Friday 12 November 2021

What is a PO Box?

Why You Must Have a PO Box Address For Your Business

Privacy is important to all of us. We don’t want strangers snooping around our personal or professional lives. But, to some people privacy is vital and they don’t like giving up their address even for receiving postal deliveries. Also, the chances are that you know at least one person who is particularly careful about keeping their private life private.

what is a po box

PO Boxes are a perfect fit for such people. It is also ideal for people who want to maintain a different address to receive their personal or business mail. Today, we will take you through everything you need to know about PO Boxes along with various aspects that make PO Boxes special.

The applicational use of PO Boxes may vary depending on what you intend to use them for. Understanding its unique characteristics and advantages will help you figure out how to use it for your business/personal use.

So, let’s get straight into it.

What is a PO Box?

PO Box or Post Office box is literally a box inside a post office, and even though this is an oversimplification it is still true. But, if we were to define a PO Box, we would say that a PO Box is a lockable mailbox inside a post office.

You may also know PO Box by the name Postal Box. Traditionally, PO Boxes were used by people who lived in remote areas where there were no postal services available. Traditionally PO Boxes were a way for people who live in remote areas without direct mail delivery to access the postal mail services. However, postal services like Australia Post have grown by leaps and bounds over the years.

There are very few areas that still require Post Office Box services. So then, why are PO Boxes still relevant when almost every part of the country can easily access the postal mail service? Why are we still talking about it? Because these days, PO Boxes serve a different purpose altogether. A few years ago, people used PO Boxes out of necessity, and now they are used for their convenience.

direct mail operations

What Are Some of The Advantages of Using a PO Box?

PO Boxes have a lot more to offer you than what you might think they can. The advantages offered by PO Boxes are so diverse that they can appeal to almost everyone. It means the PO Boxes can be used for personal as well as professional needs. Consider the following advantages of using a PO Box. You will see why and how it is perfect for numerous mail requirements.

Get a Permanent Address

Post Office Boxes serve as a permanent address for your business or personal postal mail. So, even if you are homeless, you can still have an address for yourself. In other words, a PO Box address can be very useful for startups and businesses that don’t have an office address. Also, a PO Box address can go a long way in creating your own “Amazon” story.

Protect The Privacy of Your Home/Personal Address

Maybe the most significant advantage of a post office box is its ability to protect your privacy. You can safely avoid disclosing your home/personal address by using a PO Box address. This way, small businesses can save the embarrassment of using the home address for their business.

Much More Secure Than Regular Mailers

If your main concern about direct mail is security, then a PO Box address is the best solution for you. The PO Box is probably the most secure way to receive your direct mail. It is located inside a post office building and they are usually protected by various security measures.

The post office building is constantly monitored via CCTVs and guards, so talking about safety and security- Well, it doesn’t get much better than this.

Additional Security of a Locked Mailbox

Let us now assume that your mailer is a super-secret document like the recipe for Coca-Cola. You would imagine the Coca-cola recipe to be kept in a safe facility, much like the post office in our case. The final element that is missing from this scenario is a massive safe where they keep the recipe. Although the humble locked mailbox is nothing close to a ridiculously large safe, both serve the same purpose.

Get Your Mail And Packages Delivered Faster

The Post Office boxes are located right inside the post office and every mailer first arrives at the post office. Therefore, the PO Box mailers are always delivered before a delivery person takes charge of their respective mailers. You can get your mail and packages faster than regular mail.

What Are The Disadvantages of Using a PO Box?

Post Office Boxes have a lot of advantages, as we have just discussed above. However, it is far from perfect, and it has its own set of disadvantages as well. PO Boxes can also be used as an emergency measure for new startups that are yet to set up a working space. However, it is best suited for personal use rather than for business purposes. Some of the disadvantages of using a PO Box address for your business are as follows:

  • Lacks a professional business image.
  • LLCs and Corporations require a physical street address for the registered agent, and PO Boxes are unacceptable.
  • Post Office Boxes can receive mail only from the select mail carriers. Third-party postal service providers may not deliver to PO Box addresses.
  • PO Boxes run the risk of getting filled, and businesses would have to stay on top of their mail to avoid an overfill.
  • Australia Post sets the package aside if a package has dimensions bigger than what the PO Box can fit.
  • It is relatively expensive to forward mail and parcels from a PO Box as extra charges may be applicable.
  • You have to physically travel to the post office to get your mail and packages.

