Tuesday 16 August 2022

What is Transliteration in Address Verification

What Is Transliteration And Why You Need It For Effective Business Communication?

The language barrier is one of the scariest things about opening your business to international customers. And if you have ever thought about expanding your customer base to international customers, you have also had similar insecurities. Perhaps, the part you are worried about the most is how you can read or verify addresses in another language.

postal address verification

Translation is not the best option for business communication, considering the complexities of languages and the expense. It is why more and more businesses are now turning to transliteration for their business communication. But, what is transliteration? And why is it better suited for address verification?

Below, we elaborate on what does transliteration mean and its best features. Furthermore, we also discuss the difference between translation and transliteration and explain why the latter could be a better choice for your business.

What Is Transliteration?

Transliteration is the process of converting text from one language to another. Although it sounds like translation, transliteration and translation are not the same. The primary difference between the two is the underlying meaning.

When you translate a text or language, you still end up with meaningful words and sentences. In other words, you can maintain the underlying meaning in the original language in translation. But when it comes to transliteration, the underlying purpose is lost more often than not.

As you can guess, there is a reason why transliteration and translation are so different despite being so similar. Perhaps the underlying meaning is lost in transliteration because of the literal conversion of characters.

In other words, transliteration switches a text or character from one language to another without bothering about the underlying meaning. Translation, as you know, is slightly more complex. But, we will discuss all the similarities and differences between transliteration and translation in the coming sections.

What Does Transliteration Mean In Address Verification?

Now that you have a clear idea of what is transliteration let’s look at its significance in address verification. As you can guess, transliteration (or translation for that matter) is only applicable when a business deals with international customers.

Of course, it doesn’t apply to all international customers either. Perhaps, it is more apt to say that transliteration and translation in address verification are applicable only when you deal with non-English speaking, global audiences.

International Address Database

You can benefit from transliteration if your business has a customer base that extends beyond English-speaking countries. In this case, you likely have your international customers’ addresses in their native language. You can already see why transliteration and translation are essential here.

The major challenge, of course, is to figure out the location of your customers using the address in Russian, Japanese, Arabic, etc. Imagine how much easier it would be for your business operations to spell the address in your native language.

As you can imagine, both transliteration and translation tools can come in handy in such a situation. Of course, implementing the same is easier said than done, even if you are using relatively simple transliteration for address verification.

CRM Compatibility

You can’t just integrate an address verification solution into your business and hope it works. The essential thing you need to check is that your CRM software can support other languages. At the very least, you should ensure that your CRM can keep all the relevant languages.

However, it would be best for you to ensure a CRM that can support additional languages. Doing so helps you with the potential customer base you wish to target in the future. On the other hand, if you already have an advanced CRM system, then implementing transliteration and translation is relatively easy.

A better CRM will allow you to enhance your business capabilities beyond transliteration and translation. It allows you to run advanced direct mail campaigns to send personalised communication/marketing materials to your international audiences.

Address Parsing And Address Standardisation

One of the ways address verification tools like PostGrid can benefit your business is with its advanced address parsing and standardisation capability. Our system can break down your domestic and international addresses into small units and rearrange them into a standard format.

As you can imagine, the process makes transliteration and translation of your addresses easier. A country’s official postal service provider decides the standard address format for sending postal mail within that country.

For instance, the AusPost defines the standard address format for mailing in Australia. Similarly, USPS defines the standard address format in the US, Royal Mail in the UK, etc.

direct mail operations

Explaining What Is Transliteration With Examples

The best way to understand what is transliteration and how it can affect your business communication is through examples. And we don’t blame you if you are still unsure about the concept of transliteration because it is often confusing to everyone.

But the good news is that we will help you clarify these confusions. We will help you understand what does transliteration mean for your business using simple examples. However, it might be a good idea to brush up on your Japanese because the word for the day is KONNICHIWA!

For those of you who have no clue about the Japanese language, KONNICHIWA roughly translates to a greeting like “hello.” And if you were to translate KONNICHIWA to English, it would say hello or good morning. But anyway, we are here to talk about transliteration and not translation.

Conversion In Transliteration


What may seem like random symbols you see above is KONNICHIWA in the native Japanese language. Now any transliteration and translation process involves a conversion process. Although both approaches may seem similar, the results of the two methods can often be staggeringly different. The following table should help you understand the conversion process here.

