for a minimalistic design with your company logo and branding. Furthermore, it will ensure that you have enough space for Compliment Card Messages.

When Can You Use With Compliments Slip?

If you are thinking about sending compliments slips for the first time, you are probably wondering when is the best time to use them. A company usually sends compliments to notes or even a slip when a customer buys a new product or service from your business.

Companies usually send compliments slips along with catalogues, brochures, or any other documents you send your customers. You never send a compliments slip by itself. Companies attach their compliments slips with another printed material you send to your customers.

However, you could always use a thank you postcard if you don’t have print material with which you can send the slip. You can learn all about writing a postcard for your business. Whether you use a thank you postcard or a compliments slip, a handwritten message can work wonders for your business.

What Should You Write On Your Compliment Slips?

The message of your With Compliments Slip will vary depending on the information you want to convey. In addition, the statement also depends on why you are sending the thank you slip in the first place. For example, imagine whether you are trying to upsell or introduce a new offer to the customer.

In that case, the message in a compliments slip is short and not longer than a few sentences. If you want to send a longer format message, you might want to consider using a letter instead of a slip. Hence, your best bet is to go for a short and simple message for your compliments slips.

What Is The Size of A With Compliments Slip?

As you can imagine, the size of With Compliments Slip can vary depending on the message and your purpose for sending it. Most companies prefer to use a compliments slip of size 210 x 99mm. It is also the same size you get when you fold an A4 paper into three parts.

This size is perfect for fitting your compliments slips inside the standard DL envelopes without folding them. Furthermore, it provides ample space for your message without compromising the readability of the compliments slip.

Remember that the compliments slip is a way for you to say thank you to your customers through a short message. You need not elaborate or use long sentences in compliments slips as long as you can show genuine interest towards your customers.


Business organisations gain a lot by sending compliments slips to their customers. We have listed the advantages of using a compliments slip for your business and how they help nurture customer relationships.

However, printing quality With Compliments Slip for your business is challenging without the right tools. Most companies prefer using a direct mail automation tool like PostGrid for their postal mail requirements.

PostGrid offers a fully automated direct mail solution to print and deliver marketing materials with your compliments slip. Furthermore, PostGrid offers robust bulk mail capabilities that allow you to print and send a high number of mailers or compliments slips.

And if you don’t have the time to write bulk compliments slips by hand, you can always use PostGrid to print them. You can even use unique fonts and printers that let you easily print and deliver personalised mailers to your customers.

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The post With Compliment Slips: Nurture Customer Relationships appeared first on PostGrid.


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