5 Reasons to Consider Using a Post Office Box Address For Your Business

There are several challenges and disadvantages involved in businesses using Post Office Box addresses. But, there are some compelling reasons for companies to consider using PO Boxes. And, they are as follows.

1. Superior Mail Security

As mentioned before, the mail one sends to a PO Box address has superior security to one sent to a house or business address. This is because the PO Boxes are located inside the post offices. Additionally, these post Boxes are locked, and you can’t access the mailers inside without the right key or lock combination.

Some specific post offices even offer 24/7 lobby access so you can pick up your mailers whenever you need them. It means that your mail is securely stored and easily accessible using a PO Box address. In comparison, your home mailbox is accessible for anyone to open and read.

2. Protect Your Real Address

For someone who doesn’t want to reveal their home or office address to others, the PO Box could be a perfect option. Every post box has a unique postal address which also contains the PO Box number. You can give the PO Box address to anyone without revealing your actual address.

It also means that you can use the PO Box address to keep your work and personal lives separate. For example, you could give the Post Office Box address to all your work-related contacts and physical address for personal matters. This way, you can keep on receiving your mail at your home address while enjoying privacy.

3. Faster Deliveries

No other type of address can get mail delivered faster than a PO Box address. Why? Because every mail has to first go through the post office even if the mailer is a premium or express class type.

With a Post Office Box address, you no longer have to wait around for the delivery person. Also, you don’t have to worry about not being present at your home or office when Australia Post makes the delivery. So, PO Boxes can be highly convenient specifically for mailers that require same-day mail-out.

4. Affordable Pricing

Australia Post offers affordable pricing for their PO Box service, and they even offer different sizes for the PO Boxes. You can lease a PO Box for up to 1 year and renew it annually if needed. All you have to do is visit your nearest post office and check the availability along with the prices. Remember that the price may vary according to the PO Box sizes in Australia.

The annual fee can range anywhere from $46 to $1027 depending on the PO Box size, its location, and eligibility for a reduced price. It is worth noting that Australia Post charges an establishment fee of $20 for new leases. And also offers pro-rata pricing for their PO Box services.

5. Post Office Box Rewards

Another attractive aspect of using Australia Post’s PO Boxes is that they offer an attractive reward program. You can get discounts on leading brands like Coles, Woolworths, Sheridan, and more from Australia Post. Additionally, you can save on venues like hotels, restaurants, cinemas, etc.

All you have to do is link your PO Box through MyPost and avail of these rewards like never before. For those of you who don’t know, a MyPost account is explicitly created for accessing any rewards from the Australia Post for using its various services.

Writing an Australia Post PO Box Address

Suppose you are planning to use the Australia Post PO Box for either sending /receiving mail. First, you should know how to address the mailer. The most important part of a post office PO Box address is the PO Box number.

Hence, you must ensure that the Box number is clearly written/printed on the mailer. Its position should be under the addressee’s name. In case there is a company name, then the PO Box number should be under that too.

However, you need not provide the street address on a PO Box address. Why? Because the mailer will never leave the post office with a delivery person. You should also include the city, state, and postal code for the address or post office.


PO Boxes may not be the most convenient place to send or receive direct mail, but they have some compelling advantages. They offer superior security, better privacy, faster delivery, and affordable pricing. Australia Post even offers attractive discounts and rewards if you avail of their PO Box services.

But, sending direct mail to PO Box addresses can be a little confusing at times, mainly if you are dealing with a lot of them. As a result, businesses that send direct mail to PO Box addresses prefer direct mail solutions like PostGrid.

Using a system like PostGrid lets you validate PO Box addresses and automate the whole direct mail process. So, you can automate everything from personalization, printing, and mailing. The automation also ensures that the PO Box numbers are accurate to ensure maximum deliverability.

automate direct mail

The post What is a PO Box? appeared first on PostGrid.


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