Japanese Character Equivalent Sound Of The Character
HA or WA

As we mentioned, transliteration merely gives you the character equivalent of the input language. Even though the conversion process is standard in transliteration and translation, the result here varies significantly.

But before we explain what is the difference between a translation and a transliteration, let us consider the transliteration conversion. Everything goes smooth with transliterating KONNICHIWA from Japanese to English until you reach the last character は.

But, here, things spice up a little in the conversion process because は has two sounds when you transliterate it. The two possible sounds of the character は are HA and WA.

Different Phonetic Matches In Transliteration

We were talking about a single character (は) having different phonetic matches. It is evident from this example that transliteration also depends on the context. But does that mean transliteration and translation are more similar than we think?

Even though the context matters here, there is no way of knowing which. But, to help yourself understand the concept better, think of は like the letter C in “cold” and “city.” As you can see, even though you are using the same letter or character, the sound can be entirely different.

Transliteration Can Vary With The Country

Even if the official language of the two countries is the same, it is not necessary to have the exact transliteration for the characters. It is another noteworthy difference between transliteration and translation. Translation remains somewhat constant for all countries and their respective languages.

Take Australia and the US, for example. Both countries speak English, but we often see differences in how we spell different words. Take the letter “Z”, for example. Most English-speaking countries, including Australia, the UK, New Zealand, etc., pronounce “Z” as ZED.

But when it comes to countries like the US, the pronunciation of “Z” becomes ZEE. So while we spell “organisation” with an “S”, people in the US spell it as “organisation” with a “Z.”

In other words, you can’t transliterate such letters without knowing the country and its language. You can see why we keep saying that the answer to “what is transliteration?” is not always that simple.

Transliteration Is Possible Without Phonetic Conversion

Above, we saw the phonetic conversion process involved in transliteration. But does that mean phonetic conversion is an unavoidable aspect of transliteration? The answer is no because it is possible to have transliteration and translation without phonetic conversion.

It begs the question, “what does transliteration mean if a character in one language has an equivalent in another?”

To answer this question, let’s take another example. Consider the German letter Ö.

Even though the example we consider here is German, you can find the same letter in different German languages, including German, Danish, Swedish, and Icelandic. When you transliterate the letter Ö, you can get the result as O or OE. In this case, O and OE are considered equivalent to each other.

Transliteration And Romanisation Are Not The Same

Often, people confuse transliteration with romanisation. However, you could say that romanisation is a form of transliteration. You may wonder what is transliteration in romanisation and how it’s different from any other transliteration.

There are two conditions for this type of transliteration. One – it must not use Roman characters, including the following.

  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • Cyrillic
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • And more.

And two – the output language of romanisation must use Roman characters, such as

  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Spanish

Transliteration Include Converting Numbers

People often don’t think about converting numbers when they research what is transliteration. But surprisingly enough, transliteration also includes converting numbers. Many languages, including Japanese, Korean, etc., have separate numbers, and transliteration can apply to such languages.

For instance, transliteration can include converting Roman numerals to Japanese numbers. You can find the transliteration of five roman numbers to Japanese numbers in the table below. The good thing about transliterating numbers is that it rarely runs into complexities.

As a result, you can get accurate postal numbers, apartment numbers, etc., from an address, which can significantly help your business.

Roman Number Japanese Number

Transliteration vs Translation

At this point, you already know that transliteration and translation are not the same. We even discussed the primary differences between the two. But does that mean that’s all the difference between the two processes?

No, there is one other key difference we have not told you about yet. It might have come to your attention that translation is interchangeable. And if you did notice that, then you probably wondered the same about transliteration.

Transliteration Is Not Interchangeable

The example of KONNICHIWA can better explain interchangeability in transliteration and translation. If you go ahead and type in “こんにちは” (KONNICHIWA) in Google Translate, the result would say “HELLO.”

Trying out the reverse and typing in “HELLO” and translating it to Japanese, you will get “こんにちは” as the output. It is the simplest way to understand and ensure the interchangeability of translation. But what about transliteration?

Using the same logic, if you try to transliterate the word “HELLO,” you will likely get this.


The translation vs transliteration argument gets interesting here. When you transliterate ハロー back to English, instead of getting HELLO, you get HARŌ. Transliteration is not a two-way process. And since interchangeability does not apply to it, there is a good chance of losing information.


Transliteration can benefit businesses across all spectrums regardless of which corner of the world they are in. It is an effective tool that can help you analyse and assess the address information of your contacts without knowing the language.

