Wednesday 19 January 2022

Standard Postcard Size Australia

Standard Postcard Size Australia

If you have ever seriously considered using postcard marketing campaigns for your business, then you’d know that postcards can be quite confusing when it comes to their sizes. Australia Post offers so many different sizes for postcards that it is impossible to choose one without prior knowledge.

standard postcard sizes australia

Even people familiar with postcard and postcard advertising sometimes find it hard to keep up with varying card sizes. On top of it, you may have to use various types of postcards depending on your specific marketing goals.

As a company that lives and breathes direct mail, we know everything about Australia Post postcard sizes and we surely know the right ways to help you with the same. Keeping that in mind, here in this guide,  we are going to share everything we know about standard postcard size Australia Post.

We will also discuss the postal mail services from Australia Post to send advertising postcards. The guide also explains how to optimize the postcard layout for each of these postal mail services. By the end of the article, you will even get an easy solution to all your postcard mail requirements. 

Postal Mail Services You Can Use For Sending Postcards

Australia Post offers several postal mail services that enable its customers to send postcards based on their specific needs. Even though the standard size of postcards remains the same for most services, they usually have different size ratios.

Hence, we must discuss the different postal services from Australia Post and their standard postcard sizes. The most popular postal mail services that you can use to send postcards are as follows:

  • Full Rate Mail
  • Acquisition Mail
  • PreSort Letters/Charity Mail
  • Impact Mail
  • Clean Mail
  • Reply Paid
direct mail operations

Full Rate-Mail Postcards

The standard postcard size Australia Post for Full Rate-Mail needs to be

  • At least 88 × 138mm*
  • At most 130 × 240mm

Apart from having the size mentioned above, the postcard mailer should have a size ratio of at least 1.414*

Optimized Layout For Full Rate-Mail Postcards

The layout for your Full Rate-Mail postcard can change based on whether it is machine addressed or hand addressed. Although the postcard layout of the two does not vary significantly it is worth knowing the difference, especially if you intend to use the postcards for business purposes.

Optimized Layout For Machine Addressed Full Rate-Mail Postcards

Clear Zone: As you can see in the image above, the postcards have some clear zones. The clear zones in postcards are a 15 mm gap on the postcard where you should not write anything. In other words, you should keep the clear zone “clear” of any writing or printing.

When it comes to Full Rate-Mail Postcards, the entire bottom side is a clear zone and has a width of 15mm. You can also see a dividing line on the postcard that separates the address zone and message area. Make sure that you print the address 15mm away from the dividing line and the edge of the postcard.

Delivery Address: When printing the delivery address on a machine addressed Full Rate-Mail postcard, make sure it is below the postage zone. Place the delivery address as far to the right of the postcard as possible. But, ensure the address does not go over the 15mm clear zone on the right edge. You should also ensure that you leave a 40mm distance from the top edge to the delivery address.

Return Address: Usually, the return address on the Full Rate-Mail postcard goes on the top left corner. It is also the recommended position by Australia Post. However, you want to save as much space as possible for business postcards. So, you can take an alternative approach and rotate it vertically. 

You may then place the vertical return address along the dividing line 15 mm away from the address block. Additionally, Australia Post suggests that you place the vertical address at least 70mm from the right edge of the postcard. 

Message/Advertisement: You can print your message or advertisement on the Full Rate-Mail postcard on the left side of the dividing line. However, don’t forget to maintain the 15mm clear zone on the bottom edge of the postcard. You can use this space for advertising or any other printing. Furthermore, you also have the unaddressed side of the postcard, which you can use to its total capacity.

Optimized Layout For Hand Addressed Full Rate-Mail Postcards

Clear Zone: The clear zone for the hand-addressed postcard is similar to the machine addressed one. You have a 15mm clear zone on the bottom edge of the postcard.

Delivery Address: Australia Post does not specify a clear zone on either side of the address block. However, it is standard practice to print faint or dotted lines at least 15mm away from the right edge and the dividing line. Like the machine addressed Full Rate Mail, the dividing line on hand-addressed postcards is also placed 70mm from the right edge.

Message/Advertisement: You can place your statement or advertisement on the left side of the dividing line. However, you can not write or print anything on the clear zone. Australia Post suggests that you use the bottom of the messaging/advertising area for describing a pictorial scene in the postcard.

