Tuesday 5 July 2022

Residential Address vs Postal Address vs Home Address

The Address Types In Australia And How To Distinguish Them To Benefit Your Business?

Have you ever tried to organise your business’s address data? If yes, you would have come across the different address types in your database. You may find that some customers have a correspondence address, and others have a mailing address.

But what do all these addresses mean? You can’t truly optimise your marketing or communication efforts without understanding the different address types. More importantly, you need to understand the difference between these addresses.

postal correct address

Hence, we are going to answer all the questions you may have about postal addresses, such as

  • What is a residential address?
  • What distinguishes the different address types?
  • How can you better manage your business’s address data?

All the answers you are looking for are now a grasp away. And as an expert in everything concerning direct mail and postal correspondence, we are all too happy to help you.

What is a Postal Address?

A postal address is any address to which you can deliver mail. It practically means that any deliverable address is a postal address. In other words, the postal address includes every other type of address, such as a

  • Physical address
  • Mailing address
  • Residential address
  • Home address
  • Correspondence address

And since all addresses you can send mail are postal addresses, you could say every address is a postal address. Or at least, you could say that from a mailing perspective. Does that mean every physical address is a postal address? Well, no.

To understand the distinction between the different types of addresses, you first need to know the different types of postal addresses. Only then can we discuss the case of postal address vs home address or physical address vs mailing address, etc.

What is a Physical Address?

The physical address, as the name suggests, indicates the physical location of the postal address. In other words, it merely shows the geographical location of postal addresses. Every residential and commercial building has a physical address. In most cases, the same address is also the postal or mailing address.

But, that is not always the case. You might have noticed that some people never receive mail at home or office. Some individuals and businesses never receive mail because their physical address is not their mailing address.

So then, how do such individuals and businesses receive their postal mail? Which postal address do they use? It is most likely that individuals and companies who do not want to receive mail at the physical address use a PO Box address or a mailbox service.

direct mail operations

What Is Residential Address?

A residential address is a term that we are all well familiar with. Most of you have filled out some official or unofficial form that asked for your residential address. Such documents typically require a correspondence address, but we’ll discuss that later.

Simply put, the residential address is the address where a person resides. Most businesses use the residential address to connect with their existing and prospective customers. The residence address goes by many names. So, instead of asking, “What is a residential address?” you could also use terms like

  • Residence address
  • Residential mailing address
  • Current residential address
  • Home address
  • Home mailing address

But the name rarely matters to the customers. On the other hand, classifying residential addresses could be a game-changer for businesses like yours. It is also worth noting that the residential, home and physical address are not always the same in a strict sense.

What Is a Home Address?

The home address may seem very familiar to the residential address. In a more practical sense, there is barely any difference between the two; you can use both terms interchangeably in real-life situations. However, much like in the case of mailing and physical address, they are not the same.

To an individual, a home address is the address of their sole or primary residence. In case the individual does not have such an address, it is their usual place of residence. And suppose an individual does not have a regular pad. In that case, the home address they regularly visit can be the physical address.

Home is a subjective term, and so is the home address. Some people may move to a new city and still use their parent’s place as their home address. Hence, the topic of postal address vs home address is worth discussing, and we will do that as we proceed further.

What Is a Mailing Address?

A mailing address is any postal address you (the sender) can use to deliver postal mail. As we mentioned above, in most cases, the mailing address of an individual or business is the same as their physical address. In other words, the mailing address is usually the same as a home or office address.

The best example of a pure mailing address is the PO Box address. Think about it, the sole purpose of a PO Box address is to receive postal mail. Using a PO Box address for your business has several advantages and disadvantages. At this point, some of you may be wondering if a mailing address and postal address are the same. The postal address includes all addresses you can send mail to, including a physical address. And as we discussed earlier, all physical addresses are not mailing addresses.

What Is a Correspondence Address?

As you can guess from the name, a correspondence address is an address that you can use to contact someone officially. But the key takeaway is that the addressee can not reside at the correspondence address.

Generally, the correspondence address of an individual is their office or factory address or even a vacation address. And no, the correspondence and residential address are not the same. And even if they were the same, it would mean that the postal address would become a residential one by default.

It is also possible that your company has an online or offline form with a space for the correspondence address. The reason for providing a provision for the address of correspondence is so that the customer has the option to provide their office address.

Comparing Different Types Of Addresses For Your Business Mail

After going through the different addresses above, you would have noticed some of them are very similar. Questions like what the difference between residential and postal addresses should now be on your mind.

Below we discuss the difference between the different types of addresses and what distinguishes one address from another.