However, many businesses are still aware of transliteration. And most think transliteration and translation are the same. It is vital to differentiate between the two processes and use them effectively for business communication.

Furthermore, business organisations need advanced address verification service tools like PostGrid to streamline communication. PostGrid’s address verification system can standardise your entire address database in seconds. It is the best way to ensure efficient bulk mailing for your business with a maximum deliverability rate.

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Ready to Get Started?

Start transforming and automating your offline communications with PostGrid


The post What is Transliteration in Address Verification appeared first on PostGrid.

source https://www.postgrid.com.au/what-is-transliteration-in-address-verification/

Wednesday 10 August 2022

Triggered Direct Mail

Triggered Direct Mail Marketing: Data-Driven and Personalised

As compared to all the digital marketing channels, direct mail marketing has higher response rates. Gone are the days when direct mail marketing was expensive, time-consuming, and difficult to conduct. With the help of automation, print and mail have become possible for all types and sizes of companies. They can personalise mailers, track performance, and target relevant audiences. One popular type of targeted direct mail marketing is triggered direct mail, through which you target people that engage with your company in some way.

For this, you need to define triggers and feed them into your system. Direct mail management software can identify triggers and automatically print and mail out personalised mailers to the relevant people.

best day to send direct mail

Trigger-based direct mail marketing can save a lot of time, effort, and money spent on sending direct mail to a passive audience who probably has no interest in your brand. It is conducted based on customer data provided by the customers themselves.

In short, triggered direct mail is sent on the basis of customer behaviour. When a person visits your website, drops an enquiry email, or engages with your social media handles, it is obvious that the person now knows your brand. These things, also known as “triggers,” pave your way toward relevant leads, whom you can send direct mail items to drive conversions.

direct mail operations

Benefits of Triggered Direct Mail

Reduction in Lead Response Time

Typically, replying to a lead within a few minutes of its generation can help you convert it. On the other hand, working on old leads is sometimes like a dead end; the brand recall rates are very low, and the leads lose their usefulness. You can take your prospects further into their customer journey by identifying triggers and acting on them speedily.

Boosts Relevancy

Triggered direct mail is completely focused on sending personalised direct mail items to a relevant audience. Triggers initiate on-demand print and mail and can help companies incorporate variable data printing to boost relevancy.

Higher Open and Conversion Ratios

Since customers have engaged with you recently, they remember your brand well. When they receive direct mail from a brand they remember, it is likely to be opened and viewed. Furthermore, if your direct mail item is personalised, eye-catching, and has a relevant offer for the customer, you can expect good conversion ratios. Hence, trigger programs as such lead to high open and conversion rates.

Better ROI

Automated direct mail campaigns save a lot of money and time. When you add triggers, you improve your chances of conversions. You can use the data collected from the customers and present a direct mail item that addresses their problems and offers a solution. Firstly, you can avoid sending unwanted mail and save money. Secondly, triggered direct mail marketing campaigns perform better than general marketing campaigns. These two reasons make it clear that trigger campaigns have a better return on investment.

Smart CTA

Oftentimes, deciding on a CTA can be confusing. Direct mail marketers struggle to decide whether they should ask their audience to schedule a demo, give them a call, or do something else. However, this problem can be solved through triggers. Triggers are either customer actions or events related to customers. Considering these triggers, it becomes easier to decide on a strategic call to action and guide customers ahead accordingly.

Customer Retention

You can set customers’ birthdays and anniversaries as triggers in your system. This way, your CRM, with the help of a print and mail API integration, can directly send out relevant mail pieces to the right people. Staying in touch with your customers and keeping up with their different life stages can help you retain them and get repeat business.


Good data can help companies advertise better and get more leads. Triggered direct mail marketing is absolutely data-driven. It separates general marketing from targeted marketing and improves campaign performance significantly.

Different Types of Triggered Direct Mail


The cart abandonment trigger helps businesses induce their customers to complete checkouts. Shopping cart abandonment rates are rising, and every company needs to work on them. There are many people who visit a website, add things to the cart, and then leave it abandoned forever. In this scenario, sending them a mail item based on their shopping cart items can remind and convince them to checkout and complete the transaction.


Triggers are smart lead generators that you should never miss. Talking about missing out on things, many customers or subscribers forget to renew their subscriptions or contracts. It might also happen that they don’t want to renew their subscription any further. This way, companies lose a certain number of customers every year in the churn. Marketers can use the renewal-reminder trigger to reach out to subscribers before the end of their subscription and persuade customers to renew them.