PreSort Letters/Charity Mail Postcards

The standard postcard size Australia Post for PreSort Letters/Charity Mail postcards needs to be

  • At least 88 × 138mm
  • At most 130 × 240mm

Apart from having the size mentioned above, the postcard mailer should have a size ratio of at least 1.2.

Optimized Layout For PreSort Letters/Charity Mail Postcards

Clear Zone: The clear zone of PreSort Letters/Charity Mail is different from the one we saw in Full Rate Mail. You don’t need to take the entire bottom side of the PreSort Letters/Charity Mail as the clear zone. The clear zone is specified in a mirrored L shape in this postcard type, as shown in the image above.

It is worth noting that the clear zone near the bottom edge is 15mm in width, and the right edge is 10mm wide. However, neither side of the clear zone goes all the way from one edge to the other. The clear zone along the right edge stops around 40mm from the top edge.

Delivery Address And Barcode: The barcode is the most noticeable difference on the PreSort Letters/Charity Mail postcards from the Full Rate Mail. You can print the barcode above the delivery address. Make sure to place the barcode and the delivery address below the postage zone and as far to the right as possible.

However, the address or barcode should not cross over to the clear zone to the right or bottom edge of the postcard. Additionally, you should also ensure not to place the barcode above 100mm from the bottom edge of the postcard.

Barcode Clear Zone: The Barcode has a separate clear zone so that it does not coincide with the delivery address or postage area. PreSort Letters/Charity Mail postcards should have a clear zone of at least 6mm to the barcode’s left and right sides. Similarly, it should have a 2mm clear zone above and below the barcode.

Return Address: You can rotate the return address and place it to the left of the address block and the “Postage Paid” imprint. If you put the return address like this, it will also be the dividing line.

Another option for printing the return address on PreSort Letters/Charity Mail postcards is the backside.

However, you must ensure that the return address you print on the backside is 20mm away from the bottom edge.

Message/Advertisement: The message or advertisement area of the postcard in PreSort Letters/Charity Mail postcards is on the left side. However, unlike the Full Rate-Mail postcard, you don’t have to maintain a clear zone on the bottom side of the postcard. Hence, you can get more space for printing your message or advertisement.

Additional Ad Space: When it comes to PreSort Letters/Charity Mail postcards, Australia Post lets you use the areas to the right and below the address. However, you can only do this if the advertising or any other printing that you use does not resemble an address.

Clean Mail Postcards

The Australia Post postcard sizes for Clean Mail postcards need to be 

  • At least 88 × 138mm
  • At most 130 × 240mm

Apart from having the size mentioned above, the postcard mailer should have a size ratio of at least 1.414.

Optimized Layout For Clean Mail Postcards

clean mail postcard size

Clear Zone: The clear zone for Clean Mail includes a 15mm wide area on the bottom of the Clean Mail postcards. Apart from this, there is a clear zone around all four sides of the address block. The width of the clear zone around the address block is 10mm.

However, you can use the clear zone around the address block to approximate an approved colour by Australia Post. Another thing to note about the clear zone in Clean Mail postcards is that it is also present on the backside. The clear area on the rear is 125mm x 20mm in size, aligned to the bottom left corner.

Delivery Address: Similar to the other postcards we have discussed so far, you should place the delivery address below the postage zone. Make sure to move the delivery address as far to the right as possible without crossing over to the 10mm clear zone.

It would be best to place the delivery address at least 40mm away from the top edge. Australia Post also suggests maintaining a 100mm distance from the bottom edge to the address block.

Return Address: Similar to the return address placement in the other postcard layout we discussed, you can rotate it vertically here too. By doing so, you can print the return address in a single line and save some more space for your ad. You can also print the return address on the backside after leaving a clear area of 20mm from the bottom edge.

Message/Advertisement: As usual, you can use the space on the left side of the postcard for printing your message or advertisement. However, keep in mind that Clean Mail postcards have a 15mm clear zone on the bottom edge.

Additional Ad Space: You can print on the right side and below the address block. However, you can only publish pictures or graphics. Furthermore, if the graphic contains any text, it should not resemble any part of the address.