Postal Address vs Home Address

If you are a business owner or marketer, then the home address is something you probably find interesting. After all, a quality customer database is incomplete without the home address. The postal address vs home address is pretty simple because all home addresses are postal addresses.

However, not all postal addresses are home addresses. Think of it like this, the postal address, as we discussed, includes all types of postal addresses to where you can deliver your mail. Therefore, everything, including physical address, home address, correspondence address, etc., is a postal address.

When it comes to direct mail campaigns, it might help you to categorise your customer addresses. As you can see, the postal address is a broad term, and you can interpret it in various ways. Comparatively, home addresses help you target customers with relevant products and services.

Home Address vs Residential Address

Much like in the case of postal address vs home address, you may also find the home and residential addresses confusing. Unlike in the home and residential address case, the distinction between home and postal address is not very apparent.

In most practical cases, the home address vs residential address debate never exists. You can use both of these terms interchangeably. In other words, residential and home addresses are the same for all practical purposes, including your direct mail campaigns.

However, home and residential addresses are not entirely the same. For example, someone who moved to a new city for work may use their current address as a residential address rather than a home address. Here, you can also see how the line between residential address and correspondence address starts to fade.

Postal Address vs Residential Address

You already know that the home and residential addresses are the same for practical reasons. Furthermore, we also saw how a postal address could be anything, including a physical address, home address, correspondence address, and more.

Hence, you can probably guess what is the difference between residential and postal addresses. But here is the difference between postal and residential addresses, to reiterate the point we made a moment ago. All residential addresses are postal addresses, but all postal addresses are not residential addresses.

Mailing Address vs Correspondence Address

Much like in the case of home address vs residential address, the correspondence and mailing addresses are also similar. However, mailing and correspondence addresses are not so similar that you can use them interchangeably.

Let’s start with the similarities first. Individuals may use a mailing or correspondence address when they want to receive their mail at a different address from their primary or office address. As for the difference between the two address types, there are a few worth mentioning here.

You might remember us mentioning how the physical and mailing addresses can often be the same in most cases. It means that a residential address can also be the mailing address. However, a correspondence address can not be a residential address.

That’s not all. The mailing addresses can also include PO Box addresses. However, you can not use a PO Box address as a correspondence address

Mailing Address vs Physical Address

As we already explained towards the beginning of this article, the physical address indicates the physical or geographical location of the postal address. On the other hand, the mailing address is where an individual or business receives their postal mail.

The mailing and physical address are often the same, but that is not always the case. For instance, if your is a large company with a suitable commercial space, you hardly need to use a separate mailing address.

In contrast, if your business is small and home-operated, you may want a dedicated business mailing address. In such cases, your company can use a PO Box address as your business’s mailing address instead of the physical address.

How Can PostGrid Help You Manage Your Address Database?

As you can see, there are different postal addresses to which you can send your business mailers. With such a wide variety of postal addresses, one thing is clear. You must manage your customer address data effectively if you wish to have an effective communication/marketing strategy. 

In other words, knowing your customer’s physical address is not enough to formulate advanced marketing strategies. An advanced address verification tool like PostGrid enables you to manage your address database better. Here are some ways your business can benefit from PostGrid’s address verification tool.

Verify Your Addresses With AusPost Address Database

PostGrid is an advanced address verification tool with authorised access to AusPost’s official address database. We can ensure that all your addresses, including mailing and physical addresses, are valid and deliverable. Furthermore, PostGrid can even help you categorise your postal addresses into different groups.

Address Autocomplete

PostGrid comes equipped with an Address Autocomplete API. It allows your web and app interface to suggest validated addresses to the user as they fill in a form using their IP address and AusPost address database.


PostGrid’s geocoding capability allows you to get the geographical location of your addresses. It enables you to map out the physical address in your making list. Such a feature can be convenient if you want to identify clusters of prospective customers, residential and commercial areas, and much more.


Any business organisation that wishes to maintain a lasting relationship with its customers can understand the value of address data. Managing address data for a business is far from easy, and you need all the help you can get.

Learning about different address types, such as physical and correspondence addresses, is the first step in better managing your business communication/marketing. However, understanding the difference between different types of postal addresses is not enough.

It would be best to have an advanced address verification tool like PostGrid that can access AusPost’s official address database. PostGrid enables you to categorise better and manage your address data. Furthermore, it also gives you access to features like Address Autocomplete and geocoding.

Capabilities like geocoding ensure you never worry about targeting customer correspondence addresses. It helps you identify clusters of the target audience through your address data. As a result, you can create more effective and personalised marketing campaigns for your business.

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The post Residential Address vs Postal Address vs Home Address appeared first on PostGrid.

source https://www.postgrid.com.au/postal-vs-residential-vs-home-address/

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