Meeting-confirmation triggers, as the name suggests, come into the picture when your company has fixed meeting appointments with certain prospects or existing customers. The aim is to remind them of the meeting and form the base of a productive relationship. Getting a postcard in the mail having the date, time, and objective of the meeting would be a good head start for your customers.


Everybody likes personalised communications. Addressed mail always performs better than unaddressed and general maildrops. A smart marketing strategy would be to send onboarding direct mail to new customers to welcome them and show their gratitude. You can set triggers for every time a customer purchases from you or signs up on your website.

Other Triggers

  • Content download
  • Event attendance
  • Inactive account
  • Landing page visit
  • Call centre query
  • Survey form completions
  • Store visits
  • Online activities

Reduce Errors and Save Time With Triggered Direct Mail

Trigger-based direct mail marketing saves time spent on data entry and processing. All the data is fed in by customers themselves, making it reliant and correct. Rather than renting mailing lists and hoping for responses after a campaign, companies can opt to use customer data to print and mail personalised mail items that are sure to boost engagements. Since the customers have contributed their information themselves, it reduces the chances of errors.

Direct mail automation solutions like PostGrid have made it very easy for businesses to send triggered direct mail. From setting and identifying triggers instantly to printing and mailing items to the right people, PostGrid can assist you in all your direct mail activities.

Use Cases for Sending Triggered Direct Mail

Create Awareness and Increase Interest

Triggered direct mail can be used for creating brand awareness among people and improving your reputation in the market. Action-based triggers are better at increasing prospects’ interest and taking them ahead towards conversions.

Reach Prospects First

Triggers give you the ability to identify an opportunity immediately and work on grabbing it. They give you an edge over your competitors. Businesses can send out triggered direct mail to stand out and make a personal connection with their prospects.

Make an Offer They Can’t Refuse

Using triggers, you can collect enough customer information to make an attractive offer to them. The triggers state the needs and preferences of prospects and allow you to provide them with something relevant. You can make your prospects feel like they have got their hands at an excellent deal.

Direct Prospects Towards Conversions

Every company has hundreds and thousands of prospects stuck at some point in its sales funnel. Hence, it is important to push them ahead and complete the sales process. Triggered direct mail can instruct prospects about what to do further and can induce them to follow those instructions and finally purchase from you.

automate direct mail

Ready to Get Started?

Start transforming and automating your offline communications with PostGrid


The post Triggered Direct Mail appeared first on PostGrid.

source https://www.postgrid.com.au/triggered-direct-mail/

Tuesday 9 August 2022

Fundraising Letters Best Practices

10 Fundraising Letters Asking for Donations (With Free Samples to Help You Get Started)

How often have you heard back from your donors after you send fundraising letters asking for donations? If you run a charitable organisation, you need appeals that stand out and make people respond. But, how can you do that?

non profit fundraising letters for donations

With tons of letters to send out often and very little time on your hands, it can be challenging to level up your fundraising efforts. Imagine a situation where you need to host a charity dinner, but you couldn’t find a sponsor yet. Or, you require more volunteers to help you with this dinner event. Luckily, the answer to all these issues is to write and mail a letter for fundraising support to relevant people.

These letters work more efficiently than we realise. But, you should craft attention-grabbing and powerful messages to see any results. Your intended recipients might get a couple of mail items each week. You must ensure that they give adequate time and significance to your donation letter for nonprofit organisations! 

In this blog, we have addressed questions like such—to help you write the ideal fundraising letter asking for donations. Keep reading to learn about the different letters you can use subject to the purpose of your campaign. 

The Elements of An Effective Letter for Fundraising Support

Cause-based institutions, churches, schools, etc., use fundraising letters to gather support for their objectives. It helps them communicate their message to potential donors and increase awareness about their mission. Thus, we have mentioned some standard elements to include in an impactful letter, irrespective of the organisation type you are running: 


The header is the first thing a reader sees. So, remember to include your institution’s name and logo in your fundraising letter asking for donations. It generates brand recall and credibility among your target audience. Hence, they can identify your nonprofit on other platforms and stay hooked on your cause. 

Contact Information

Your next step is to write your physical address and contact number in your fundraising letters asking for donations. Make it simple for the recipients to connect with you to resolve their queries or donate. 

Listing a representative’s name, email address, number, and website link can do the job.