Acquisition Mail Postcards

The Australian postcard size for Acquisition Mail postcards needs to be

  • At least 88 × 138mm
  • At most 130 × 240mm

Apart from having the size mentioned above, the postcard mailer should have a size ratio of at least 1.2.

Optimized Layout For Acquisition Mail Postcards

Clear Zone: The clear zone of Acquisition Mail postcards is similar to PreSort Letters/Charity Mail postcards. Like in PreSort Letters/Charity Mail postcards, the clear zone also has a mirrored L shape in this postcard type. The clear zone near the bottom edge is 15mm in width, and the right edge is 10mm wide. Like PreSort Letters/Charity Mail postcards, you have to provide a clear zone for the barcode.

Delivery Address: Move the address as far to the right as possible without crossing over to the 10mm clear zone on the right edge of the postcard. Be careful not to place the delivery address more than 40mm closer to the top edge and 100mm distance from the bottom edge.

Return Address: The return address on Acquisition Mail postcards is on the left of the address block and the “Postage Paid” imprint. If you place the return address like this, it will also be the dividing line. However, unlike PreSort Letters/Charity Mail postcards, it does not usually allow you to print the return address on the backside.

Message/Advertisement: The message or advertisement area of the postcard in Acquisition Mail postcards is also on the left side. Here, there is no need to maintain a clear zone on the bottom side of the postcard.

Additional Ad Space: Australia Post also lets you use the areas below to the right of the address block as long as it does not resemble an address. Additionally, you can also use the Acquisition Mail postcard’s entire backside to print your advertisement.

Reply Paid (Domestic)

The standard postcard size Australia for Reply Paid postcard needs to be

  • At least 90 × 145mm
  • At most 130 × 240mm

Apart from having the size mentioned above, the postcard mailer should have a size ratio of at least 1.414.

Optimized Layout For Reply Paid Postcards

Clear Zone: The clear zones in Reply Paid postcards includes a 15mm wide clear zone that runs along the bottom edge. Apart from this, there is a 15mm clear zone on the left side of the return address block. It is worth noting that you can use both of these 15mm clear zones for printing as long as it approximates an approved colour by Australia Post.

Additionally, there is another 5mm clear zone to the left of the delivery address block, as you can see in the image above. Australia Post also suggests that you maintain a 20mm wide clear zone on the backside of the Reply Paid postcard.

Delivery Address: Unlike the other postcards, the delivery address is not given as much importance as the others. Hence, Australia Post suggests that you place the delivery address block to the top-right edge of the postcard. However, it should not be closer than 50mm from the right edge of the postcard.

Reply Paid Barcode: Another unique element in a Reply Paid postcard is the Reply Paid barcode. You can place the barcode as far to the right of the postcard as you can along the top edge. However, you should maintain a distance of 10mm from the right edge of the postcard.

Message/Advertisement: You can use the remaining portion on the left side of the Reply Paid postcards for printing your message or advertisement.

Impact Mail & International Postcards

The standard postcard dimensions Australia for Impact Mail postcard needs to be

  • At least 88 × 138mm
  • At most 130 × 240mm

The unique thing about Australia Post’s Impact Mail is that it can be irregularly or creatively shaped. As Impact Mail can come in all kinds of shapes, it is not possible to define the height to width ratio for it.

Similarly, the standard size of international postcards from Australia Post is not a fixed one as it varies from country to country. However, you can get more information on international postcards by calling Australia Post at 13 13 18.


The standard postcard size in Australia can vary depending on the postal mail service you choose. It can be challenging for businesses to keep track of Australian postcard size and identify them accurately for their various marketing/advertising campaigns.

However, there is an effective solution to this problem. Through PostGrid‘s direct mail automation tool, you can easily choose the ideal Australia Post postcard sizes for your business communication. The automated software solution enables you to personalize, print, and deliver postcards.

PostGrid’s automated system prints standardized addresses for your postcards, and hence, there is minimal chance for an error. As a result, you can ensure maximum deliverability for your advertising postcards and help you get the best outcome for your marketing campaigns.

More importantly, with PostGrid, you don’t have to spend a second of your day worrying about the standard postcard sizes for your direct mail campaigns.

automate direct mail

The post Standard Postcard Size Australia appeared first on PostGrid.


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