Thursday 5 May 2022

Unaddressed Mail

How To Use Unaddressed Mail To Target Fresh Customers With Minimum Expense?

One of the enormous walls a marketer or business owner has to climb to target new customers is the unavailability of contact details. What if we told you that you don’t have to climb this wall and you could simply go around it?

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How? Well, the answer you are looking for is Unaddressed Mail. It is a cost-effective way for businesses to target fresh customers with little to no risks. Sounds interesting? Read on to find more about Unaddressed Mail and how you can implement it for your business.

What is the Australia Post Unaddressed Mail Service?

The Unaddressed Mail service from Australia Post allows your business organisation to send advertising mail without a delivery address. Some of you may also know it as letterbox advertising or letterbox droppers. 

Many assume that letterbox advertising involves sending marketing materials to random addresses hoping to get a positive response. Albeit targeting in letterbox advertising is not as elaborate or accurate as direct marketing. But, there is much more to Australia Post Unaddressed Mail than you might think. 

For instance, some basic targeting capabilities of letterbox advertising involve sending marketing mailers to residential and business addresses. Similarly, you can also target specific localities and postcodes.

But the best part about letterbox advertising is that it is the most cost-effective way to implement your direct mail marketing campaign.

direct mail operations

Types of Mailers You Can Send Through Unaddressed Mail

Do you use different types of mailers for your various direct mail campaigns?

If yes, you don’t have to worry about having limited options to convey your marketing messages. Because you can use numerous types of mailers with Australia Post Unaddressed Mail. Some of the popular choices of direct mailers for letterbox advertising are:

  • Postcards
  • Catalogues
  • Brochures
  • Flyers
  • Envelopes
  • Plastic wrapped articles
  • Folded mailers

Apart from the different mailers listed above, you can even include product samples in your unaddressed mail.

Types of Unaddressed Mail Services Offered By Australia Post

The Australia Post offers standard and premium services for letterbox advertising. The main difference between the two is their delivery time. However, there are other features distinguishing standard and premium Unaddressed Mail services.

Standard Bookings

You can make the standard bookings up to three months in advance. Australia Post is particular about the time frames you need to follow for letterbox advertising. For standard Unaddressed Mail, you must make the booking 15 business days from the Monday of your nominated delivery week. 

The above time frame applies to other states and same state delivery. But, if it’s just the same state delivery, you can make the booking 10 business days prior from the Monday of your nominated delivery week. That’s not all. You must also lodge your articles seven and five business days before the nominated delivery week.

Premium Bookings

You can use the Premium Unaddressed Mail service when you want quicker communication with the target market. It is worth noting that the Premium services are only available for same-state deliveries. For Premium services, you must submit booking requests before the Wednesday before the nominated delivery week.

Similarly, the lodging of the mailer must happen by midday on the business day before the decided delivery week. Of course, you can expect the delivery on the weekdays without counting the public holidays. Furthermore, you may have to pay additional fees for special services.

Why Should Your Businesses Use Unaddressed Mail?

Marketing your business with the help of Unaddressed Mail comes with several advantages. Some of the significant reasons why letterbox advertising is ideal for marketing your business are as follows:

Wider Reach For Your Marketing Campaign

Australia Post has access to practically every letterbox in the country. It includes a whopping 11.6 million letterboxes for sending community notices and sending other advertising mailers to up to 88 million letterboxes.

We are talking about postal addresses, including metropolitan, rural, and even regional addresses. If you are using Unaddressed Mail, it doesn’t matter if your target audience lives in secure apartment blocks or high-rise buildings. Last but not least, letterbox advertising is also effective on Post Office Box addresses.

Unaddressed Mail Cut Through The Clutter

Direct mail is the best way for marketers and business owners to cut through the clutter of digital marketing and reach their target audience. Even though letterbox advertising involves mailers without an address, they are treated as regular postal mail.

What does this mean? It means Australia Post delivers your Unaddressed Mail along with the regular mail. Hence, the target audience is most likely to view your marketing postcards, catalogues, flyers, etc.

83% of people who receive marketing material with their regular mail take it back inside their house.

Unaddressed Mail Are Highly Reliable

As far as direct mail marketing goes, Australia Post is as reliable as any postal service. You can be sure that your marketing material reaches the target audience quickly. Australia Post ensures that all your specifications are met for every Unaddressed Mail they undertake.

Therefore, letterbox advertising remains within your marketing campaign’s designated or specified area. Best of all, the address data of Australia Post is highly accurate, and it is regularly updated. Hence, there is minimal wastage in printing and mailing your marketing mailers.

Market Your Product or Service to New Customers Without Contact Details

Finding new customers or prospects is always challenging for business, and Unaddressed Mail offers an effective solution to this problem. And since letterbox advertising costs significantly less than addressed direct mail, you can widen your search area.

It means you can reach out to a significantly larger audience and hunt for more potential customers for your business. But here’s the most important part! You don’t need any address data, names, or other information to hunt for new customers or prospects.