Include the mailing date to give your letter a professional look. 


Decide whether you want to add a formal or informal salutation to your donation letter for nonprofit. Address your potential donors by their preferred names only. For example, ‘Dear Dr Michael’ or ‘Dear Mrs Parker,’ etc. You may use salutations, like ‘Hi Ricky,’ if you already know the donor individually and have a strong connection with them. 

Acknowledge the Donor’s Past Involvements

If you are writing a letter for fundraising support to a past or existing donor, be sure to acknowledge them. It reflects that you treat your donors well and appreciate their help. 

However, there are many problems regarding personalising your letters in this way. For example, you may work with a database of thousands of donors, and it is hard to personalise content for each letter. Here are a few standard lines to include in your fundraising letter asking for donations to overcome this issue: 

“You are a big part of our organisation, and we cannot thank you enough for your donations over the years. They have helped us serve our community in more ways than one, and we are grateful.”

The Need

Talk about why you need the recipient’s help. Explain your motives in easy-to-understand language to motivate readers to help you. Also, the primary focus of your letter for fundraising support should be on who needs the help—some needy families or children who lost their parents in an earthquake. Be as specific as possible to drive more engagement and donations. 

The Solution

Your fundraising letter asking for donations must describe how a donor’s help can bring you closer to your goals. Outline the specific solution to your needs, allowing them to understand how they can make a difference. 

Make the Donors Feel Important

Always highlight your donors as heroes because they make everything possible for your organisation. Tell them how much you value their engagement and thank them whenever you get the opportunity. You will notice that the best fundraising letters examples are donor-centric, humble, and friendly. 

Call to Action

Never assume that the readers know what to do next by the end of your letter for fundraising support. Include an upfront call to action, reinforcing your message and encouraging recipients to respond. 

Sign Off

You may want to sign a letter from your institution like the others. But, it is better to select a board member, employee, or volunteer to represent your nonprofit. It establishes more personal relationships between you and your donors. Also, these 1:1 contacts help you bring in more donations.


Most people go down straight to read the postscript. Hence, consider adding it if you don’t already use it for your fundraising letters asking for donations. It explains your letter content in short and reinstates your CTA. 

Here’s a template to give a better sense of how to write a fundraising letter asking for donations:

[Representative’s full name]

[Your address]



[Recipient’s name]

[Mailing address]


[Introduction – Introduce yourself if you are writing the letter for fundraising support to new, potential donors. Talk about the reason for you writing the letter]

[The body of your letter]

[Call to action] 

[Contact details]

[Closing paragraph]

[Sign Off]

[P.S. line]

At PostGrid, we get many questions, like how to draft a letter for fundraising support that can attract the maximum responses. For instance, one of our clients was worried about not using the correct layout for their letter and adding personalised details. 

We had a meeting with the Senior Manager where they pointed out their concerns. Luckily, PostGrid’s variable data printing capabilities can help personalise various aspects of every letter. All they need to do is add the variable data to the sheet and upload the file to their dashboard. 

Also, PostGrid offers several pre-built templates to help them draft fundraising letters asking for donations efficiently. Hence, we were able to resolve the client’s issues and enable them to send thousands of fundraising appeals every month.  

The 10 Best Fundraising Letters Examples

Here are some examples of fundraising letters asking for donations for different occasions:

#1 Standard Fundraising Letter

You need to have a standard letter format when asking for donations. It makes it simple to build your campaign-specific letters over this format. Ensure that your message is:

  • Short and precise. 
  • Donor-centric. 
  • Personalised. 

Though standard fundraising letters seem generic, try customising them according to your past interactions with the donors. For instance, first-time donors should get a different message than recurring, long-term contributors. Also, don’t forget to add the P.S. line to the standard format because it can result in more engagement. 

Make it quick and effortless for recipients to reply by sending a pre-stamped and pre-addressed envelope with the donation letter for nonprofit firms. 

#2 Sponsorship Letters

Sponsorship letters are similar to standard fundraising letters asking for donations but relate to specific events. Usually, nonprofits send sponsorship appeals for conducting marathons, fun runs, walk-a-thons, and other fundraising events. 

You may need to offer some incentives in exchange for sponsorships, like:

  • Seats or entry passes to the event. 
  • The sponsor’s name and logo (for businesses) on all promotional materials and event decorations. 
  • Specific merchandise related to the marathon, conference, etc.

