Monday 26 July 2021

Targeted Direct Mail Lists

Targeted Mailing Lists for Direct Mail Marketing

Undoubtedly, direct mail marketing is great. Senior citizens have always paid more attention to anything they receive offline. Excitingly, even the younger generation is thrilled by the idea of getting something in the mail. Hence, concentrating on offline communications and winning over prospects is one of the best marketing strategies.

But, there are so many questions regarding direct mail marketing that companies have to tend to. Which audience to target? What should be the message? Which offer will be more effective and appealing to the audience? The first question is more crucial than the other two as it practically answers all the questions. Every company has a targeted audience, viz., educational institutions target parents of young children, healthcare institutions would go for patients, a chair manufacturer would likely target the new homeowners in the area, and so on.

targeted direct marketing mailing list

Targeted direct mailing lists make direct mail marketing easier and more effective. They are built as per certain demographics matching the company’s customer profile. Let us understand more about them.

Benefits of Targeted Direct Mail Lists

Higher Relevance

Rather than advertising to the whole market out of which only a fraction is relevant to your business, targeted direct mailing lists give you the opportunity to reach out to a relevant audience.


Narrowing down your target audience also means narrowing your marketing costs. Since you advertise only to a few and relevant prospects or customers, it cuts down costs significantly and also enables you to get more responses.

Old Customer Retention

Repeat business and long-term relationships are powerful. Companies can use customer mailing lists and introduce new loyalty programs or send some interesting offers to their existing and old customers.


Personalisation is one of the most important elements of direct mail marketing. It gaps the bridge between the business and its audience. Targeted direct mail lists pave the way for hyper-personalisation. Therefore, you can reach the right segment of the market with the right message.


Targeted marketing is precise because you precisely focus on a certain group of people. It allows businesses to filter a targeted audience from among an anonymous crowd. Targeted mailing lists allow you to connect with people whose needs meet your offered solutions precisely.

Explore New Markets

Identify and explore new markets through targeted direct mail lists. You can segment lists according to gender, age, location, buying habits, choices, preferences, and more. This way, you can advertise smartly and capture new markets.

Suitable For All Businesses

Every business can use targeted mailing lists, irrespective of their customer profile, size, and industry. There is a wide scope of using such lists as companies can target any group they want. Even a small-scale business can make use of targeted lists because these lists aren’t very long or demand huge campaigns.


Companies using targeted direct mailing lists can be flexible. Since they are conducting small-scale campaigns by marketing to only a small number of prospects, they can change their marketing plans easily and quickly as per the situation.

Types of Targeted Direct Mail Lists

There are many different types of targeted direct mailing lists that can be used by different companies and industries.

New Homeowners Mailing Lists

New homeowners can be targeted by more than one industry. Nearby schools, restaurants, home renovation stores, entertainment centres, and other such businesses can contact new homeowners before their competitors and make them aware of their products and services.

High-Income Households Mailing Lists

Businesses selling high-end products need to target only high-income customers. Their product range is expensive and cannot be afforded by everyone. Therefore, it is sensible to target high-income households, where such businesses have realistic chances of conversions.

Commercial Mailing Lists

Commercial mailing lists are used by B2B companies. They do not sell to individuals and require a list of companies matching their client profiles. Such B2B businesses can obtain commercial mailing lists and conduct account-based marketing campaigns easily.

Customer Mailing Lists

Customer mailing lists are easy to build as companies already have complete details of their customers. All companies should focus on making their old, and existing customers feel special, appreciated, and satisfied. Using customer lists, they can send appreciation letters, postcards with discount codes, and other such things to their customers.

Birthday Mailing Lists

Talking about appreciating customers, businesses can send ‘happy birthday’ postcards to their old and new customers. You can also send birthday greetings to your prospects with a discount or an interesting offer on their first purchase. These things can impress your prospects and also induce them to complete the CTA.

New Parents Mailing Lists

Diapers, toys, children’s wear, baby food items, and cradles are among the various other products that new parents are looking for. They are also looking for services such as healthcare and daycare centres. Companies offering such products and services can make great use of new parents’ mailing lists.

Lifestyle-Oriented Mailing Lists

Lifestyle-oriented lists take the lifestyle of an audience into consideration. Those people who perform yoga are likely to be contacted by yoga instructors, and those people who are into sports are likely to be contacted by gym owners, sportswear brands, and other such businesses.

Car Owners Mailing Lists

Such lists are useful to businesses selling spare parts or offering services such as car washing. Auto-insurance providers also actively look for existing and potential car owners to target.

These are a few of the many examples of targeted mailing lists. Every industry has a different customer profile, though some industries target more than one type of customer and require different types of mailing lists.

Letterbox Advertising

We might have left out geographical mailing lists in the above section, so let us talk about that in brief. Australia Post offers a door-to-door direct mail marketing plan called letterbox advertising. Through letterbox advertising, you can target every address in specific postcodes and localities. It can also be referred to as postcode targeting.

  • It is ideal for businesses that want to:
  • Save on marketing costs
  • Conduct saturated marketing
  • Send unaddressed mail
  • Conduct direct mail marketing without having mailing lists
  • Target residentials

Australia Post allows you to select a suburb, postcode, or even an entire state. You can customise whether you want to deliver to residential or commercial addresses or both. Letterbox advertising leaves very little scope for personalisation. But, it is a good way of conducting marketing campaigns at all-in-one costs and targeting an entire locality under one single campaign.

direct mail operations

PostGrid's Targeted Direct Mail Automation Solutions

In order to conduct targeted direct mail campaigns efficiently, companies need to either build or rent targeted direct mailing lists, design personalised direct mail items, and take care of everything from printing to mailing. PostGrid‘s automated direct mail solutions can help you to:

  • Build targeted mailing lists from scratch
  • Use pre-built templates and create direct mail items
  • Conduct variable data printing
  • Update and cleanse mailing lists regularly
  • Standardise and validate addresses before mailing
  • Include traceable features like QR codes and pURLs
  • Print and mail speedily
  • Track mail
  • Measure campaign performance
  • Conduct letterbox advertising campaigns
  • Get everything done in an automated manner at all-inclusive rates

PostGrid’s print and mail API can handle all your offline communications. Whether it is conducting direct mail marketing campaigns or sending out transactional mail, it can assist you with everything and save you a lot of time and manual effort.

automate direct mail

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Start transforming and automating your offline communications with PostGrid


The post Targeted Direct Mail Lists appeared first on PostGrid.


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