Most Cost-Effective and Affordable Direct Mail Strategy

Saving money on marketing efforts is crucial for every business organisation. There is no better option for your business than Australia Post Unaddressed Mail when it comes to cost-effective direct mail marketing.

With bulk printing, you can save even more money through advanced direct mail automation tools like PostGrid. It ensures that you can optimise your direct mail expenses, leading to a higher ROI or Return On Investment.

Unaddressed Mail Size Categories

Dimension Small Large 
Maximum weight 100g 250g
Minimum size 88 x 138mm N/A
Maximum size 130 x 240mm 260 x 360mm
Maximum thickness 5mm 20mm
Shape Rectangular (including squares) Rectangular (including squares)
Common Unaddressed Mail Size
  • DL (110 x 220m) 
  • C6 (114 x 162mm)
  • C5 (162 x 229m) 
  • B5 (176 x 250mm)
  • C4 (229 x 324mm)
  • B4 (250 x 353mm)

How to Send Australia Post Unaddressed Mail?

Businesses can simplify the process of sending your Unaddressed Mail into three easy steps, and they are

  1. Booking Planning
  2. Article Preparation
  3. Article Lodging

Let’s look at what you should know about these three steps involved in letterbox advertising.

#1 Booking Planning

As you can guess, the first step in sending Unaddressed Mail for your business is to plan it. To be more precise, you need to plan the timing of your mail booking and lodgement to meet your delivery date. It would be best if you also kept in mind the time restrictions for bookings that we have already discussed above.


This booking planning stage of Unaddressed Mail also includes targeting your marketing mailers. As you know, the targeting process is much more straightforward in letterbox advertising. You have to pick the postcode, suburb (locality), or state you want to target.

However, Australia Post determines the postal rounds best suited for your target area. You can also specify whether you want to target private or business addresses or both in this stage. In addition to this, you can also remove specific postal addresses from the mailing list or customise your booking.

Make The Booking

Up next, you can make the booking for your AusPost Unaddressed Mail. You can download and fill out the online booking form here. After filling out the form, you can send it to Australia Post will process your booking, confirm it, and send you all the necessary documents advising your mail campaign.

#2 Article Preparation

Now that you have successfully made your booking for Unaddressed Mail, you can prepare your articles and get them ready for lodgement. Apart from printing your mailers, this involves two processes, and they are:

Labelling and Bundling

Before you can hand over your marketing materials to Australia Post, you need to label and bundle them. You can get the label files in PDF format. You need to ensure that labels are firmly fixed on the front of every tray and the font bundle. Additionally, you must secure the bundle with 2 vertical bands for every 50 or 100 articles.


Once you have finished the labelling and bundling process of the Unaddressed Mail, you must sort them. The sorting is carried out based on the delivery office. You can get the trays from the assigned lodgement office at no additional cost.

#3 Article Lodging

The third and final step in letterbox advertising is the lodging process which can only happen once it is ready for delivery. Ensure that your articles are lodged at the Australia Post Office on the specified lodgement date. Finally, it would be best if you also made it a point to provide all the necessary documents during lodging, which are:

  • Booking Confirmation Advice
  • Mail Preparation Advice
  • Mail Lodgement Documents
  • A sample of the article

The payment is also a part of the lodging process of Unaddressed Mail. Australia Post provides several options for you to make your payments, such as

  • Australia Post business credit account
  • Cash, credit or debit card
  • Cheque (pre-approved by the lodgement office)

How Can PostGrid Help You Send Unaddressed Mail?

As you can see above, it is not an easy process to send Unaddressed Mail unless you are willing to pour extensive resources into it. The easy way is to use a direct mail automation tool like PostGrid. Instead of going through the trouble of labelling, bundling, and sorting bulk mail, you can simply outsource it to PostGrid.

PostGrid takes care of every aspect of your letterbox advertising. It prints, sorts, and delivers your marketing mailers efficiently via Australia Post. Furthermore, you can use PostGrid’s system to print personalised marketing mailers and deliver them. 

It even offers an address verification tool that ensures the deliverability of your addresses by comparing them against Australia post’s address database. A few months ago, one of our clients came to us to automate their direct mail process. We were able to eliminate manual efforts for the client with our automated direct mail solution.

As a result, we eliminated manual errors, but we also boosted the client’s ROI. Our client can now send bulk mail ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 mailings a month with ease. All it takes is a few seconds to upload a CSV file of their mailing list, and voila!   


Implementing letterbox advertising for your business is not easy without investing enough resources and workforce. However, AusPost Unaddressed Mail still offers the most cost-effective way to reach out to your target audience.

The best way for businesses to ensure that their letterbox advertising is carried out smoothly is using PostGrid. With an advanced direct mail automation tool like PostGrid, you can conveniently send Australia Post Unaddressed Mail.

Hence, businesses must use tools like PostGrid to access the full potential of letterbox advertising. As a result, you can save valuable time, money, and resources, leading to a higher ROI for your marketing campaigns.

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The post Unaddressed Mail appeared first on PostGrid.


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