One of the best practices while sending a sponsorship letter for fundraising support is to ask recipients what they want. Perhaps, they might want a listing on your website or the records of all attendees. Therefore, try to enquire and address your sponsor’s needs for better collaborations. 

#3 Volunteer Request Letters

It is one of the most common letters that nonprofits need to send. They might also pair these messages with social media posts to encourage people to sign up as volunteers. 

Also, it is easier to get volunteers than sponsors or donors using a letter for fundraising support. Yet, you may need to spell out the benefits of working with your charitable organisation. For example, you can talk about the activities you conduct throughout the year and let volunteers decide the type of work they want to perform. 

#4 Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Letters

Did you see social media influencers, celebrities, and other individuals set up fundraisers? If yes, you are already familiar with peer-to-peer fundraising letters asking for donations.

It is when nonprofits approach specific companies or people to conduct their fundraising events to collect funds. Thus, they connect with their connections, like family, friends, neighbours, and coworkers, to solicit gifts on your behalf. 

You need to help the participants design their fundraiser pages and offer them a template for a fundraising letter asking for donations. They can send it to their audience and bag valuable contributions to your nonprofit. 

#5 Matching Gifts Letter for Fundraising Support

The matching gifts program is quite popular among corporates, but many employees are still unaware of it. This program requires companies to donate the same amount as their employees to a specific charitable organisation. Thus, employees can double the impact of their donations. 

First, you should check whether your potential donors are eligible under the matching gifts scheme. It helps you segment your mailing lists properly before sending a donation letter to nonprofit firms.

Or, you can mention the ways to check eligibility and submit a request in your letter. It is one of the best ways to get double contributions in a short period. 

#6 School Fundraising Letters

Along with cause-based institutions, schools and other financial organisations also send fundraising letters asking for donations. Schools need to deal with several constituents, and they need a robust fundraising strategy to request gifts from community members. 

Furthermore, they need a different sample fundraising letter asking for donations for every group of supporters. For instance, they need a separate template to address the parents of their current students. Similarly, they must draft a different donation letter to send to alumni. 

Remember to outline how you would use the funds and what impact would it have on the current student community. Also, provide easy ways to donate, like sending a cheque or contributing on your website. 

#7 Church Fundraising Letters

Religious organisations also operate on a nonprofit basis to serve the members of their congregations. They are involved in numerous fundraising events, including collecting funds after the Sunday mass and charity meetings. Therefore, they need to send a donation letter for nonprofit firms to every congregation member, soliciting contributions. 

Remember to mention the amount you want the member to donate and how you will use it. Also, avoid spamming your members with fundraising letters asking for donations because they are already contributing in other ways. A crucial practice is to divide your database into small segments you can target at different times of the year. 

#8 Animal Rescue and Support Fundraising Letters

Many animal rescue organisations are dependent on donations for their daily functioning. The funds they collect help them to provide medical aid to needy animals, their food, shelter, etc. Hence, they can print and mail fundraising letters asking for donations that talk about the significance of your work. 

Also, try tapping into the reader’s emotions to convince them to help you. You can discuss your past works and include images demonstrating how you make a broad difference in the lives of several animals. 

It is best to send a tailored donation letter for nonprofit organisations to specific groups. For instance, you can target people who already have pets. Or, you can reach out to companies that have contributed to similar nonprofits in the past. 

#9 Auction Item Request Letters

You must collect many valuable items before you can host an auction to raise money for a specific cause. Naturally, it does not make sense to arrange these things yourself, so you need to write a letter for fundraising support asking for collectibles. 

Mention who will benefit from the funds you raise at the auction. Also, specify the different items you are looking for to avoid confusion. Don’t forget to invite all the donors to the auction as a gesture of goodwill and appreciation.

#10 Old Age Home Fundraising Letters

Almost all old age centres depend on community members for financial support and volunteer help. Thus, they often need to send fundraising letters asking for donations to an intended audience. 

However, putting together a targeted mailing list for home fundraising is hard. You can build a list of the family and friends of the senior citizens residing at these centres as your prime target to send a donation letter to nonprofit institutions. 

Furthermore, you can make more segmented lists using demographics, like:

  • Location: To connect with people who reside in the vicinity and conduct location-based marketing
  • Age: To solicit gifts from specific age groups. 
  • Past involvement: To find people already involved in helping senior citizens. 

Luckily, PostGrid helps you build such lists from scratch to fuel your campaign to send fundraising letters asking for donations

direct mail operations

Sample Fundraising Letter Asking for Donations

Every philanthropic letter has a different purpose, and your message must reflect these objectives. Below are two sample letters to help you understand better:

#1 Standard Letter

Mia Holt

Starlight Nonprofit Organisation for Children

Wiradjuri Country

805 Church Street

Coolamon NSW 2071

Date: 12th July 2022


Armie Tonkins

50 Rivera Street

Bindibu Country

Coolamon NSW 2071

Dear Mr Armie, 

We hope this letter finds you well! We are pleased to inform you that we could meet our campaign goals because of your past contributions. Once again, the community came together to help the children staying at the Starlight Orphanage for kids. 

Today, we are writing this fundraising letter asking for donations for our upcoming campaign to feed a thousand children outside our organisation. It is time we extend our help to other kids who need us and take them under our wing. 

You can cause a significant impact on their lives with a small donation of between $100 and $500. Also, we will be able to save enough funds for their education. 

We request you to please consider our request and donate via our website before 20th August 2022. Please remember that these donations are exempt from tax. 

You can also donate offline by sending a cheque to our address using the pre-addressed envelope we have provided with this donation letter for nonprofits. 

Reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns, and we will be happy to address them. 

Thank you in advance for your kind support. 



#2 Animal Rescue Fundraising

[Nonprofit Letterhead]

12th July 2022


Sam Blanchett

7 Glebe Point RD

Sydney NSW 2037

Dear Mr Sam,

We write this letter to talk about our animal rescue organisation that has been helping street animals for the past 14 years. This month, we are trying to raise money to fulfil the medical needs of the rescued animals. Most of them need surgery urgently, and we are short of funds to help them. 

You can donate as little as possible and still help these animals majorly. A contribution of $50 can cover the surgery of one animal. Please refer to the attached booklet with this letter for fundraising support or visit our website to know more about our work.

You may register as a donor online and start contributing in two simple steps. Please know that a small help from your side helps us make our community a better place for everyone to live. 

Feel free to connect with us for more information. 

Thanking you in advance. 



Whom to Send Fundraising Letters Asking for Donations: Individual Vs. Corporate

Nonprofits craft two kinds of fundraising letters, depending on the recipients—individuals or businesses. Below, we have listed some differences between them to enable you to make your messages more relevant to each category:

Individual fundraising letters address individual donors, including families and couples who contribute collectively. These personalised appeals help the potential donors understand the cause in-depth and motivate them to be a part of it. Generally, such individual appeals request a one-time contribution or recurring gifts over a specific period. 

Also, an individual letter for fundraising support may ask people to act as volunteers. 

On the other hand, a corporate donation letter for nonprofit organisations requests businesses to become a sponsor. Nonprofits send these letters to all local, national, and international companies soliciting support to run their institution. 

Also, many companies are required to carry out their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Your goal is to find and connect with such businesses with a tailored message. 

Email Vs. Direct Mail to Send Donation Letter for Nonprofit Firms

Another controversy among charitable organisations is which channel is better: email or direct mail. Let us look at the numbers to find the answer to this question. Direct mail has an open rate of 90%! Hence, if you send out fundraising letters asking for donations to 100 recipients, at least 90 people give attention to them. On the contrary, only 20 to 30 people out of 100 read your emails. 

Thus, you have better chances of getting donations via snail mail than email, but that’s not all. 69% of millennials prefer print correspondence over digital. Furthermore, 30% of millennials say mail is more effective than email for pushing them to complete the CTA. 

With a response rate of 4.4%, direct mail fundraising letters asking for donations are far more result-bearing than email. Moreover, you can now conduct your direct mail campaigns via automated solutions like PostGrid to eliminate manual effort. Hence, you can run an offline mailing campaign as effortlessly as an email marketing campaign.

Here’s one of our customer testimonials that talk about the same:

“We wanted a smart tool that lets us run a direct mail program online. Our company was already conducting five to six email campaigns every month, and we did get some results. But, it was high time we put our efforts to better use and drive more donations. Now, we can get twice as many responses as email campaigns with direct mail using PostGrid. Also, we can manage our budget better because of their affordable memberships.” – Vice President of Marketing. 

Tips to Write an Effective Fundraising Letter Asking for Donations

If you want to add more value to your letters and drive further engagement, refer to the best practices below:

  • Be personal: Don’t shy away from opening up about your needs and establishing one-to-one bonds with the readers. Most of the donations come in from people who are already aware of your fundraising efforts, so try to use a personal and friendly tone. 
  • Guide recipients to your online channels: Some people prefer to donate online. Hence, ensure to add links to your digital fundraisers where they can contribute quickly. The more payment options you provide, the more donations you can solicit using your donation letter for nonprofit organisations. 
  • Add relevant images: Imagery is one of the most crucial aspects of a fundraising appeal. It hooks your readers to your message and makes them want to donate. Try using real-life pictures depicting your work to create a deeper impact.
  • Keep it authentic: Avoid adding too much information in one letter. Instead, ask readers to visit your website to know your organisation better. Also, refrain from talking too much about your history and focus on your current activities. These practices help you to create trust and authenticity through your fundraising letters asking for donations
  • Suggest appropriate amounts: Don’t keep your readers thinking about how much they need to donate. It is advisable to suggest the required amounts in your letter for fundraising support to help you raise enough funds by motivating donors. 
  • Target the right audience: Always segment your audience according to relevant factors to improve your campaign performance. Also, avoid mailing to the same people too often because it can tarnish your brand image. 

How Can PostGrid’s Direct Mail Solutions Help You With Your Fundraising Efforts?

PostGrid’s direct mail API and software allow nonprofit organisations to send effective fundraising letters asking for donations. Here’s how:

  • Offering templates: We offer several pre-built letter templates to help you craft your messages in no time. You can also add variable data using our API integrations. The API enables you to fetch the donor data from your system within seconds to auto-fill your letters. 
  • Verifying addresses: Our address verification feature automatically standardises and validates every address in your mailing list. Hence, you can send your fundraising letters asking for donations to only deliverable, correct addresses. 
  • Tracking letters: PostGrid’s direct mail services also help you track your letters as they move through the Australia Post network. You can stay updated during every stage, from printing to distribution. 
  • Monitoring campaigns: Knowing your campaign analytics allows you to draft your upcoming fundraising letter asking for donations more effectively. You can use the insights and reports to improve your efforts and see a massive change in your performance. 

PostGrid helps you throughout the campaign and ensures that you get a positive ROI. Also, you can select any plan based on your mailing requirements at affordable rates. Request a demo now to get more details on how PostGrid helps you send successful fundraising letters asking for donations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are fundraising letters asking for donations?

Fundraising letters are appeals that nonprofit firms send to potential donors, asking for in-kind donations, standard contributions, auction items, sponsorships, etc. These letters also help the organisation get volunteers to assist them in their daily operations or for specific events.

How long should a letter for fundraising support be?

All fundraising letters should be concise and to the point. You can stick with one page unless you need to discuss a story that could take up to two pages. Please ensure that your readers know what you expect from them by the end of the first page.

Avoid discussing irrelevant details that could distract your audience from the prime message. You can include a booklet or pamphlet with your donation letter for nonprofit if you want to give readers some additional information.

How to send a fundraising letter to the target audience?

You can send out your appeals via several platforms, including social media, email, and direct mail. Ensure to customise your efforts according to the channel you want to use. It helps you use the best tactics for specific platforms and increase engagement.

Your best choice is to collaborate with a direct mail API like PostGrid and send offline fundraising letters asking for donations. It allows you to send well-curated letters with high-quality images, graphics, and texts.

Why is it crucial for nonprofit organisations to send fundraising letters asking for donations?

Fundraising letters are significant to nonprofits and charitable organisations because they demonstrate their financial requirements and provide a way for donors to contribute. They also facilitate strong and fruitful nonprofit-donor relationships in the long run.

When should you send out your fundraising appeals, and how often?

All companies and individuals try to find nonprofits to donate to during specific times of the year. For example, almost everyone wishes to contribute during the holiday season, making November and December the most charitable months of the year.

You can also print and mail your letter for fundraising support during the pre-tax season. Since donations are exempt from tax, you can see a sharp hike in contributions around this time.

Also, you should plan how often you need to conduct a campaign. It depends on the length of your campaign, the response time of your audience, and the urgency you create.

How many fundraising letters asking for donations should I mail?

It is up to you to decide how many letters you want to mail. Often, the purpose of mailing and budget dictate the campaign size. Choose a direct mail API like PostGrid that allows you to send any number of letters with the same efficiency.

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The post Fundraising Letters Best Practices appeared first on PostGrid.

source https://www.postgrid.com.au/non-profit-fundraising-letters/

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